This article has since been republished on the Syrian Free Press Network.

Following a meeting in Melbourne Australia of “Australians for Reconciliation in Syria” (AMRIS) today, 3 September 2015, spokesperson David Macilwain said that AMRIS unequivocally condemns atrocities committed by ‘Islamic State’ in Syria.
AMRIS deplores, however, the decision by the Australian Government to follow the lead of the United States in taking military action against IS within the borders of Syria, one of the founding members of the United Nations, without the consent of the Syrian Government.
Mr Macilwain said, "Such action will do little to ‘degrade and destroy’ the terrorist group, whose control over territory has only continued to increase despite a year of US Coalition airstrikes. Furthermore there have been significant civilian casualties and damage as a result of those airstrikes, leading to further refugee flows."
"While Australian involvement in the campaign in Syria will do little to change this situation, culpability for ‘collateral damage’ sustained within Syrian sovereign territory could bring us before the ICC," added Mr Macilwain.
"Rather than looking for an alternative pretext that might be legal, such as the ‘responsibility to protect’ Iraqis, AMRIS proposes a clear alternative - cooperation with the Syrian Army in its fight against IS and other terrorist groups."
"AMRIS also considers that if the Australian government is genuine in its desire and commitment to defeat IS, Al Qaeda and allied terrorist groups in Syria, and seeks to restore peace and security such that refugees can return, then it must be prepared to work in cooperation with the Syrian government and security forces. Such a commitment also entails the recognition of that government as legally constituted and representing the majority of the Syrian population, as mandated in the election of June 2014."#fn1" id="txt1"> 1
Mr Macilwain further stated, "In the absence of such cooperation with the Syrian authorities, Australian military intervention in the Syrian conflict will be neither legal nor moral, regardless of the stated target and pretext. The consequences of such an illegal intervention, which under international law constitutes the ‘supreme crime’ of launching a war of aggression, would be both inconceivable and uncontrollable."
"AMRIS demands that there must be a full disclosure of the objectives, conditions and limitations of this intervention, subject to a parliamentary debate and public scrutiny before this apparent decision to take us to war is finalised."
David Macilwain.
#fn1" id="fn1">1. #txt1">↑ At the Presidential election of 4 June 2014, 10,319,723 Syrians, or 88.7% of the 73.42% of eligible Syrian voters who voted, voted for President Bashar al-Assad in spite of the obstruction of expatriate voters by some countries, including Australia and France.
The fair conduct of those elections was attested to by five international observers at a press conference held at the headquarters of the United Nations on 19 June 2014. See Syria's press conference the United Nations doesn't want you to see (21/6/15) with an embedded 53 minute YouTube broadcast. This article was previously published on
I don't know of one of the leaders any one of the formal democracies opposed to Syria – the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, Turkey, Israel, Australia, ... let alone the dictatorships of Saudi Arabia and Qatar – who can claim to have even close to President al-Assad's popular endoresement.
At the conference not one of the 'reporters' who, before and since, have peddled the narrative that Bashar al-Assad is a corrupt, brutal dictator, attempted to challenge their testimony.
James Sinnamon
Sat, 2015-09-05 00:27
Australia has no right to fight in Syria without its consent
The following was #comment-262562">posted to I am advised, as of 12:45AM on Saturday 5 September 2015 that this comment is awaiting moderation. #c1fn1" id="c1txt1"> 1
J-D #comment-262562">asked in response to my earlier #comment-262556">two #comment-262556">posts:
What source? To which of my #comment-262556">two #comment-262557">posts are you referrring?
Had you looked at the article linked to in the second of my above posts, you would have noticed in one of the footnotes, a link to a story of a press conference which ocurred on 19th June 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. That story includes a 53 minute embedded video of the press conference. At that press conference, five independent observers attested to the fairness of the Presidential election which had been conducted on 4 June 2014. At that election 88.7% of the 73.42% of eligible Syrian voters who voted, voted for President Bashar al-Assad.
Given the proxy war that was going on at the time, and which is continuing to this day, and the obstruction, by countries like Australia and France, of expatriate Syrians who wanted to vote, I would say that that was a most impressive result and one which totally refutes the lie from the mainstream newsmedia that President Bashar al-Assad is corrupt and brutal tyrant. Strikingly, not one of 'reporters' from Australia or elsewhere, who had been pushing that narrative before and since, bothered to show up to that press conference to challenge the testimony of the election observers.
The fact is since March 2011 Syria has faced invasion by sociopath killers from almost every corner of the globe. These sociopaths have been paid for and armed by the United States France, the UK and their regional allies including Israel, Turkey, Jordan and the dictatorships of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The cost borne by the people of Syria is terrible - over 220,000 dead by one estimate, but in spite of the terrible cost, the Army and the people of Syria have stood by their government against the invaders.
The people of Syria have seen what happened to neighbouring Iraq as a result of two illegal wars since 1990 and economic sanctions in which Australia shamefully participated, and are resolved not to let the same happen to them. According to Ramsey Clark, who was Attornery General of the United States under President Johnson in the 1960s, as many as 3,300,000 Iraqis may have died as a result. A 13 minute of a talk by Ramsey Clarke can be found here.
Fortunately, voices, which are demanding that the decision by Tony Abbott for Australia to participate in the war against the people of Syria be debated in Parliament, are starting to be heard. One of those people is retired Army General Peter Gration.
#c1fn1" id="c1fn1">1. #c1txt1">↑ Why this is the case is unclear to me. All of my previous posts to, except where I may have inadvertently included more than one link, have been immediately published. Usually only posts with more than one HTML link are moderated by Professor Quiggin. The copy I posted there had only one link which linked back to this post.
anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2015-09-06 11:02
Australian government set to give go ahead to bomb Syria
Tue, 2015-09-08 01:58
Syrians take French FM Fabius to court for 'encouraging' al-Nusr
Previously published (7/9/15) on
Relations of victims of jihadist groups in Syria took the French government to court on Monday, accusing Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius of encouraging violence in their country by praising the al-Qaida affiliate, the al-Nusra Front.
The case went to a Paris appeal court on Monday, a lower court having declared itself incompetent to hear it because it concerned France's foreign policy.
The plaintiffs, all Syrians, claim that several statements by Fabius stoked the Syrian conflict in 2012.
Among them was a declaration, made during a visit to a refugee camp in August, that "Bashar al-Assad doesn't deserve to be on this earth."
They also cite a quotation in Le Monde newspaper when Fabius reported that the Syrian opposition coalition and "all the Arabs" opposed the US decision to put al-Nusra on its terrorist list because "they are doing a good job on the ground".
Legal officials on Monday asked the appeal court to endorse the lower court's decision on the grounds that the statements concerned French foreign policy and could not be taken out of that context.
For the plaintiffs' lawyer, Damien Viguier, they were "stirring up civil war" and "personal misconduct distinct from the government's policy".
They want Fabius condemned for "provocation to commit mass crimes" and want a symbolic euro in compensation.
A similar case brought before the Court of Justice of the Republic, which judges accusations by ministers while there in office, was closed in January 2014.
Jonathan (not verified)
Tue, 2015-09-08 19:54
Helping, instead of hindering, Syria
Dennis K
Tue, 2015-09-08 20:18
Rhetoric against Assad heating up
Have the Brave (not verified)
Wed, 2015-09-09 21:17
Why Murdoch Pushes for War
Wed, 2015-09-16 20:54
Video of interview with Bashar Al-Assad found on RT
Thanks #comment-262933">Megan,
Just briefly for now: The Guardian article by Frankie Boyle is Cameron won't take refugees who have reached Europe - like there's a humanitarian offside rule.
The other article, which includes the 40 minute video of the interview of President Bashar al-Assad played earlier on RT On Air, is 'West crying for refugees with one eye, aiming gun with the other'- Assad (FULL INTERVIEW). It includes the full transcript off the interview.
Thu, 2015-09-17 10:16
"Jumping through hoops" or informing oneself about Syria?
#comment-262944">Julie Thomas, what J-D calls #comment-262929">"jumping through hoops" is no more than what I would have thought that anyone, who is not already properly informed about the conflict in Syria, and wants to become properly informed, would do.
It has been argued (here or elsewhere) that, because the interviewers were from media sources, including RT, already sympathetic to President al-Assad, the questions put were not too probing. I, nevertheless, thought that the questions were good and that the answers helped shed more light on the Syrian conflict.
However on other occasions, President al-Assad has faced lengthy interviews from other interviewers clearly hostile to him, including 56 minutes with Charlie Rose of 60 minutes and 26 minutes with the BBC (9/2/15) (see embedded video below). On both occasions, he has acquitted himself well. I have never seen President Obama, John Kerry or Hillary Clinton, Francois Hollande, David Cameron or Tony Abbott face anything like a similar amount of public scrutiny. If they had, they would have been cut to ribbons.
Fri, 2015-09-18 21:08
Verdict on MSM's Syria 'reporting' from court of public debate
This was #comment-262991">posted to
As I have acknowledged, on one occasion of which I am aware, since March 2001, that is, when Rupert Murdoch's Australian reported about Mother Agnes Mariam, we learnt from that MSM outlet some of the truth about Syria. On every other occasion, the MSM has misinformed its readers, viewers and listening audience, about the Syrian conflict. In the court of reasoned public debate and not the 'law court' in which you would prefer the case to be heard, my case would win hands down.
Fri, 2015-09-18 22:15
Vo Nguyen Giap: JFK planned to end war against Vietnam in 1964
This was #comment-262998">posted to
If what you say about President John F. Kennedy is true, then clearly I am wrong to liken Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to JFK, however ...
J-D #comment-262952">wrote on September 17th, 2015 at 15:34 :
General Vo Nguyen Giap (1911 - 2013) who led the Vietnamese armies to victory over the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and to victory over the United States in 1975 acknowledged that President John F. Kennedy intended to end the Vietnam War in 1964 after he was re-elected. However, as we know, JFK was murdered on 22 November 1963, after which his successor, LBJ escalated the war against Vietnam and several millions more Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians died.
These were amongst the reasons for which the Military Industrial Complex killed JFK - or do you think that he was killed by a lone solitary gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald?
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