Since May 2009, Robert Brown MP of the Shooters Party has been pushing for the GAME AND FERAL ANIMAL CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL 2009 to be passed into NSW legislation.
The spin of this Bill is so feral animals can be controlled in National Parks. But in reality the proposed changes would mean the following main changes:
* Many of Australia's native fauna across NSW would be condemned as 'game animals' just like in colonial times, when Australian native animals were despised as 'vermin'. Other native animals can be included in the shooters hit list so long as there is consultation with the Minister for National Parks (DECC).
* It would be lawful for sporting shooters to hunt and shoot native fauna in all National Parks, State Forests, Crown Land and 'private game reserves' across NSW. Killing wildlife is to be branded as 'conservation hunting' and basically would be permissible through most natural landscapes outside built up areas.
* The Game Council of NSW, which is a government body dominated by members of shooting and hunting clubs, and it would assume authority for granting shooting licences in National Parks.
* Shooters and hunters in National Parks would be immune from protesters trying to protect native animals and birds - as it would become "an offence to approach persons (within 10 metres) who are lawfully hunting on declared public hunting land, or to interfere with persons lawfully hunting game animals".
* Any environmental protection legislation that impedes shooting and hunting of native animals is to be overriden by the new changes - such as under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
* Hunting of native game animals can be done by non-commercial shooters - i.e weekend sports shooters. Using spot lights is optional and it is ok to leave the dead, dying and injured prey where they fall.
* In the case of native waterfowl, licensed game hunters will be required to pass an official identification test of native waterfowl. The record of shooters killing protected bird species is woeful, yet the proposed legislation won't make any difference.
SOURCE:Bill's second reading in the NSW Legislative Council
Professional safari hunters, recreational hunters, sports shooters, or weekend warriors? This Bill would overturn all environmental legislation protecting our remaining wildlife in NSW. It is repugnant. This proposal is nothing to do with noble gesture of taking on the task of the government's culling feral animals in National Parks.
The Game Council in this self-interested set of demands, simply wants to give its weekend warrior member base open slather access to shoot almost anything and everything in the bush. It would be 24/7 open season on wildlife perpetually across NSW every day of the year. Every weekend would be weekend warrior party time in the ute with the spotties and the beers and the guns - just like in the good old days eh? In doing so, The Game Council and the Shooters Party have shown their true colours. The Game Council's objective is to provide for the effective management of 'introduced species' of game animals. By advocating the hunting and shooting of native animals and birds is outside its 'introduced species' charter.
According to Greens MP Ian Cohen, if feral animals are to be culled then "it should be managed by trained Livestock Health and Protection Authority officers." "Recreational hunters are not helping when it comes to feral species - the reality is that hunters, with their dogs, are often a cause of pest species dispersal, driving feral animals into national parks."
Fortunately, NSW Cabinet yesterday backed away from supporting the bill.
Sheila Newman
Thu, 2009-06-25 16:36
Shooters Party, about
Menkit Prince
Fri, 2009-06-26 03:36
Shooters Party should be banned
Jeff Borg (not verified)
Mon, 2009-08-03 16:26
If you're right, indigenous Australians have a lot to answer for
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2009-08-03 19:23
Practical considerations
Wed, 2009-08-05 11:02
Shooting from the hip again?
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2009-08-13 15:59
Vivienne (not verified)
Fri, 2009-08-14 08:49
"Sustainable" has lost its meaning!
Jeff Borg (not verified)
Sun, 2009-08-16 20:07
Hunting not sustainable? Please explain
Tue, 2009-08-25 18:11
Shooting rabbits - more professional than elephants bathing!
Jeff Borg (not verified)
Mon, 2009-08-31 13:10
Just answer the question regarding elephant hunting
Vivienne (not verified)
Mon, 2009-08-31 17:09
You don't need much evidence
Jeff Borg (not verified)
Tue, 2009-09-01 15:05
A lesson in Conservation
Bob (not verified)
Tue, 2009-09-01 15:30
Over-population is the root cause, nevertheless!
Tue, 2009-09-01 20:11
Conservation Hunting is a meaningful as Consensual Cannibalism
Jeff Borg (not verified)
Wed, 2009-09-02 07:01
Look over the fence, Hunting works.
Wed, 2009-09-02 17:53
Back to The Gamers Bill
Sambar hunter (not verified)
Fri, 2009-09-11 17:43
On the ground
Mon, 2009-09-14 21:48
Daniel Boons not adjusting for windage and elevation
Wed, 2009-12-16 23:15
Poachers need to justify the morality of killing wildlife
Sun, 2010-04-25 22:07
Airguns to teens are a catalysts for psychopaths
Vivienne (not verified)
Wed, 2009-09-02 08:18
Nature must take its toll on population growth!
Jeff Borg (not verified)
Wed, 2009-09-02 09:57
Thanks Vivienne
There is not one part of that extract I do not agree with.
Poaching is a HUGE problem in Africa and a very real threat to wildlife populations .It is also an issue that no African gave a damn about until there was a managed hunting Industry to offset it. True story.
You either don't get it or you've surprisingly come over to my side of the Argument.
You have ignorantly combined opposing issues thinking that the two are even linked. At least we seem to agree on something. Just remember:
Conservation hunting Good. Poaching Bad
Vivienne (not verified)
Wed, 2009-09-02 12:12
No thanks!
Jeff Borg (not verified)
Wed, 2009-09-02 12:36
Still on poaching
Sheila Newman
Wed, 2009-09-02 14:16
Hunting and responsibility for 3rd world
Chris (not verified)
Fri, 2009-06-26 12:11
Shooters Party bill
Fri, 2009-06-26 13:54
Bill's purpose is to include native animals as 'game animals'
Chris (not verified)
Sat, 2009-06-27 00:16
Feral Animals BIll
Craig (not verified)
Sat, 2009-06-27 11:56
Robert Browns comment
Tue, 2009-09-01 19:00
Craig should get his facts right and read Brown's Bill!
Fri, 2009-07-24 16:31
Amend Bill to exclude native animals & national parks
Cowboy (not verified)
Fri, 2009-07-24 01:30
hoplophobic bigotry
Fri, 2009-07-24 17:40
Cowboy's missing the target
I draw Cowboy's attention to the message and not the messenger. My Message above is in respect to the NSW Feral Animal Cntrl Amedment Bill 2009 to: 'exclude all native animals as 'game' and prohibit the use of dogs in all hunting and shooting and you will have me starting to listen to proposals by The Shooters Party to control feral animals. But as for controlling feral animals in National Parks in NSW, this is an ecological management matter for DECC to be held accountable for.'
This issue is all about the Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2009 before the NSW Legislative Council, so the debate ought remain centred around the facts of the Bill.
Cowboy’s comment above is big on denials, inferences and personal attack but short on facts to support his (her) claims; a bit like Chris, but more feral. Cowboy's labelling of 'hoplophobia' (the fear of firearms) is a typical defence used by gun rights advocates as a derogatory term against anyone critical of them. Personally, I have trained on the L1A1 SLR and have great respect for professionals expertly and legally weapons trained. Cowboy shooters give the professional a bad name. But there is no benefit in descending to personal attacks (argument 'ad hominem').
Back to this so-called Feral Control Bill:
Where is the substantiation to support this Bill?
1. If the Bill is one of targeting ferals, why does it include native animals in National Parks?
2. If the Bill is one of targeting ferals, why is it limited to shooting and not other control means?
3. Why are the government authorities most qualified to control feral animals not granted the delegated responsibility for this Bill?
4. Where in this Bill does it specify controls on the time of day that shooting can take place? (i.e. it is 24/7)
5. Where in this Bill does it specify how shooting is to be independently policed? It doesn't.
6. Where in this Bill does it specify that only qualified marksman trained in species identification will be permitted to engage in feral hunting in national parks? Why are recreational hunters permitted without the high standards of marksmanship and species recognition training?
7. Where in the Bill are inexperienced recreational hunters prohibited from such shooting? These are the 'weekend warriors' that give the contract professionals a bad name, yet the The Game Council is not going out of its way to distinguish these two extremes.
8. Who will be monitor, police and breath test the shooters?
9. Who will watchdog those monitoring the shooters to ensure legal, environmental and ethical standards are complied with?
Shooters an "elite segment of society"? - come on
I question firearms owners being a labelled an "elite segment of society”
All it takes is to be cleared of a criminal record and paying a licence fee. Even a 12 year old can get a Minors Firearms Permit! A Personal Firearm Licence can be paid at any RTA office with a photo ID. No need to walk into a police station to apply like in the old days.
Under The (NSW) Fireams Act 1996 Part 2, Division 1, Clause 10 'Applications for Licences, all that is required to be granted a firearms licence is:
* be over 18,
* show proof of ID,
* be someone who has not been convicted of an offence within the past 10 years,
* not subject to an apprehended violence order,
* not subject to a good behaviour bond,
* not deemed not a risk to public safety.
* pay the licence fee
Convicted backbacker murderer, Ivan Milat, was a legally licenced shooter and got through these stringent 'elite' tests and he owned multiple longarm firearms.
How does this reflect upon the test standards for firearm owners?
Since 18 August 2008, the Firearms Amendment Act 2008 has required unlicenced persons seeking a licence for longarms undertake and pass an approved Firearms Safety Qualification (Long-arms) Course. This is admittedly a step in the right direction.
SOURCE: NSW Shooting Centre
Lack of professional controls for shooters
Under Firearms Regulation 2006 (NSW) clause 28 ‘Recreational hunting/vermin control—persons who are not members of approved hunting clubs’, an applicant can obtain a firearm licence without being a member of an approved hunting club in order to engage in recreational hunting/vermin control so long as they obtain and hold written proof of permission to shoot on rural land by the landholder which must describe the land to which the permission relates and the type of game to be shot.
But there is nothing in the legislation to enable a firearm holder to have a licence suspended or revoked as a result of shooting protected wildlife.
The NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, not the Game Council should be the prescribed authority for all vertebrate pest animal control.
Poor Species identification training
It is quite obvious that a feral animal is not synonymous with a native animal. One would hope that a shooter can distinguish a rabbit from a wombat, but what training exists to ensure natives are not mistakenly shot. Where is the policing to ensure that natives are not shot intentionally?
"Conservation Hunters"?
Suerly, this is oxymoronic spin. The term 'professional contract shooter' ought to be distinguisged from recreational shooter. If this Bill is to genuinely seek a professional approach to feral animal control it must specifically exclude recreational shooters and the weekend warrior element.
"Ancestral & cultural right to hunt"?
The loose premise of some "ancestral & cultural right to hunt" - may apply to traditional Aborigines using traditional methods on traditional lands away from populated areas, but to quote the Game Council's NSW Hunter eduication Handbook.. "in today's world, hunting is no longer a necessity for most of us, but is something we are never the less driven to the associations with our past." (p4.1.5). So this rather dubious argument says hunting is justified by some nostalgic notion of being connected to early colonists.
Cowboy, I draw your attention to the following extracts taken from recent specific research
and experience in feral animal control in Tasmania dealing with foxes:
'FOXES IN TASMANIA: A REPORT ON AN INCURSION BY AN INVASIVE SPECIES [June 2006] by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre.
7.4.3 Shooting
“The shooting of foxes has been a popular control technique used particularly by the agricultural community. It is ineffective in significantly reducing fox population numbers, is highly biased towards naïve juveniles and sub-adults and not suitable where dense cover is available for foxes (Coman 1988, Saunders et al. 1995). Shooting is usually done at night from a vehicle with the aid of a spotlight. This method relies on the ability of the shooter to approach the animal until it is in shooting range. Some shooters try and lure animals into range by using whistles. Coman (1988) reported that as the season progressed, fewer foxes could be shot due to either the removal of naïve foxes or learned avoidance of shooters.
Shooting has the advantage of producing evidence of the kill. Shooting is often promoted as an effective control technique to perpetuate access to lands for the purpose of hunting. Debating the merits or disadvantages of using shooters to remove foxes from Tasmania is probably counterproductive. Examination of historical attempts at fox bounty systems is sufficient to realise that shooting alone is not an eradication tool. Where used opportunistically and in association with normal recreational activities, the removal of individual foxes, as seen, may be appropriate. This would particularly apply in remote areas where a rapid follow-up response will be difficult. However, reliance on shooting as the
primary technique, either by professional or recreational hunters will fail.
Responding to individual reliable sightings of foxes by hunting alone should also be discouraged. Baiting should always be the primary strategy. The risk of a failed shot and subsequent change in the behaviour of the fortunate fox will also make subsequent efforts to kill it even more difficult.”
SOURCE: Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (another collective bucket portfolio)
And The Game Council of NSW is proposing to the government a wild open season on ferals and natives alike, entrusting it to any tom dick recreational shooter from 12 years old and upwards? Contract professional shooters and feral vertebrate animal controllers should feel damn right insulted.
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