See also: comment Opposed to $500 million Chinese theme park for NSW Central Coast (10/8/14) by the Australia First Party.

The Wyong Shire Council on NSW's Central Coast, has given its approval for the construction of the "Chappypie China Time" theme park to be built on 15.7 hectares of bushland at Warnervale. The bushland was sold to the Australia Chinese Theme Park Pty Ltd (ACTP) for $10 million. A short presentation by the Wyong Shire council to promote the Theme Park is shown below:
Evidently Australian entepreneurs are no longer capable of employing the Central Coast workforce to make goods and services to sell overseas. Instead, they can only offer jobs to serve affluent overseas guests in hotels, escort agencies or venues like the proposed "Chappypie China Time".
Other pages promoting "Chappypie China Time"
Chinese cultural theme park planned for Warnervale, video, poll (4/8/14, Newcastle Herald), , Chinese Theme Park for Warnervale - Office of the Mayor (Wyong Shire Council) (4/8/14, World News), Massive Chinese-style theme park proposed for Central Coast (4/8/14, ABC News).
Mon, 2014-08-11 11:46
Oh my God! What next?
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-08-11 12:08
What happened to my previous comment?
Mon, 2014-08-11 18:33
Please always keep your own copy of your post to candobetter
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2014-08-11 12:13
The development will start
The development will start with a Buddhist temple.
Wyong Mayor, Doug Eaton says the park, to be known at Chappypie China Time, will cater for the growing Chinese tourism market and provide a massive boost to the coast's economy. If Chinese tourists want to come here, why would they want to be in China-land? Surely they could see Chinese icons in their own country? It would be like Australian tourists going to China to see a theme-park based on Australiana! All the mock Colonial houses, transplanted gum trees, wildlife that are considered "pests" in their own homeland, and other tacky reminders of our past!
The development would provide thousands of jobs! As if this justifies it? Jobs and jobs, and tourists who don't want to be immersed in Australian natural bushland, but will see it cleared, denuded and sterilized into a comic, clique of their own country!
Mon, 2014-08-11 15:47
Chinese theme park land clearing- how to lodge objection
Suzie Gold (not verified)
Tue, 2014-08-12 13:53
Chinese Brochure produced by the Dept of Trade and Investment
The notice below is from a campaigner petitioning the NSW Govt to publish a register of Crown Lands in and around Sydney before any more of them are sold off to developers. Clearly the Federal Govt is actively using public funds to promote the fire-sale. You can join a petition HERE. #fnPetition1" id="txtPetition1">1
suzie gold, Sydney
10 Aug 2014 — Is the public aware of the Chinese Brochure produced by the Dept of Trade and Investment which takes the form of a glossy brochure written in CHINESE show casing "potential investments opportunities"
I believe this is scandalous.
The brochure figures large at para 5.1 of the submission from
Crown Land is Our Land to Premier Baird.
#fnPetition1" id="fnPetition1">1. #txtPetition1">↑ The full URL for the petition is: .
Tue, 2014-08-12 18:29
No English version of brochure to Chinese investors found
Thank you, Suzie Gold for informing us of this scam and for providing us with an English language translation. Curiously, I could find nothing about this when I searched the NSW Department of Trade and Investment website with either the DuckDuckGo or Google search engines. See, for example:
Clearly Premier Mike Baird intends to keep the citizens of New South Wales, in whose interests he is supposed to be governing, in the dark about their sell-off plans.
DennisK (not verified)
Sat, 2014-08-16 15:20
How long before China has a claim on Aus like Russia on Ukraine?
James Sinnamon
Sun, 2014-08-17 09:16
When has Russia ever claimed Ukrainian territory?
DennisK (not verified)
Sun, 2014-08-17 22:27
A case of Russia claiming territory
At no point in the conflict has Russia made any claim on Ukrainian territory. If you are aware of where this has occurred, Dennis, please advise.
#10;">Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation at
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2014-08-18 00:45
Protecting foreign assets with force - reply to Dennis K
DennisK (not verified)
Sun, 2014-08-24 19:49
Protecting foreign assetts
I think my original reply may have been lost, and I don't remember exactly what I wrote.
Regarding China, I don't think it matters too much whether Chinese here consider themselves as Chinese or Australian. My argument wasn't so much that Chinese Australian citizens would ask for help, but that China would insist in protecting its assets here. China considers Chinese people elsewhere as "Chinese living abroad". Remember that the Russian seperatists are technically Ukranian too, and whether they consider themselves as such or not. Putin has made a decision. The fact they are not Russian citizens matters not. They are ethnically Russians and thats what counts to Putin, and thats what counts around most of the world. What may happen, is that China offers 'security forces', which may be initially in some 'joint venture' with our police, and from there, who knows. Big things start small.
The power elites are separate from the nation. Cosmopolitan and a class of their own. If anything, national bonds and national sovreignty are mere barriers to be overcome (and the left provide the intellectual basis for overcoming traditional social structures by declaring them obselete and retrograde).
I think our modern world view equips us very poorly to deal with the future (in fact, I think thats why its pushed). Interchangeable populations, communities based on no commonality or shared enterprise, constant dispersal of people, these all disempower people. As does arbitrary group membership and these fake new "communities", such as online communities, mutual interest communities which are replacing more traditional social structures as peoples main form of identification. These all offer little empowerment.
Probably off topic now, and I never intended to specifically support one side over the other regarding the Ukraine. I don't consider Putin 'in the wrong', he's just doing what he needs to do.
There is a good article on Putin and his motives, which may be of interest to some.
DennisK, In my opinion that bloated and outdated (posted 7 April 2014) article about Ukraine that you linked to above is substandard. Could I suggest that, instead of only reading such articles and articles from the lying mainstream media, which gave us 'incubator babies'. 'WMDs', the 'Gulf of Tonkin incident', etc, etc, that you, you also read the articles on candobetter about Ukraine. Also, read the independent media such as Global Research, Voltaire Net, Russia Today, RIA Novosti, PressTV and Land Destroyer. When you do, you will quickly be able to see the 'reporting' in the msm for the lies that they are. - Ed
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2014-08-17 11:45
Power of China's economic growth - property and "investment"
See also: China's richest man earmarks $1.7 billion to spend on Australian property SMH (13/8/14), China’s richest man Wang Jianlin commits $1.7b to Australian real estate AFR (13/8/14).
China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, came to Australia for a whirlwind visit in June, and he was feted by the most senior political figures in the country. Now, his property conglomerate Wanda, which is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, announced that it would invest $HK12.5 billion, or $A1.7 billion, in the Australian real estate sector, including building a $900 million tourist resort on the Gold Coast. Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb welcomed Wanda’s decision which follows on from the explosive investment by Chinese real estate companies in residential property in Australia over the last 12 months.
Chinese buyers’ insatiable appetite for overseas property is one of the major driving forces behind the aggressive investment strategy of major developers. The demand from foreign investors for Australian bricks and mortar is set to intensify for at least three years, driving a boom in apartment construction activity. Around 10 million of the wealthiest Chinese families, or around one in seven, are interested in migrating to Australia, according to a survey conducted by the broker. Tourism & Transport Forum chief executive Trent Zimmerman said the number of Chinese visitors to Queensland grew faster than the national average in 2013, rising by 16 per cent to more than 300,000.
A free market economy, based on open borders and international property and immigration, means Australia is "open for business" and is being globalized. For developing countries migration has unprecedented benefits including the transfer of skills and the direct cash benefits of remittance flows as migrants send a proportion of their income back home. This year's remittance flows to developing countries will exceed $436 billion, rising to $516 billion in 2016, or over five times the global foreign aid budget. The removal of tariffs and government subsidies, together with free trade agreements and international wages inequalities was only ever going to end with the loss of jobs and industries. We have lived well and now have been drawn into the capitalists' ultimate dream - pay global workers a pittance and maximise your profits.
The lure of investment in Australian property is because all properties in China are lease-held, which means they have a lease term of 70 years which is obtained via a land grant between the land user and government-run land administration department. After the lease expires, there is no certainty about what will happen to the land. Most of the time, it depends on the sitting government’s policies. In big cities like Shanghai, Beijing and Canton, all of which have huge populations, prices are high and property yields are low. In China it does not matter what grade of commercial real estate you invest in; it is difficult to maintain a return through real estate. Also, the federal government is facing demands from China that it be allowed to import workers for projects funded by Chinese investors as part of the free-trade agreement.
Penny Wong wrote: "A modern, competitive, innovative and productive nation must be open to the world – and engaged with the world. Our approach is to empower more Australians so they can share in the opportunities of an increasingly globalised world". It all sounds fine in economic theory, but the politicians, in spite of the glaring social problems that unfettered globalisation has created, will defend free trade and globalisation and convince the public – that there are no alternatives.
The Trans Pacific Partnership, a secret agreement between 12 nations, will grant to corporations, rights that are above those of individuals, communities and sovereign governments. Corporations will be able to sue governments for lost revenue if they are prevented from doing business based on environmental concerns. Protectionism is a swear word in polite society.
With the release in February of an Australian Strategic Policy Institute report, even Australia has been forced to confront China’s startling economic growth and increasingly assertive territorial demands. It doesn’t name China as a possible aggressor, but paints a worrying picture of the communist country’s amazing growth and its willingness to use growing military might to achieve its aims.
Tensions in the region are already rising. Beijing made headlines in November after declaring an “air defence zone” in the East China. It triggered a Cold War-style standoff with Japan, South Korea and the United States. It is reportedly considering a similar “air defence zone” in the waters between the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam.
A new arms race is exploding into Asia with an expensive and extensive shopping list of new weapons - who's buying what and where does Australia stand
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