Martin Bryant has been sentenced to prison for the rest of his life because he was convicted of killing 35 people and wounding 23 others at Port Arthur in 1996. According to Vietnam Veteran, the late Brigadier Ted Serong, only the most elite of Australian troops could have performed such a feat of rapid movement and marksmanship, rarely missing, and with such a high proportion of fatal hits.
Article was originally published on 11 Feb 2013. The date has been changed to put this article back on the front page. Update, 29 July 2013 : Please download and freely distribute Mass Murder - Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia (pdf - 718 pp, 13Mb) by Keith Noble completed on 27 July 2017. Keith was inspired by the article Was Martin Bryant the Port Arthur killer? of 3 April 2013 to write this book. On 9 May 2013, the article Port Arthur conspiracy anger by Zara Dawtrey in the Hobart Mercury, owned by Rupert Murdoch, again labeled Martin Bryant a "mass murderer" in the face of conclusive evidence to the contrary. - Ed, 19 May and 29 July, 2013.
Martin Bryant, aged 29, had an IQ of 66, equivalent to that of an 11 year old child, which put him in the lowest 1%-2% of the population.
How Martin could have trained himself to be so skilled and so deadly is impossible to conceive. Martin Bryant was found guilty after having uttered words that were taken to be a confession after many previous denials and many months in isolation under duress.
He was never tried and so the supposed evidence against him was never tested.
In fact, as Keith Noble shows in Chapter 6, "The Evidence," of the PDF book Mass Murder Official killing in Tasmania, Australia [a 1.2 megabyte PDF file], Martin Bryant did not commit the murders, because he could not have committed the murders.
Please download the file, which is attached to the article Was Martin Bryant the Port Arthur killer? of 3 April 2010 which inspired Keith Noble to write the book, read it and freely distribute it as widely as possible. When the rest book is complete it can also be distributed freely.
James Sinnamon
Tue, 2013-02-12 09:22
Striking similarities of Sandy Hook massacre to Port Arthur
This was posted to story #comment-6934">Corporate Media’s “Lone Gunman” Storyline Losing Ground of 29 February.
This tragedy has striking similarities with the Port Arthur massacre of 1996 in which 35 people were killed and another 23 wounded, supposedly by Martin Bryant, of 29 years with the intellect of an 11 year old. Port Arthur is located on a peninsula on the south-eastern corner of the Australian island state of Tasmania, itself to the south of the eastern end of the Australian continent. Port Arthur is a large historical tourist facility situated on the remains of an infamous penal colony. Only three days ago, I was contacted by Keith Noble, an expatriate Australian who had written a book about the 1996 massacre. He advised me that he was inspired to write the book by an article I had written myself on 3 April 2010, "Was Martin Bryant the Port Arthur killer?" at The draft 1.2M PDF of chapter 5, which examines the 'evidence' against Martin Bryant can be down loaded from that page. The direct link is . It has also been briefly summarised at .
Please download the PDF and freely distribute it.
Kas (not verified)
Sun, 2013-10-06 07:09
Martin Bryant not guilty ?
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2015-05-25 19:47
Of course Martin Bryant is innocent
Subject was: Of course he's innocent - Ed
I'd like to see the same.
Australia's corrupt succession of governments will do anything to push for increasingly oppressive laws, determined to make every Australian powerless and defenceless. I'm sure they have their reasons, though they'll never tell the rest of us what those reasons are, because they know there'd be a bloody national riot if we ever find out.
This is all no doubt at the behest of the Yanks, who every Australian PM has always been sickeningly submissive to.
It's repugnant, disgusting and vile, just like our politics.
Bill (not verified)
Sat, 2015-06-27 17:24
Martin Bryant
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2016-01-12 17:56
Thinks Martin Bryant, who never faced trial by jury, is guilty!
Title was: "I dont think he is innocent". - Ed
I don't think he is innocent but we don't know the full truth either because his mother said he had aspergers autism and I don't think that's true. People with aspergers do have a problem with their tempers but if Martin maybe she only said it to help him out because I've never heard of anyone else with it killing anyone and I don't believe the government had anything to do with it either I just think we don't know enough about what kind of problem he had that is what we should focus on.
Editor's response: I suggest you take the time to read the facts in this article and Was Martin Bryant the Port Arthur killer? (3/4/14). Should you decide that you still think he is guilty, then I suggest you explain what claims made by the authors are wrong and why.
Martin Bryant never faced a jury trial for allegedly killing 35 people at Port Arthur on 28 April 1996. Any competent juror would have easily been able to see the 'case' against Martin Bryant for the fabrication it was and he would have quickly been found not guilty. However, instead of facing trial, Martin Bryant was held in isolation for months and put under intense pressure to confess. It is claimed that at one point he confessed. After he 'confessed', the trial was called off and he was locked away. Martin Bryant's supposed defence attorney colluded in this frame-up.
Martin Jackson (not verified)
Tue, 2016-05-17 21:36
Martin Bryant
Andrew K (not verified)
Wed, 2025-03-26 01:08
Martin Bryant is guilty
I am going to use the phrase 'deniers of the mainstream version' instead of conspiracy theorists - deniers for short.
My first encounter with 'deniers was 45 years ago when I was 15 years old. Over the years, I have encountered all sorts of deniers with a myriad of theories about the world around them. Martin Bryant is innocent videos started appearing in my You Tube feed a month ago. Seriously, it is hard to fathom that anybody would believe Bryant is innocent and deny the official version of the Port Arthur Massacre.
There are a couple of points I have noticed about the latest generation of deniers who claim Martin Bryant is innocent.
1. Their 'alleged facts' are parroted from and exactly the same as the beliefs of the original conspiracy theorists who first penned their theories back around 1996.
For example. The four main witnesses they cite who claim Bryant was not the shooter are James Laycock, Graham Collyer, Wendy Scurr, and Steven Howard. To the best of my knowledge, James Laycock, Steven Howard, and Wendy Scurr were not inside that Cafe building when the shootings took place.
Michael Sargent and John Fidler were. They both allegedly saw Byrant point a rifle at them just before he pulled the trigger. Both men were grazed on the scalp but the shot fired at them. Neither of these men have ever denied Martin Bryant was the person who fired at them inside that Cafe.
2. Deniers appear to believe Martin Bryant's replies during the Police Interview. At one stage he said to the police words to the effect that they were lucky people committed atrocities like these or they would not have anything to do. Why would anybody consider Bryant to be a reliable witness?
3. Crazy people are not normal. Sometimes they can appear to act normal and sensible. Other times they act manic to a lesser or greater degree.
This is what a Psychiatrist once told me about crazy people. Crazy people often have a chemical imbalance in their brain. That chemical balance is treated by giving them lithium.
A few weeks of lithium treatment of some other mood stabilizer like Olanzapine and the crazy person starts to 'feel better.' Then, some of them decide to stop taking the lithium. The amount of lithium in their brain begins to decline. Within a few days, they are are back to being crazy people.
The one thing crazy people with mental health issues should not do is drink alcohol because it is akin to throwing petrol on a fire...they go ballistic.
To the best of my knowledge Martin Bryant was not receiving any mental health treatment or medication for mental health issues.
My point is that Martin Bryant decided 'he did not like Sundays and was going to go shoot the whole world down' There are so many different moving parts to this tragedy... the Volvo overheating....It was allegedly 10 or 11 degree celcius that day....the Volvo engine is designed to run on glycol based coolant..... the engines tend of overheat if someone uses water instead of proper coolant...the cooling system is also pressurised....their radiator is designed to be topped up using the coolant reserve tank..... removing the radiator cap depressurised the cooling system... if the system is not properly pressurised after replacing the radiator cap, the cooling system does not work correctly... and the car overheats.
Clearly, if Bryant did not have a driver licence, he had not been taught to drive or maintain a car. In all likelihood, he drove the car into the ground and or never had it serviced.
The Volvo overheating is a the classic sign of somebody who has not been taught to maintain a car....and that likely happened.... because he does not appear to have owned a car while his father was alive.... nobody taught him to drive or look after a car for that reason.
Do, I need written proof that Bryant new nothing about cars to make these assumptions.... no, I don't. An overheating car, a cool day, that particular model of car, and him allegedly standing around not knowing what to do about the overheating is an educated guess that is what was going on.... it could have been low on oil as well.... but no... it was more likely a cooling system issue.
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