Can the Australia First Party help fix the plight of ordinary Australians?

The statement of 10 January 2011 from the Provisional Management Committee of the Australia First Party-10jan11"> included below was submitted as an anonymous comment on 1 February 2011. As The Australia First Party seems not to have its own usable web site, it was published here but not as a front page article. Of course it would have been more appropriate for such a lengthy document to have been published on an Australia First Web site and linked to from here. The ( as returned by a with the terms "Australia First" (quote marks ommitted) could not be reached. Because this dodcument appears not to be published where I can find it on the web I have decided to publish it here, but with my own comments.

Can the Australia First Party help fix the plight of ordinary Australians?

My own view on the Australia First Party has not been firmly fixed either in its favour or against it. In its favour, the Australia First Party tries to address a lot of critical issues which seriously affect our environment and our quality of life which all but very few other political organisations will go near. The most critical of course is population growth caused principally by high immigration. On the negative side are questions about the past of its leaders, including Jim Saleam, which have yet to be addressed as far as we can tell. As has been said before, whilst past membership of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party of Australia is not necessarily reason to dismiss a person for all time, I believe ordinary Australians, whose support the Australia First Party is seeking, are entitled to an explanation as to how, even if forty years ago now, a leading member of the Australia First Party found so appealing an ideology that any mature, decent, right thinking person must find morally repugnant.

What also does not help is the use of the terminology "refugee hordes". Of course, any person who wants to preserve our way of life and our living standards must be concerned about how the arrival of large numbers of new people, whether legal immigrants or destitute refugees will affect us, but the use of such terminology could be taken as denying their humanity and as racist.

The statement below says that the Australia First Party "wages community campaigns of all sorts to build links with fellow Australians."

If this is true and if it can be shown how its contributions have actually helped community groups win their campaigns, this would be a point in which the Australia First Party could compare itself most favourably with just about every other political organisation in the country, large or small, from the far right to the far 'left'. In reality, even the parties of the supposed left such as the Greens and the have again and again failed to constructively contribute to community campaigns. If they had, I think many more of those campaigns would have been successful.

So I would be interested to know what campaigns like those which are publicised on the pages of candobetter, the Australia First Party has been able to help.

I think the most effective way to fight injustice in this country would be to make law . There is no way that Australia's political rulers would have been able to get away with making so many harmful changed to our ways of life - privatisations, financial deregulation and other 'free market' 'reforms' the GST, high immigration, destruction of our environment, sending our soldiers to fight in unjust overseas wars, such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan - if Australians had the constitutional right, as do the Swiss, to force any decision by any parliament, local, state or federal to be put a referendum, provided enough signatures can be collected on petitions.

If the Australia First Party, as well as addressing other concerns raised above, were to energetically launch a campaign to make part of the Australian Constitution, it would almost certainly very quickly come to be regarded as a relevant political party by many more Australians.

-10jan11" id="AustFirst-10jan11">Statement of the Australia First Party Provisional Management Committee 10th January 2011

The Australia First Party recognises the dependent nature of the Australian state upon tchange our circcumstances for the he forces of globalism. Australia is a client state, ruled by a traitor class which is integrated into a transnational network of globalist elites and their economic and political structures. This class would govern Australia as a resources quarry cowed by thought-policing and a secret political police.

Australia is further menaced by a new Chinese imperialism that competes with the American face of the New World Order for domination over Asia and the Pacific, with Australia a pawn in the game. The unfolding population / food crisis coupled with New World Order wars launches refugee hordes at Australia’s borders, whilst the traitor class sponsors a mass immigration recolonization of Australia for the purposes of economic enmeshment with the ‘global economy’. In the world crisis of the first quarter of the twenty-first century, Australia lacks status as an independent country. Indeed, Australia may disappear by century’s end as a country - and suffer partition by other states.

To rescue our country and our people means removing Australia to a position outside of the chaos of globalism. That means the creation of an independent Australia. To win an independent Australia where political power can be exercised directly by the people, where wealth comes to all who labour and where arms and the initiation and the enforcement of the laws are in the hands of the people, a new force outside of the old parties and their worn-out ideologies and prejudices - has become necessary. This new nationalist movement must now fight and win the struggle for Australia’s national independence.

It is ultimately necessary to unite all who can be united against the traitor class into a broad patriotic front to achieve Australian national independence. All those parties, groups and trade and community associations which contest the ideology, the politics, the economics and the cultural expressions of globalism, can find common ground against the foreign control and exploitation of Australia. Their uniting thread is the cause of Australian national independence.

The patriotic united front should not be a matter for tomorrow, but a matter of immediacy. United fronts operate in two ways: we predict the ultimate formation of a mass united front in times future, one that will win Australian national independence at a moment when parties and groups, economic and social and cultural associations all bond together in intense struggle. For today, we must build for that future in struggles on a daily basis around all manner of issues; we must wage community campaigns apposite to each Australian group and build unity on the ground. It is mandatory to seek this unity.

The Australia First Party is an incorporation registered as a Federal party. That does not mean that its function is only to contest elections. The party operates to the ‘three tier method’. This means that the party contests elections, wages community campaigns of all sorts to build links with fellow Australians and to unite all Australians - and develops its ideas and principles into an Australianist ideology that also carries on a cultural defence of Australianity against globalisation. The three tiers operate as a unity.

In one sense, the party reaches out to groups of a patriotic nature which may operate to one or another of the three tiers as their individual method. The party seeks to build relationships with such parties and groups and to unite whenever necessary to defend common interests and win common victories. New patriotic groups form either as political, trade, or cultural groups. As Australia descends into chaos, that process is organic.

Australia First Party within the broad Australian patriotic movement seeks to be a vanguard movement. This means that the party struggles to affirm the power of the ideals of Australian identity, independence and freedom, to carry those ideals everywhere, to defend them and preach them with zeal as a veritable Australianism and to inspire all others to tread the path towards the overweening fight for Australian national independence.

The party states clearly how it would prefer its dealings with other patriotic political organisations to be conducted and what relationships should be developed.

The Australia First Party recognises that different parties and groups exist for several reasons. These reasons can include: geographic circumstance, particular historical factors, previous organisational histories, the inter-relationships of people and sometimes - internecine struggles that are to be regretted, but which are human nature.

The Australia First Party declares that it will treat the other political organisations within a patriotic united front in this way:

  1. Negotiate with any would-be candidate to avoid electoral competition.
  2. Assist, when requested, other parties etc. in an electorate or council area where Australia First Party has no candidate.
  3. Develop united activist campaigns on public issues or on other fronts, with any party or group - and do this in a consultative and cooperative spirit.
  4. Exchange intelligence on disruptive elements, or state or other programs which undermine the integrity of the patriotic movement.
  5. Avoid all unnecessary, unreasonable comment on other parties and groups; but point out fairly and reasonably, what any differences may be, whenever appropriate.

The party states clearly how it would prefer its dealings with other patriotic community organisations to be conducted and what relationships should be developed.

The Australia First Party recognises that different community associations arise for different reasons. Some defend the interests of the Australian productive classes - workers, farmers, small-business or other patriotic working people. Some advance the defence of Australian heritage and identity. Some explain new ideas that can inspire a very different Australia.

The Australia First Party declares that it will treat other organisations that represent the Australian community within a patriotic united front in this way:

  1. Build links with each group and attempt to link together each group that all understand and appreciate the role of the party and each other.
  2. Assist all in their struggles as requested.
  3. Develop united activist campaigns on public issues with each group - and do this in a consultative and cooperative spirit.
  4. Exchange intelligence on disruptive elements, or state or other programs which undermine the integrity of the patriotic movement.
  5. Avoid all unnecessary, unreasonable comment on groups; but point out fairly and reasonably, what any differences may be, whenever appropriate.

The Australia First Party will always maintain its independence and initiative in any united front arrangement and will act to secure its interests. However, it accepts that the times require a flexible and co-operative attitude.

Certainly, the goals of the Australia First Party are (i) to unite all nationalist and activist minded people into a single party and then to seek further working arrangements with whatever political forces may thereafter exist for whatever reasons outside of the party's ambit and (ii) to deepen the unity of Australia’s productive classes and their organisations against the traitor class and to create wider unity amongst all those resistance organisations which critique globalisation in ideas and culture.

Certainly, the party's aim is indeed to impose order where we detect diffuseness and to give focus where we note disarray.

Nonetheless, the party reasons that such general goals can not be reached by a self-proclamation of virtue. Rather, the party will fight such that its ideological position and political line progressively gain hegemony. It shall do so openly and honestly and by all fair means of discourse. No other organisation should feel anything else than a sense of relief that the position is made clear.

In the interim, and given that the fair contest of parties and other forces will continue, the Australia First Party has concluded that the only practical way whereby all may learn of each other and build the necessary bonds and links which allow for final unity, is to work confederally to construct a practical unity in struggle.

The united patriotic front is the requirement to which all should work.

Australia First PartyProvisional Management Committee 10th January 2011

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