Dear Prime Minister Anthony Albanese,
As you are surely aware, Julian Assange has been locked away since 11 April 2019 – more than 5 years ago - in solitary confinement for more than 23 hours per day for more than 5 years
If Julian Assange, who has broken no British law [1] can be treated in this way, this means that any Australian citizen can also be imprisoned. (This article has been adapted from a PDF file. To download, see the end of this article.)
Clearly what is at stake here is the right of every Australian to free speech and for protection from malign foreign governments.
I therefore put to you and your government that you must find the means to persuade UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to end the imprisonment of Assange now and to persuade US President Joe Biden to end his government’s efforts to extradite Julian Assange.
I understand you and the Foreign Minister have already spoken to both Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak about this matter, but given that Assange remains imprisoned and that the US is still resolved to extradite Julian Assange, could I suggest that at least you use more forceful language in your future communications with these people? Should that not persuade them, could I suggest that you speak more loudly and in public at press conferences and in Parliament for Julian Assange and end the ‘quiet diplomacy’ that you have practised thus far?
I believe that alone could persuade both Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak to give Julian Assange his freedom, but should that fail, you still have the following recourses:
- Ask other political leaders in those countries for their help. Both George Galloway, the recently elected member for Rochdale in the UK, and Robert F. Kennedy Junior, who is contesting the 2024 US Presidential elections, are both outspoken supporters of Julian Assange;
- Raise the case of Julian Assange at the next United Nations General Assembly;
- Prosecute the United Kingdom at the International Criminal Court; and
- Prosecute both the United Kingdom and the United States at the International Court of Justice
If you were to follow at least some of my above suggestions, I expect that both the US and the UK could find that the political costs of continuing their imprisonment of Assange would be too large.
Yours faithfully,
James Sinnamon Melbourne Victoria
How you can help
Take extra copies of this leaflet and give to friends, neighbours and other members of the public. Download the PDF from this page to print more copies. As I can't be sure which will work in the Officeworks printers, two versions of the PDF file have been created. They are version 1 and version 2. They are both portrait A3 files each containing 4 portrait A5 page images.
Attend protests for Julian Assange including the Weekly Melbourne Vigil for Julian Assange which starts at 5pm each Friday outside Flinders Street Station.
Contact your MP or your state Senators and ask them, at the forthcoming sittings of both the House of Representatives and the Senate which commence on Tuesday 14 May, to put a motion which calls on the Australian government to act as suggested above to free Julian Assange.
[1] in July 2012 Julian Assange ‘skipped bail’ to seek asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid being extradited to the United States. For this supposed ‘misdemeanour’ Assange was sentenced in May 2019 to serve 50 weeks in Belmarsh Prison. He finished that sentence in May 2020 and has not broken any other British law before or since then.
Tony Wakeham (not verified)
Fri, 2024-04-26 11:22
Labor won't ever hold government again if they don't free Julian
Your Labor party will never hold a majority government ever again unless you get Julian Assange freed! - by Tony Wakeham of the Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall Gathering group.
Sun, 2024-04-28 23:21
Assange supporters could help form an Australian Workers Party
Tony, you should look at the Rumble page or the YouTube page of George Galloway (at https://www.youtube.com/@GeorgeGallowayOfficial/videos - try to copy and paste this link rather than clicking on it). On 29 February he defeated both the Conservative Party and the Labor Party to become the new member for the seat of Rochdale in the UK. That victory has inspired a groundswell of support for George Galloway's Workers Party across the UK. An an ever-growing number of self-funded Workers Party candidates will contest the next General election in the UK. It seems to me that they could form the next government there.
I expect that an equivalent Workers Party in Australia, just to start with, would attract a much greater degree of support than any of the minor parties now enjoy (with the possible exception of the Greens). I expect that many members of the Greens and other minor parties would want their parties to amalgamate with such a Workers Party or, if those parties did not, resign from their part to join that Workers Party.
patricia walsh (not verified)
Sat, 2024-04-27 17:38
Does Albanese have the courage to save Julian's life?
This is a time when truth is needed and our Australian hero has become a world wide symbol for speaking truth to power... Anthony Albanese needs to have the courage of his people and demand Julian's release or he will never gain the respect of the Australian people or anyone else, as the world is watching to see if our government has any integrity or is just following it's US masters ...
Anthony Albanese has been gifted with the chance to save Julian's life ...does he have the courage? We pray that he does!
Thank your for your comment, Patricia. I didn't understand why you gave your comment the title from 'grandmother', so I changed it. Please let me know if you would like the title changed back - Ed.
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