This Miscellaneous comments page has been closed. Please add further comments to the page Miscellaneous comments from 24 July 2014. - Ed
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Thu, 2014-06-12 13:53
Lessons of history, 1966: President De Gaulle said No to US-NATO
March 10, 1966: After 31 assassination attempts against his life, Charles De Gaulle ordered France’s withdrawal from NATO’s military integrated command. This decision was formally reversed almost half a century later under Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency. De Gaulle adopted a foreign policy independent of the Anglo-American axis.
His March 10 1966, not only pertained France’s decision to withdraw from NATO’s integrated military command, but also to remove NATO’s headquarters from French territory, thereby leading the establishment of the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels.
In today’s World, the leaders of the EU and the Western military alliance, above all the elites of France, Germany, Italy are scared, terrorized of a potential US backlash, a reaction like the "reaction" that produced 31 assassinations attempts against the French leader.
This reaction would no doubt be forthcoming if they decided to defend the national interest of their countries, e.g by opposing the the destabilization of Ukraine and the financial looting of the EU by Wall Street and the city of London.
But this is the historical moment, in which these countries are gambling their future existence as sovereign states, and US political intimidation can be fought back. But these European leaders are corrupt and coopted by Washington.
De Gaulle gave an example and because he challenged openly the forces that tried to kill him — and, above all, kill France as and independent and sovereign country – he won. He was able to send the occupation forces of NATO packing. He won a second Resistance after that against Nazism.
Mon, 2014-06-16 10:54
Animal cruelty activists targeted by tough new biosecurity measu
Mon, 2014-06-16 12:46
"Biosecurity" threat has hidden agenda
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-06-16 12:58
US and Iran strange bed-fellows
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2014-06-16 14:46
US wants to isolate Iran and use it as gateway in Caspian region
I think the Lowy Inst (which you give a link to, Anonymous) is mistaken here, probably due to an interest in supporting the US for commercial reasons.
My understanding is that the US/NATO alliance is attempting to isolate Iran due to its position on the Caspian Sea (where there are large, if hard to get to, petroleum reserves), its own reserves, and its geopolitical position in relation to pipeline supplies and Russia. Iran and Syria had a good relationship but the US does not want this because, starting with Iraq and Afghanistan, in a replay of the Great Game of the late 19th century, it wants a wasteland that it can simply take over. There is no humanitarian motive; quite the opposite. I personally feel that we can blame, almost entirely, US policy for preventing this region from repairing itself after 20th century colonial rule.
Iran and its neighbours on the Caspian Sea
Have a look at a map of Iran and its neighbours on the Caspian; you will see that the US, with NATO as its lackey, has been trying to alienate and disorganise these countries, including Georgia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and, I think, Turkey.
I think the US partly gets away with this behaviour because people have been brainwashed into thinking that the disorganisation of Arab countries happened all by itself. It did not.
Furthermore, I think that the United States has something similar in mind for Australia. That is my inference because the Australian and State governments are engaged in a wholesale disorganisation of local populations and democracy by constant undemocratic injection of mass immigration, having rendered toothless all institutions capable of safeguarding Australian civil rights to housing, affordable water, food, employment, fair wages etc - all so far without firing a shot.
Tue, 2014-06-17 00:33
Apologies if your comment was deleted. Please re-post.
Wed, 2014-06-18 13:14
World Refugee Day 20th June
Sat, 2014-06-21 10:22
More than 50 million displaced worldwide, U.N. says
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2014-06-22 09:52
Australian Peoples Movement Award Editorial Comment on the following:
[See below for actual comment.]
We think that the writer makes good points about the overwhelming size of the investor population overseas and that China is a good example of a large number of people who could overwhelm the interests of Australian home-buyers and citizens generally by raising the cost of housing and raising the population numbers further. We also would like to point out that other big populations are also investing in Australia, such as India. Furthermore many other foreign investors are in the mix, such as Germany, Singapore and Qatar. One also finds special encouraging arrangements from the NFIRB for specific countries and governments, such as Singapore.We would refer readers to the Australian National Foreign Investment Review Board, for details and also to view the policies that encourage investment in land-clearing and new building. In fact, we need look no further than our own government for the agents of our increasing dispossession. After all, they invite these foreign investors and give Australians no say in the matter.
We want to be clear, however, that we do not agree with singling out any particular nationality or ethnic group as problematic. We are not saying that the writer does this, but we want to be crystal clear. We want to emphasise that our interest in the problem is its numerical value. Furthermore, we note that, without China's support, along with other BRICS countries, for Russian policy, the world would have absolutely nothing to stop a frightening commercial and military US/NATO-based hegemony overtaking everything and everyone, particularly in Syria and Ukraine. In the latter case the Western imperialists are supporting anti-semite Nazis who overthrew the democratically elected government of President Victor Yanukovych in March 2004. Many of us believe that something similar is designed for Australia and that the selling off of land and fuel rights, with the disorganisation and impoverishment of the population here is part of this.>
AUSTRALIA FIRST PARTY-: Whatever will benefit Australia - that we are for;
whatever will harm Australia - that we are against. William Lane :-
Nominations for the
Australian Peoples Movement Award
The Mao Tse-tung
Order of the Third Hand
are invited from Individuals of The Commonwealth
This Award is for Scabs who aid and abet the scourge of Chinese Imperialism in Australia, manifested in their conniving for unwanted exploitive “developments”; the selling and purchase of resources and assets of Our Commonwealth, and the accompanying demographic swarm and cultural recolonisation of our Native Land. It exemplifies a Traitor Class motivated solely by monetary gain, and devoid of any respect or loyalty to the Australian People, our identity, heritage, sovereignty and independence.
The Award is to be granted quartedly, commencing 30th June, 2014, the Anniversary of Lambing Flat Uprising, a premiere folkloric occasion of our European derived civilisation.
The Award is of ongoing character and our Australian Peoples Movement on the Day Of Reckoning will bestow further to recipients.
Please forward the name and address of the person to be nominated, with supporting references, to the address below. Include your own name and address.
Identity - Freedom - IndependenceP O Box 223 Croydon 3136. National Contact Line 02 8587 email: [email protected]
Australia First Party - Reclaiming Australia for Australians
By over-all planning, we mean planning which takes into consideration the interests of the 600 million people [Candobetter Ed. Something missing in this sentence] of our country. In drawing up plans, handling affairs or thinking over problems, we must proceed from the fact that China has a population of 600 million people, and we must never forget this fact. Mao Tse-tung. 27/2/1957.
Tony (not verified)
Sun, 2014-06-22 16:18
Chinese the main investors in Australia
Loss of sovereignty (not verified)
Mon, 2014-06-23 12:09
More important that nationality
Sheila Newman
Fri, 2014-06-20 20:24
Expensive 'Tune-ups' & Adobe Flashplay crashes 64 bit computers
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2014-06-23 01:45
The public interest as prescribed in a dictatorship
Candobetter writer drew my attention to this absurdly phrased and scary explanation of Australian law on freedom of information, which says:
What is in the public interest?
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), all government agencies must disclose or release information unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. When deciding whether to release information, staff must apply the public interest test.
" There are only limited and specific interests against disclosure that an agency can take into account. These are:
law enforcement and security
individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
responsible and effective government
business interests
environment, culture, economy and other matters
secrecy and exemption provisions in other laws."
As Michael commented, "This is a great way for a dictatorship to operate."
Loss of sovereignty (not verified)
Wed, 2014-06-25 17:22
Petition for Peter Greste
A court in Cairo found Australia's Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed guilty of spreading false news. Hundreds of journalist are protesting in London for Peter Greste's 7 years imprisonment. He's been charged with the spreading of "false news". and for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. It puts every international journalist at risk.
Greste was arrested in Cairo with colleagues at the end of December 2013. The interior ministry said the journalists were accused of news reporting which was "damaging to national security".
This kind of verdict does nothing to support Egypt's claim to be on a transition to democracy, and the Australian Government urges the new government of Egypt to reflect on what message is being sent to the world about the situation in Egypt. Egypt is the largest and most important country in the Arab world. Much of Egypt’s crisis comes down to a battle over identity. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood overestimated the extent to which Egyptians identify with Islam. Citizens identify less and less with their countries and identify more and more with Islam and as Arabs.
Amnesty International petition for Peter Greste:
Matthew Mitchel... (not verified)
Thu, 2014-06-26 06:22
Call for volunteers to help Pobblebonk Wetland Reserve
Tue, 2014-07-01 08:23
Mentally ill may lose disability support pension
Loss of sovereignty (not verified)
Wed, 2014-07-02 14:35
European Human rights upholds ban on Muslim veil -France
Loss of sovereignty (not verified)
Thu, 2014-07-03 13:15
Anti-immigration gets nasty
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 2014-07-04 09:40
Central America crisis due to drugs and power
With the United States preoccupied elsewhere, Central American gangs have grown in power and numbers; today, local officials estimate their size at 70,000-100,000 members. The marabuntas, or maras, as they are known (after a deadly species of local ants), now pose the most serious challenge to peace in the region since the end of Central America's civil wars. In the past few years, as Washington has focused its attention on the Middle East, it has virtually ignored a dangerous phenomenon close to home.
San Petro Sula, Honduras, has a highest murder rate in the world, higher than in Afghanistan or Syria! While America has been distracted by the Middle East, there's been a growing power of Central America's gangs and their ability to shuttle between their home countries and the United States.
The violence currently rocking Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala is not only causing a refugee crisis in the United States. Every country in the region has also been affected as children are running for their lives and seeking safety wherever they can find it.
According to the UNHCR, asylum requests from Honduran, El Salvadoran, and Guatemalan nationals have increased 712 percent in the neighboring nations of Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Belize since 2009. [Center For American Progress, 6/18/14]
The United States is not the only country seeing an influx of migrants from the Northern Triangle. Between the years of 2008 and 2013 the UN recorded an increase of 712 percent in the number of individuals leaving that region and settling in places like Mexico, Panama, Belize and Costa Rica. The US government projects that 95 percent of South American cocaine travels through Central America and Mexico before landing in the states. They recruit and forcefully use children to carry out their activities. Those that do not participate are made examples of through kidnapping, torture, or murder.
Instability breeds poverty, desperation, violence that inevitably bleeds into neighboring nations.
The tens of thousands of Central American youths will likely never be deported and many will be released in the U.S. while they are being “processed.” Besides receiving food and shelter, the Honduran newspaper article says, kids will receive English classes, participate in sports and other programs while their relatives are tracked down in the U.S.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said the unaccompanied alien children (UACs) should be returned to their countries rather than released to an adult in the U.S. "Allowing them to remain here will only encourage the next group of individuals to undertake this dangerous and life-threatening journey here," Perry said. When the Obama Administration releases UACs to adults in the U.S., no checks are done to determine if they are legally present". (NumbersUSA)[0]=field_sub_type%3A2056
The majority of Central America has been suffering from drought, which is only worsened by overpopulation. Currently, overpopulation is factoring into drought, slums, and violence in Central America. With individual countries facing separate populations problems and becoming more fragile, there are few places to find help. Young, impoverished and uneducated young people get captured by the lure of drug money, and weapons. It's a downward cycle of decline.
DennisK (not verified)
Mon, 2014-07-07 09:18
Everywhere is the frontier
Loss of sovereignty (not verified)
Fri, 2014-07-04 13:19
evidence of dying oceans: the Carribean
Loss of sovereignty (not verified)
Tue, 2014-07-08 15:08
Barnaby Joyce:Australia will pay a price in Free Trade Agreement
Wed, 2014-07-09 11:40
UK Climate change expert Lord Deben slams Abbott government
Wed, 2014-07-09 13:15
Anti-whaling letter to Japan's Prime Minister
Fri, 2014-07-11 11:39
World Population Day 11th July
Anonymous (not verified)
Sat, 2014-07-12 12:16
US will become a third world country
DennisK (not verified)
Sat, 2014-07-12 19:45
Cart before horse?
Mon, 2014-07-14 12:11
Australia's south to become even drier
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2014-07-14 20:03
Coastal Australians will be climate refugees
Wed, 2014-07-16 09:30
Petition: Save Byron Bay Koalas from Housing Development!
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 2014-07-18 16:24
Tragic loss of MH17
Sheila Newman
Thu, 2014-07-24 13:04
Overseas student complaint/support/contempt?
This comment was initially posted, possibly erroneously, as a comment in response to the article MH17 Airline tragedy and Abbott's antics: Who needs evidence when you've got 'conviction'? (23/7/14) by Sheila Newman. The spelling and grammatical errors in the included letter have not been corrected. - Ed
Letter re Australia First Party campaign to retain Australian education for Aussies.
[Writer name deleted for privacy]
I am an oversea student.
Obviously I have no offence towards you. You can still fight for our absence, call us thieves or whatever and we just prepare for our new semester or get a new job. That's completely legal and we are all comfortable, aren't we?
But I want to remind you that don't always blame on Asian culture. I always long for getting a table in Chinatown without lining up with Australians. I always hope my Australian classmates to stop copying my homework.#fnFs_1" id="txtFs_1">1 I always want Australian coffee shops could take the place of bubble cups. However, the reality shows most of Australians adapt to Asian culture. There is nothing about the culture but the ppl. If Australian don't like it, the culture would die automatically. If you want to blame on the culture, please blame on those Australians who like it first.
I still hope you can succeed in getting all oversea students away from Australia. I could foresee that Myki#fnFs_2" id="txtFs_2">2 would be 7 dollars per touch on and the medical entry fee would be 16 dollars. You know the government better than me, right?
#fnFs_1" id="fnFs_1">1. #txtFs_1">↑ This is the first time I have heard an implied allegation that native Australian students routinely cheat. Whilst it cannot be assumed that any group of students is either wholly dishonest or wholly virtuous, I have heard much anecdotal evidence that there is more cheating amongst foreign students than amongst native born students. - Ed
#fnFs_2" id="fnFs_2">2. #txtFs_2">↑ Myki cards are used to store credit with which to pay fares on buses, trams and trains in Victoria.
This Miscellaneous comments page has been closed. Please add further comments to the page Miscellaneous comments from 24 July 2014. - Ed