Miscellaneous comments from 14 February 2014
Comments made on the previous Miscellaneous comments page from 134 Feb 2014 can be found .
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Fri, 2014-02-14 02:45
'Open borders' idiocy from Larry King and Edward James Olmos
Russia Today (RT) has, in contrast to the lying Western corporate and government media, reported far more truthfully about the fight by the people of the world against the bloody attempts by the United States and it allies to impose their and corrupt rule over much of the globe, for example in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Venezuela and Syria.
On occasions RT has also reported well on the environmental threats to our planet. Contrary to "left wing" "political correctness", the threats from population growth and high immigration are also reported. An example is the article Labour's surrender monkeys dare not criticize Britain's conscript economy of 16 August 2013. This article was re-published on candobetter. This shows how high immigration into the United Kingdom, which is a condition of its membership of the European Union has, in recent years, destroyed the employment and eduction prospects of many young natives of Britain.
Unfortunately, amongst people, who rightly oppose imperialist war, can often also be found immigrant-rights campaigners who have no regard for the state of our environment or for the social cohesion of societies into which large numbers of immigrants wish to move.
One such person is Larry King. In Can America fix its broken immigration system?, he gives a platform to the extremist "open border" advocate United States actor Edward James Olmos. Olmos, and King argue for removal of any immigration controls into the United States on the grounds that:
Curiously, even Olmos acknowledged that his own parents once opposed illegal immigration from Latin America into the United States, as do many United States citizens of his ethnicity.
Evidently it has escaped their attention that, due to past high immigration and union-busting, the standards of living for most of United States' working class is already approaching that of the Third World
Right at the end of this interview (after roughly 15 minutes), Olmos and King take this position to its logical and ludicrous extreme: If we are to allow free movement from Latin America into the United States, then why not also from other countries with even larger populations, such as China? They both acknowledged that this would add vastly more to the population of the United States, but claimed that this was morally necessary and inevitable.
Vivienne Ortega
Sun, 2014-02-16 08:53
African elephants could be lost in our lifetime
An estimated 100 elephants will be killed across Africa today. Poached, in all likelihood, in front of their families. Their tusks ripped off to meet the global greed for ivory.
A group of volunteers has been flying over Kenya's Tsavo National Park counting elephants, and have found in preliminary results that numbers are down from 12,500 three years ago, to about 11,000.
It does appear to be the smallest recorded population since 2002.
Poaching remains a huge problem and it is believed as many as 30,000 African elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. Fines for possession of ivory used to be about $130, but now it is more than $250,000. (Why shouldn't anyone found guilty of murdering an elephant, or being an accessory to the fact, be put in jail? - Ed)
By some estimates more than 80 elephants die every day across Africa simply for their tusks, but that is not the only challenge the animals face. It's not just the ivory trade that's threatening the elephants' existence but human encroachments on their land. There's been development of infrastructure such as houses, roads, market places and so on," said Dr Charles Musyoki, head of species research at the Kenya Wildlife Service.
Elephants have been credited with stampeding over houses and eating entire harvests leaving the subsistence farmers in their wake homeless and hungry as a result.
There are three things that are responsible for the African elephant’s move towards complete extinction:
Sub-Saharan Africa will record the world’s largest population growth from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion people between 2013 and 2050. By the year 2050 the current population in Africa will have more than doubled by 1.3 billion people making Sub-Saharan Africa the largest growing region in the world.
Delegates from around 50 countries will descend on London for the world’s largest ever conference on the illegal wildlife trade with the aim of changing the trend of elephant's demise. The event, hosted by the Foreign Secretary, William Hague, and attended by the Prince of Wales, will hear that as many as 50,000 elephants are being poached each year to satisfy the booming ivory market, driven largely by China. The country's insatiable and destructive appetite for economic growth comes at a great cost to the world's natural resources, and an intelligent iconic animals. The world "poaching" has connotations of chicken-stealing, and is inadequate to describe the horrendous and cruel loss of animal lives, and the criminality of the human race!
Unless they also solve the human overpopulation crisis, and the elephants' dwindling habitats, they will plug up one threat, and ignore the other!
Independent- UK: If we fail the African forest Elephant will blink out within our lifetimes
Mon, 2014-02-17 11:05
Monster fishing ship in Pacific, east of Australia
According to Greenpeace, The world's largest fishing vessel, the factory freezer ship Lafayette, has turned up in the Pacific Ocean east of Australia.
SMH: Monster fishing in Pacific, east of Australia
This monstrosity is 5 times the size of the Margiris, that was banned from Australian waters in 2012. As fish numbers deplete, due to human population growth causing dwindling fish numbers, the machinery to chase and capture them is getting bigger and bigger!
Greenpeace campaigner Nathaniel Pelle said: ''The waters where it is now face a crisis of overcapacity. A vast number of vessels are making their way into the Pacific chasing reduced fish numbers.''
They will be near Australia's waters, devouring fish from over the imaginary border. How are fish to know which "side" is safe?
A converted tanker capable of processing 1500 tonnes of fish a day, further causing the crash of marine biodiversity. A 2012 investigation by the US Centre for Public Integrity found giant fishing vessels were responsible for a 90 per cent decline in the South Pacific jack mackerel fishery. Not to be thwarted by evidence, this factory freezer vessel will continue with business as usual, and is hoping prevailing currents will make jack mackeral fish swim in their direction.
By setting high quotas, it ensures they will not be exceeded, and humanity's rapacious appetite for fish continues.
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-02-17 16:40
Outbreak at Manus Island
Tensions at the Manus Island detention centre erupted into a violent breakout last night, after asylum seekers were told their only option for resettlement was to live in Papua New Guinea. By definition, refugees are not able to live in their own country, and must find a safe place to live. Surely Papua New Guinea fits this criteria?
Thirty-five asylum seekers escaped from the centre through a fence, safety-glass panels were smashed, bunk beds were "broken apart" and the pieces used as weapons and thrown.
Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul says he was told by asylum seekers inside the centre that the trouble started after they were told their prospects of resettlement in another country were bleak.
The country does not have a visa category for refugees and there has been little public information about how, and where, they might be resettled.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said: "In Manus they would have freedom of movement around Manus. They would have work rights and all of those normal things you would expect. In terms of access to other programs and things of that nature, that is for the Papua New Guinean government".
At the meeting with Immigration department officials around 2pm Manus Island time, the asylum seekers were told that they would not be leaving PNG – that if they wanted to go somewhere else other than PNG, they would have to arrange this with other countries themselves.
Millions of people around the world have no choice but to flee their homeland to escape war, genocide, torture and persecution. In an effort to plug the human migration tide, four months after Abbott led the conservative Liberal-National coalition to power, he promising to “stop the boats”, he is claiming victory in “Operation Sovereign Borders”.
Amnesty International described the situation on Manus Island (PNG) as “tantamount to torture”, with detainees (including pregnant women and young children) being denied sufficient water, medical help, privacy, and living in cramped conditions and unbearable heat. Conditions on Nauru are similarly inhumane. These offshore detention centres will cost $2.867 billion for 2013/14. They believe that these detention camps should be closed. Asylum seekers should be able to live in the Australian community, with the right to work, while their claims are being assessed.
However, a "right" to work and housing does not guarantee the jobs and public housing exists here in Australia, due to our record-breaking rates of net overseas migration.
Dennis K (not verified)
Mon, 2014-02-17 23:13
Refugee Action Coalition?
I find the refugee advocates kind of amusing. Most refugees pass through a number of countries before reaching Europe or Australia. Mexicans going to the USA are the exception, but they are not refugees anyway, just opportunists.
Now, what's interesting is that no refugee advocate even considers any number of these countries as being viable 'final' destinations. They act as if the only places in the world worth worrying about, or going to, are, well, those in Europe, USA, UK, Canada, Australia...
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2014-02-18 13:17
Government involvement in international drug trade
Now we see the Australian Federal Police harassing the Channel 7 studios in Sydney. They are scared shitless Corby has said something which would incriminate them and bring the whole charade crashing out into the open light of day, to prevent this was the reason they put her away in the first place. The government was behind the drug shipment from Brisbane to Sydney gone wrong thanks to the stupidity of the organizers or baggage handlers on their drug shipment payroll.
But why all the fuss over one lousy shipment?
Because it threatens to bring out into the open the whole scheme of drug smuggling by the Western English speaking governments#fnSubj1" id="txtSubj1">1 which help prop up their Black Budget economy for the World Control Matrix.
, a giant too big for any one person to get their head around and which they are now puting their finishing touches to. They will stop at nothing. Michel's suffering is zero to them. They are the literal evil mon(b)ster of the deep, far more evil and savage than any movie could portray.
They have done the same to Martin Bryant, and many others individually and nationally to get their way and will stop at nothing to impose their NWO on the world but they have met a stumbling block in and DOES NOT include Russia and China and Iran and North Korea and did not include pre destruction Palestine, Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and countless other nations who did not toe the line.
But they will be beaten and destroyed by the Russia China coalition and their allies and thank God for that.
#fnSubj1" id="fnSubj1">1. #txtSubj1">⇑ See also: Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?, Afghanistan: Heroin-ravaged State, Heroin is "Good for Your Health": Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade, Money Laundering and The Drug Trade: The Role of the Banks , Unprecedented Increase in World Opium Production on Global Research, The Afghan economy is reconverting to opium and Global opium and heroin production explodes on VoltaireNet, 'Unprecedented increase in opium production'.
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2014-02-18 13:36
great "great artesian bore" scandal
Fri, 2014-02-21 08:33
A picnic at Hanging Rock with Anne Louise Lambert (Miranda)
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2014-02-23 10:18
United States provoking unrest in Venezuala
Mon, 2014-02-24 18:14
Victorian coastal development threatens migratory birds
Wed, 2014-02-26 11:01
Urban development a threat to our coasts: VNPA
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2014-02-27 09:24
MP Andrew Wilkie aims to end the live export trade
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-03-03 16:33
How many genuine asylum seekers - by definition?
Regrettably and tragically, asylum seeker from Iran, Reza Barati, was killed in a riot on Manus Island detention centre. As translated by a family friend, Reza was seeking asylum because ''All he wanted was to have a better life - he was an intelligent young man with productive years ahead of him and he would have been good for the Australian economy.''
By definition, asylum seekers do not have a home, and can't live in their own country because they are not safe. They should not be here for "a better life" or to contribute to the economy! Family friend said ''Reza was not a political refugee – he was a social refugee.'' Just how does "social refugee" fit into the category of being officially a refugee? Reza was the eldest of his siblings, who had trained as an architect, had particular responsibilities to his family. No doubt once he achieved a "better life" and job in Australia, he would unite with his family in Australia!
At the weekend, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison released a statement saying that new information suggests the fatal head injury sustained by Mr Berati, along with much of the violence that night, occurred inside the detention centre's perimeter.
It appears the attack that led to Mr Barati's death, and injuries to more than 60 asylum seekers, was an orchestrated response to a rolling protest that involved asylum seekers chanting ''F--k PNG'' and baring their buttocks. A Papua New Guinean police spokesman has told Fairfax Media that 23-year-old Reza Barati was killed by multiple blows to the head, probably from a piece of timber.
Iranians gain relatively painless entry to Indonesia, with the Middle Eastern country on the list of those whose nationals are able to acquire a visa on arrival. That has meant that Iranians ultimately seeking to arrive in Australia by boat are able to conduct the stretch of the journey as far as Indonesia without legal difficulty. After leaving Iran, many head to Dubai, make their way to Bali or Java before making the final journey south. Many of the Iranians arrivals are middle-class residents of big cities such as Tehran who have been able to summon up the tens of thousands of dollars to pay a people smuggler for a chance at entry to Australia.
The death is tragic, and Berati's murderer needs to be brought to justice. However, the justification that he was "fleeing from persecution", terror, torture, and was unable to live in Iran have been exaggerated. How many other asylum seekers are really "social asylum seekers" trying to get a "better life"- something that we all in Australia are all trying to do - in the face of massive legal immigration!
There has to be a better system than detention centres and imprisonment. Australia has the second largest acceptance of per capita in the world of humanitarian refugees.
We should remove our signature from the UN Refugee Convention, and decide off-shore the refugee we will accept into Australia, and the rest can then be considered illegal entrants. This would remove the impetus of detention centres, and exaggerated claims, public outcries, people smugglers, the lure of believing that Australia has got a '"better life" on offer, and the frustration and the political foot-ball asylum seekers have become.
Tue, 2014-03-04 09:08
Ballina koalas under threat from bulldozers
Wed, 2014-03-05 08:48
Tony Abbott wants to access more forests!
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 2014-03-07 12:09
Wildlife being pushed "down the creek" to exterminate by housing
Residential development on the urban fringe is pushing native animals down the creek corridors towards the city.
Wildlife carers, conservationists and rescuers are facing an uphill battle for the survival of native animals against Melbourne's aggressive rate of population growth.
Such is the nature of our present "planning" schemes, any "vacant" that not owned or protected by State or national park status is grabbed for housing.
Deaths and injuries to animals such as wombats are simply considered incidentals, or collateral damage, and an unavoidable consequence of progress and economic growth!
Clearing removes habitats leading to the direct loss of millions of native animals and plants every year and creates an extinction debt - something that we in Australia are already renown for!
According to Bush Heritage Australia, nearly half our mammal species, including some wombats, wallabies and bandicoots, are either extinct or threatened with extinction as a result of land clearing, habitat destruction and other threats. Wildlife Victoria records show the rescue organisation treated 51 wombats in the northern metropolitan region during the past 12 months, with numbers steadily increasing over the past 10 years.
Mark Winfield from the Department of Environment and Primary Industries agreed that development was pushing wombats upstream, but said revegetation along the Yarra River and Darebin Creek had also made those environments more appealing.
An economy that only thrives on housing, and importing people, is inevitably hostile to wildlife, the environment, and biodiversity.
An economy reliant on importing people, and housing, is inherently anthropocentric and environmentally destructive.
Wildlife "down the creek" is ironically a reminder that extinction is an incremental process, and forever!
Fri, 2014-03-07 18:29
Latham's Snipe under attack from Port Fairy property developers
Vivienne Ortega
Fri, 2014-03-07 18:39
Bindi Irwin's mistake - the lure of $$ over principles
J. Wilson (not verified)
Sat, 2014-03-08 08:25
Steve Irwin exploited animals
Sheila Newman
Sun, 2014-03-09 16:16
Steve Irwin was sincerely kind to animals - Pat O'Brien video
Hi J. Wilson,
I've only been to the Australia zoo once, but it was vastly superior to most zoos and they have amazing capacity for helping injured Australian animals at their Wildlife hospital. However, I guess the best testimony I found of Steve Irwin's bona fides on this was from kangaroo campaigner Pat O'Brien, who says in this very short video about how Irwin sought him out and funded his work, that he didn't like zoos, but that the Australia Zoo was different.
Sadly, Pat O'Brien died late last year.
There are a number of other videos interviewing Pat O'Brien on this channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/QueenieAlexander2000/videos?view_as=public
Dennis.K (not verified)
Sun, 2014-03-09 22:22
Australia Zoo is a good model, for a Zoo
Mon, 2014-03-10 15:18
Australia Zoo is quite impressive
Sat, 2014-03-08 10:01
Gina Rinehart takes aim at Australia's 'entitlement mentality',
Sun, 2014-03-09 09:27
Population explosion for SE Queensland - will spread development
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2014-03-09 11:49
East West Link to hit peak capacity by 2031: expert
Thanks to break-neck speed of Melbourne's population growth and lack of public transport, traffic on the East West Link in the morning peak is expected to have slowed to 20-30 km/h by 2031 as worsening congestion, pushing the road close to capacity just 12 years after it is due to open.
12 years will not even give the time for Melbourne's population to reach 8 million, as targeted by our government. It's over-reached the Plan Melbourne, as they projected "only'' 6.5 million by 2050.
On opening, the EW link is thought to carry 80,000 vehicles a day, (2019), but this will swell out to increasing to between 100,000 and 120,000 a day by 2031, modeling shows.
Read more:
... behind a paywall at http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/east-west-link-to-hit-peak-capacity-by-2031-expert-20140306-34ab6.html
Traffic expert Stephen Pelosi said at the hearing that the most effective way to ease congestion would be to apply a higher peak-hour toll to reduce the number of discretionary trips. So, the travelling public and businesses would be penalised for the congestion that they don't want in the first place!
Labor's shadow planning minister, Brian Tee, said the prediction that the link would become congested within 12 years proved it was a poor investment for the state. However, there's been no population plan coming from the Victorian Labor party either - just more "growth" and "business as usual" on both sides - while our city ends up increasingly strangled and gagged by congestion, traffic, and people!
For 8 billion dollars, the public deserve a realistic and long-serving solution to traffic flows, not just one that will survive for 12 years before also being clogged up! Nothing can grow forever, but the logic seems to pervade the city's planners. The demographic Ponzi-pyramid of growth will eventually implode through unpayable debt, unaffordable costs of living, and a city in stand-still because all arterial routes are blocked by traffic, and priced off the roads by increasing petrol costs.
Sat, 2014-03-15 09:30
Cassowaries under threat from human invasion of North Queensland
Conservationists working to protect cassowaries in north Queensland are worried the species' numbers have dropped to an all-time low. But Jennifer Croes from Rainforest Rescue says it is estimated there is fewer than 1,000 that remain in the wild.
"The biggest challenge now is surviving in a modern world with us, humans." Ms Croes says the biggest threat to the birds is a loss of habitat, caused by development and cyclones.
Aggressive human population growth is denying the right of existence to these "dinosaurs" of the rainforests. They have lived in the region for about 80 million years, but they are struggling to survive the "modern" world of housing, land clearing, population growth and human destruction of their habitats.
Losing the ability to fly allowed the Cassowaries and their ratite relatives (with the exception of kiwis) to grow much larger than other birds. There are three species of Cassowary, but only the Southern Cassowary is found in Australia. Their closest relative is another Australian bird, the emu. These birds probably diverged from a common ancestor 25-30 million years ago.
Cassowary numbers in North Queensland at all time low: ABC
The disease of urbanisation is one that our native animals are not managing to adapt to, and it's happening too fast for evolutionary tactics. It's a dead-end street, and our rainforests can only end up becoming generic urban landscapes.
Ms Croes says when the animals venture into urban areas, they are often hit by cars as they are crossing roads.
On the other side of the spectrum, Agile Wallabies have grown in numbers because of land clearing at Mission Beach. The council want to "cull" them, but the responsibility of the State. They are now at loggerhead.
Environment and Heritage Protection Minister Andrew Powell said five current damage mitigation permits (DMPs) would allow for the removal of more than a thousand wallabies.
Vivienne Ortega
Sun, 2014-03-16 08:59
900 hectares of the former ADI Site Penrith saved .. BUT!
Sheila Newman
Sun, 2014-03-16 15:03
How developers get their way and degrade biodiverse sites
DennisK (not verified)
Mon, 2014-03-17 11:09
Interesting numbers on growth.
ChrisI (not verified)
Tue, 2014-03-18 14:29
Rapid growth part of Australia's self image
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2014-03-16 12:03
Nigeria: job seeking becomes fatal
About 18 people were killed, and seven people confirmed dead, and dozens left injured in Nigeria's capital after thousands of panicked job-seekers stampeded during a government recruitment drive. Thousands of job applicants were at a stadium, for job recruitment for immigration department. There was a stampede as the hordes raced towards the stadium!
Millions had participated in the job seeking exercise all over Nigeria.
The 60,000 stadium had only one entrance, but it's not known how many people were there.
An AFP journalist on the scene counted seven dead and dozens injured. The hospitals were also overloaded, and many people could not be admitted.
The applicants, mostly youths, had certificates ranging from master’s degree to bachelor’s degree, Higher National Diploma, National Certificate in Education, National Diploma and Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate. Like Australia, there is a crisis in youth unemployment, not lack of education and skills!
Unemployment in Nigeria stood at 23.9 per cent in 2011, while urban unemployment was estimated at 29.5 per cent in 2013. A report forecast that the misery index would likely increase further in 2014, from the 38 per cent it stood in 2013.
Nigeria has experienced a population explosion for at least the last 50 years due to very high fertility rates, quadrupling its population during this time.
Current population = over 171 million. The population of Nigeria has been projected to be 440.4 million by mid-2050 and 239.9 million by mid-2025.
This means that over the period of 37 years, Nigeria’s population figures will overtake those of the United States of America, which will be 399.8 million in 2050; Brazil, which will be 227.5 million; Pakistan, which will be 363.2 million; and Indonesia, which will be 366.2 million.
They are not only in ecological overshoot, but in economic overshoot!
18 die in immigration recruitment exercise
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-03-17 15:55
Another duck season - and a govt. cover-up
Wed, 2014-03-19 19:02
Commercial kangaroo meat industry introduced in Victoria
Thu, 2014-03-20 10:12
"Trail" of kangaroo meat for Victoria
The state government says its move to allow kangaroo meat to be turned into pet food will stop the waste of good meat. Just what are parameters of this "trail"? Until all the kangaroo are gone, and dead in Victoria?
Agriculture Minister Peter Walsh told 3AW Breakfast the new ruling would not increase the number of kangaroos culled, rather carcasses would no longer be wasted. So, instead of being "wasted", and let to rot, the kangaroo carcasses would be processed into dog meat!
No more kangaroos would be killed, but the kangaroo industry's John Kelly is wringing his bloody hands with delight! Kangaroo Industry Association spokesman John Kelly said they were lobbying the government to go one step further! This seemingly small step, of not "wasting" the dead kangaroos, is a defacto introduction to a full blown commercial kangaroo meat industry in Victoria- by small steps.
While our State governments sees the industry being worth over $1.4 million, there are aspects that need to be considered.
The government has no idea what the current population of kangaroos is in this state, or any state. Aerial surveys are sporadic and unreliable, and tainted by industrial motives.
Even though the government states 30,000-70,000 kangaroos are killed each year via the permit system, it has no idea as they have cut staff in DEPI to such a level no checks can be made before or after a permit is approved. These permits are easily dispensed over the phone, and there's no staff to check the "pest" impacts on farmers, or give advice on non-lethal alternatives to the ATCW killing permits.
Each year kangaroo populations in this state are devastated by bushfires and extreme weather. There were fires in the Grampians earlier this year.
Kangaroos do NOT breed like rabbits. Kangaroo joey mortality rates are on average 75% as joey survival rates to adult hood are very fragile. There are many limitations, such as "management", roads, habitat loss and fires.
Studies have shown that a female kangaroo will only effectively replace herself once in her lifetime (12 years). The "explosion" of numbers, and their infinite numbers, is a myth created by the industry itself.
Farmers tend to believe one kangaroo eats as much as one cow when in fact it would take on average 15 kangaroos to eat as much as one cow and they do not prefer to eat the same pasture as a cow. The grazing pressure of kangaroos is minimal compared to livestock.
Kangaroos are continuously hounded, harassed, maligned and hated by their own country-men. This malignant attitude towards our famous native animals is a result of many years of slander and mis-information to suit governments and the industry of skin and meat.
Just how will this "trial" be deemed successful, or not? By the death of our mobs in Victoria? Already in the early 1980s, the idea of a commercial kangaroo industry in Victoria was dismissed. Aerial surveys by the CSIRO deemed that there was too much intensive farming, and kangaroo densities were too low. Nothing has changed, and the pressures on kangaroos would be even greater, not less.
DennisK (not verified)
Thu, 2014-03-20 10:50
Cows and humans have among the greatest biomass.
Sun, 2014-03-23 11:17
The latest IPPC reports predicts threats to Australia
Tue, 2014-03-25 10:42
Racism survey by Scanlon Foundation!
DennisK (not verified)
Tue, 2014-03-25 13:11
It's not about racism, its about money.
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2014-03-25 14:29
Branding a pervasive cover for self-interest in organisations
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2014-03-25 14:22
Mainstream press beats up fear all the time
Thu, 2014-03-27 11:15
Increasing violence in Melbourne-
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2014-03-27 20:42
Sadistic cruelty to 5 2 week old baby kittens
Sun, 2014-03-30 08:43
Seminar on the future of Melbourne
Sun, 2014-03-30 09:26
International Court of Justice, Japan v. Australia re whaling
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2014-04-06 08:11
Solomon islands self-destruction
HONIARA, Solomon Islands (AP) - Flash floods in the Solomon Islands have killed 14 people and left thousands more homeless, authorities said Saturday. With a 2.3% annual population growth, the Solomon Islands shares with other Melanesian populations the characteristic of a very slow demographic transition resulting in a persistently high population growth rate over the past two decades. Declining marine resources and rapid population growth have galvanised local leaders into considering the emerging signs of climate change and taking action to protect fish and other marine life. The nation's largest commercial fishery, Solomon Taiyo Ltd. illustrates the problem with declining fish stocks as their commercial catch dropped 20 percent from 1993 (Bank of Hawaii). Forced migration already occurs on the smaller islands due to the inability of the land to sustain the rising population.
The rate of contraceptive use - which is 24 percent for the province, compared with an average of 55 percent for all least developed countries - reflects the significant reproductive health challenges facing Pacific Island developing states. Satellite data shows the sea near the Solomon Islands has risen annually by 8mm over the past 20 years, compared to the global annual average of 3mm. Living on the Pacific Rim of Fire with relentless risk of earthquakes, tsunamis and cyclones, islanders are no strangers to natural disasters. By 2050, Pacific nations could be grappling with up to 1.7 million climate migrants, according to a recent London School of Economics report, adding to the already 30 million internally displaced people. Progress to ensure universal access to family planning in the Pacific has been inadequate and inequitable. While use of family planning has increased in the region, in many countries the prevalence of modern methods of contraception is still well below the average of 55% for less developed regions and unmet need is among the highest in the world.
"This (flooding) is the worst disaster the nation has seen," the Solomons Star newspaper said. Any natural disaster or extreme weather event is more impacting and disturbing on over-populated countries, where there's limited infrastructure and more people on fragile coastal areas.
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-04-07 17:37
McDonalds opens at Tecoma
For three years, residents from the small Victorian town of Tecoma have been running a campaign against international fast food chain McDonald's. Tecoma is small, almost rural community. They are close to national parks, and the site is too close to schools and kindergartens. 9 out of 10 locals did not want the junk food multinational outlet.
Queues lined up for the opening of McDonalds a Tecoma on Monday - despite a long protests. The protesters vowed to continue their fight against McDonald's following a three-year battle to keep the company out of the town.
This is the level of "democracy" we have in Victoria, and a lack of community inclusive planning. Corporations end up with their "rights" obstructing those of the majority, the locals. It's like an unwelcomed visitor parking on your doorstep, doing business, but the elite put out the Welcome Mat!
The community want to encourage healthy eating, and environmentally friendly lifestyles, but corporations are able to bully their way through any peaceful objections, and local values and culture.
Owner James Currie – a Yarra Ranges resident who owns two other McDonald’s franchises in the area – said he would not take issue with the protesters as long as they stuck to “peaceful and legal” demonstration and did not harass customers. So, patronisingly protesters could continue to "protest" as long as it was ineffective, knowing full well he has the full support of VCAT and the State government.
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2014-04-08 10:56
Australia's MacDonald governments
Len Warfe (not verified)
Tue, 2014-04-08 23:04
Union influence
Thu, 2014-04-10 09:36
Sweden: high immigration is costly on debate and democracy
Anonymous (not verified)
Sat, 2014-04-12 11:28
Feral rabbits eradicated from Macquarie Island
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-04-14 11:18
Free trade agreements not so "free"