Comments made on the previous Miscellaneous comments page from 18 March 2013 can be found .
If you have anything you would like to raise, which is likely to be of interest to our site's visitors, which is not addressed by other articles, please add your comments .
anon. (not verified)
Wed, 2013-05-01 17:20
Muslim immigrants opposed to Sydney neglect & population growth
MUSLIM leaders have slammed the federal and state government because politicians had failed to provide jobs, core infrastructure, funding for community organisations and sport as well as neglecting resources needed for policing.
Western Sydney has become a ghetto as a result of mass immigration, with complete disregard for the lack of infrastructure, debt, crime, congestion, amenities and resources.
Labor feels anger of Muslims
... by Simon Black from The Daily Telegraph of 1 May 2013
"This state government has totally ignored the area."
A 2012 report by Urban Taskforce Australia said there was a jobs deficit of 200,000 in western Sydney as of 2011. Under current growth forecasts this deficit is predicted to grow to 319,000 by 2031. Youth unemployment in the region is running at 17.9 per cent.
The Urban Taskforce are part of the powerful growth lobby, and support high growth at whatever costs. Their own forecasts predict the growth in unemployment and deficit. The Urban Taskforce, instead of promoting rampant population growth, should be a force in fixing the mess.
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2013-05-07 21:54
you must be kidding
Vivienne Ortega
Fri, 2013-05-03 10:51
Battle for backyards as NIMBYs create housing crisis
Anonymous (not verified)
Sat, 2013-05-04 09:27
Attorney-General steps in for justice for slaughtered alpacas
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2013-05-06 00:00
Tas gov gives $10m to voracious logging family corporation
Mon, 2013-05-06 09:18
"Ageing population" threatens to sink the budget
Mon, 2013-05-06 11:37
Hawke 'Labor' Government began commodification of education
This was #comment-200779">posted to a discusion, Young people these days, on .
Ikonoclast (@ #comment-200760">#9) wrote:
It was the Hawke ‘Labor’ government which first set in train the course of events that would lead to the commodification of Australian vocational and tertiary education, when they introduced the Higher Eduction ‘Contribution’ Scheme (HECS) in 1986, the year I began my degree as an adult student.
I supported the boycott of HECS organised by the National Union of Students by not filling out the forms required by HECS.
The campaign failed as we know, so, nearly three decades later, we are living with the consequences of that and a host of other neoliberal economic ‘reforms’ of Keating, Costello and like-minded people from within the ‘Labor’ and the Liberal/National parties – an Australian Dollar which has ‘floated’ to its currently high exchange rate, privatisation, massively reduced government services, the export of jobs, loss of control of natural resources, support for wars started by the US and its allies including two illegal wars against Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, etc.
Katie (not verified)
Mon, 2013-05-06 18:01
Timing was right for me but not for today's young people
Tue, 2013-05-07 09:05
Animal Justice Party - Media Release
The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will be fielding 10 candidates including 6 women, for the Senate in the September Federal Election.
Mark Pearson, NSW 1st Candidate for the Federal election states:
“The Animal Justice Party (AJP) stands for animal well-being without fear or consequence.
"The AJP is totally opposed to the live export trade, as are the majority of the Australian people (as has been shown by numerous polls). The fact that the major political parties ignore the people's well formed opinion is staggering.
"If the government will not get rid of live export, the people will get rid of the government. That the opposition leader, Mr Abbott, has promised to expand the industry and apologise for suspending it shows callous disregard for both the animals and the electorate.
"The Gillard Government’s own self-acclaimed livestock export monitoring system has now been shown to be completely useless, as we all expected it would be. Its time Minister Ludwig resigned. Its time these major parties put the well-being of animal lives ahead of losing votes in certain sectors of the country and bowing to a ruthless industry."
The news of the AJP comes following a string of Government supported animal cruelty incidents over recent years including the live animal export trade, the commercial and recreational slaughter of kangaroos and other native animals, ongoing evidence of brutality in intensive factory farming and puppy mill practice.
NSW: Mark Pearson (1), Kate Vickers (2)
ACT: Marcus Fillinger (1), Jessica Montagne (2)
Victoria: Bruce Poon (1), Cherie Wilson (2)
South Australia: Colin Thomas (1), Sally Sutton (2)
Western Australia: Katrina Love (1), Alicia Sutton (2)
A full list of AJP policies and its manifesto can be found at For further information please email or tweet us @justice4animals.
Media Enquiries:
Mark Pearson, NSW Candidate – 0417 252 107
Tom Godfrey – Bell George PR - 0449 681 282 –
Editors’ Notes
The Animal Justice Party of Australia" (AJP) was formed in 2009 to help ensure principles of kindness, compassion and capability are applied to all animals in all parliaments of this country. The AJP will be contesting the 2013 Federal election in the Senate in five jurisdictions and is considering candidates for selected lower house seats.
Tue, 2013-05-07 11:25
Horrendous torture of cattle in Egypt
Tue, 2013-05-07 10:07
Federal budget $17 billion hole in the economic Ponzi scheme
Wed, 2013-05-08 11:10
Promised surplus for Victoria in four years?
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2013-05-09 11:14
Germany's positive economic report on a declining population
A surprisingly strong report on German industrial output in March has helped the euro gain ground on the dollar and yen. Markets were caught off guard by a positive German economic indicator for the second day in a row.
Output jumped by 1.2 per cent on the month in March - beating even the highest forecast of 0.8 per cent in a Reuters poll -after an upwardly revised 0.6 per cent increase in February as factories churned out more goods and energy production rose.
German industry grows in March as economy gears up slowly
“German industry has entered the current quarter with a lot of momentum,” said Heinrich Bayer, an economist at Deutsche Postbank AG in Bonn. “We expect a strong pickup in growth this quarter after a 0.2 percent increase in gross domestic product in the first quarter.”
The German economy is in better shape than many others in the 17-strong group of European Union countries that use the euro and is believed to have returned to growth in the first quarter. It shrank slightly in last year's final three months, which Schaeuble cited as the main reason for the lower tax revenue forecast.
Read more here:
The last two German states to charge tuition fees, Bavaria and Lower Saxony, are expected to abolish them in the coming months, making Germany an outlier amid a global trend toward the introduction and increase of tuition fees.
The Bavarian parliament is expected to scrap university tuition fees. The Social Democrat-Green government in Lower Saxony means tuition fees will be phased out in that state by 2014. On the contrary, over $2 billion has been scrapped from an already struggling university sector.
The German Education Union argues that higher education is a human right -- a belief enshrined in the United Nations’ International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Among the 34 members of the OECD, a club of rich nations, it is estimated there are 26m youths not in education, employment or training (so-called NEETs). Germany, which has a relatively low level of youth unemployment, places a lot of emphasis on high-quality vocational courses, apprenticeships and links with industry. But it is an exception.
Despite the enmity often directed at Berlin for its insistence on painful austerity as the cure for Europe's sovereign-debt crisis, Germany has become a new land of opportunity for tens of thousands of people fleeing their recession-racked homelands . Language barriers, rigid German labor laws and the reluctance of some German firms to hire foreigners remain impediments, some analysts say.
Germany has managed to avoid the Ponzi economic growth paradigm and is gaining economic and educational success on a declining and ageing population. Australia should take a lesson from Germany's example.
Greg Wood
Thu, 2013-05-09 21:20
A change from mass media budget ranting
Tired of the constant media and political belly-aching over 'budget black-holes'?
Read this sensible analysis of the situation and weep even more over the abysmal quality of our public debate.
Imagine if the media narrative was directed toward things of substantial merit rather than sensational concoction.
Vivienne Ortega
Tue, 2013-05-14 14:02
Changes to tree clearing in Queensland backward "conservation"
Tue, 2013-05-14 14:18
Malthusian fears means a diet of insects
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2013-05-14 20:30
Two billion plus slashed from University funding
Julia Gillard started her Arts and Law degrees at the University of Adelaide. In 1983 she was elected national Education Vice-President of the Australian Union of Students (AUS) and moved to Melbourne to complete her degree at Melbourne University. Later that year, she was elected President of the AUS. She was president of both the Adelaide University Union and the Australian Union of Students.
"Sad to say, university staff and students have borne the brunt of the Gillard government's broken promises to increase university funding," Union president Jeannie Rea said in a statement on Monday. Now that present day politicians, including Ms Gillard, have gained their own careers and appreciated their university education either free or low costing, they will deny this to present and future generations. We are heading towards not the smart and skilled country, but one threatened by a dystopia of chronic skills shortages that will justify ongoing immigration.
The logic of it defies explanation.
Comment below, with subject End of Baby bonus welcomed of 11:54AM, Wed 15 May 2013 has been moved to here and the Subject has been changed to Baby bonus axed, but Ponzi growth pyramid kept by Gillard. - Ed
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2013-05-16 22:17
Mine approved in Tarkine Wilderness
Tue, 2013-05-21 09:26
Rainforests under threat from plam oil and bio-fuels
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2013-05-21 16:18
Oliver Stone: a voice for truth, democracy and peace
Vivienne Ortega
Tue, 2013-05-21 21:54
Environment East Gippsland (EEG) suing government -again
Wed, 2013-05-22 10:40
Salvation Army survey finds many families going without basics
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2013-05-23 14:06
"Multiculturalism" at a breaking point - Sweden
Sweden is one of the wealthiest, most stable and smoothly running countries in the world. Which would explain why the country's 9.5 million residents may be shocked by the events of the past few days.
The trouble began over the weekend, after the police shot dead a 69-year-old man in the city's Husby neighborhood, where many residents originate from the Middle East and Africa. Resentment over asylum seekers, competition for jobs, and Islamist militancy have helped fuel a surge in support for anti-immigration parties in the region.
Critics of riots in Sweden are saying the integration policies of the country – and that of the whole of Western Europe – are “not working.”
“This is a clear consequence of this multiculturalism politics that Sweden adopted around ‘80s and increased in the ‘90s... And this is not a unique one single occasion… we have had these ethnic-based riots against Swedish authorities. We have seen this in Western Europe, that is very sad, and I think we will see more of this, if we don’t change the politics,” the chairman of the Sweden’s National Democrats Party Marc Abramsson told RT.
“Sweden has been trying harder than any of the countries in Europe to try to push for integration. We have invested virtually billions from taxpayers’ money into it, we have tried everything that the scientists have presented – and still it’s not working,” the politician argued.
“They live in their area, and they feel the area is their own. And when the police arrive, they feel they are you intruding into their, sort of, ‘country.’ The police… who work in these areas, there have to be in two cars, one protecting the other."
The Nordic countries have long been among the most tolerant and open minded toward the world's refugees and destitute. But, every society has their breaking point and it is no surprise to me that Denmark and to a lesser extent Sweden, have turned more to the right away from tolerance.
The new "multiculturalism" should be called integration. The word itself is an oxymoron. Either people are part of a nation's culture, or they are not. Promoting separatism is a cause of tension and disintegration.
Asylum seekers should ideally seek refuge in countries with more similar cultures as those of their source countries. Third world and extremist religious cultures should settle in countries with similar values and backgrounds. People can get alone tolerably while there is space, plenty, wealth and resources, but once there is unemployment, poverty, disadvantages due to costs of living and overcrowding, humans end up resentful and in conflict.
Anonymous (not verified)
Sat, 2013-05-25 10:43
Afghan soldier butchered in Woolwich
Vivienne Ortega
Fri, 2013-05-24 12:22
World Turtle Day
Mon, 2013-05-27 10:05
Sir David Attenborough warns against growth