The Russian revolution of 7 November 1917, one hundred years ago today, was a profound political upheaval which put in power political leaders resolved to remove poverty, exploitation, unemployment, economic chaos, and war from Russia and the rest of the world. The Russian revolution and sympathetic revolts in Germany in 1918 helped finally bring to an end the First World War, in which 18,000,000 died.
Had the revolution spread to Germany, Hitler's Nazi Party could not have seized power in 1933 and the Second World War, in which an estimated 60 million died, would have most likely been prevented.
Title previously was: How the Second World War almost didn't happen
The Russian revolution of 7 November 1917, one hundred years ago today, was a profound political upheaval which put in power political leaders resolved to remove poverty, exploitation, unemployment, economic chaos, and war from Russia and the rest of the world. The Russian revolution and sympathetic revolts in Germany in 1918 helped finally bring to an end the First World War, in which 18,000,000 died.
Had the revolution spread to Germany, Hitler's Nazi Party could not have seized power in 1933 and the Second World War, in which an estimated 60 million died, would have most likely been prevented.
In fact, the Russian Revolution almost did spread to Germany. In 1918, 1919, 1920 and 1923 there were political upheavals which could have led to the German Communist Party (KPD) becoming the governing party in Germany. [1]
In the political upheaval of 1923, the Reichswehr [2] invaded[3] the state of Saxony on 21 October to overthrow the elected government of Premier Erich Zeigner, a left Social Democrat and to disarm workers' defence militias that the KPD was helping to organise. All over Germany, trade union councils, consisting of Social Democrats, Communists and others, had called for nationwide general strikes in solidarity with the government of Saxony against this invasion. Many trade unionists had armed themselves in order to fight the Reichswehr, the police, and Nazi militias.[4]
A conference of various local worker organisations had been called by the Government of Saxony to be held in the city of Chemnitz on the very day the invasion began. At that conference, as the invasion was proceeding, Graupe, a Social Democrat Minister of the state of Saxony, threatened that all the Social Democrat delegates would walk out if a motion to call for a nationwide general strike to defend his government was put.
Then KPD leader Heinrich Brandler lost his nerve and did not put that motion. The Federal Germany Army invasion of Saxony proceeded and Premier Erich Zeigner was arrested and imprisoned and a right-wing Social Democrat was installed as premier.
In his previous visit to Moscow on 8 October 1923 Heinrich Brandler had appealed to the Communist Party politbureau to allow Leon Trotsky to come to Germany to give him guidance.
Leon Trotsky had led the Bolshevik insurrection of 7 November 1917, had founded the Red Army and led it in the Russian Civil War against the White Russians and foreign invaders, and was a fluent German speaker. Almost certainly his presence in Saxony on 21 October would have made the decisive difference. As Isaac Deutscer wrote in "The Prophet Unarmed - Trotsky: 1921-1929" (1959) the second volume in his three volume biography of Trotsky
[Trotsky] asked to be sent abroad "as a soldier of the revolution" to help the German Communists to prepare revolution. The idea had not come out of the blue. The leader of the German party, Heinrich Brandler, had just arrived in Moscow; and doubting his own and his comrades' capacity to lead an insurrection, had inquired in all earnestness from Trotsky and Zinoviev whether Trotsky could not come incongnito to Berlin or Saxony to take charge of revolutionary operations. The idea stired Trotsky; and the danger of the mission excited his courage. ... he asked for the assignment.
The triumvirs (Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamanev) could not let him go. ... If he went, succeeded, and returned in triumph, he would have dwarfed them as he acknowledged leader of both the Russian and German revolutions.
So, driven by petty personal envy, Stalin, Kamanev and Zinoviev refused to let Trotsky go. Then, on 21 October 1923, as Heinrich Brandler had warned in Moscow on 8 October, the German revolution, without guidance from a leader of Trotsky's calibre, was defeated.
18 years later on 22 June 1941, the Soviet Union was invaded by the Nazi Germany made possible by the 1923 debacle and 25 million Soviet citizens were lose their lives defeating that invasion.
[1] See "The Lost Revolution - Germany 1918 to 1983" (1983) by Chris Harman
[2] The Federal German Army
[3] The Federal German Government had not been given permission by the elected government of Saxony to send its army into Saxony.
[4] op cit p288
Magda F (not verified)
Tue, 2017-11-07 19:15
The man who stopped Germany's general strike in 1923
Geoffrey Taylor
Wed, 2017-11-08 01:41
Only posed as left Social Democrat to hold influence over wokers
James Sinnamon
Fri, 2017-11-24 00:51
"Russia Insider" smears man still loved by most Russians!
The following two comments were posted beneath the article 'Russians Are Sh*theads!' - Grandpa Lenin in His Own Words (23/11/17) by Michael Bateman | Russia Insider:
[Candobetter editor: To find the originals of the comments below, please load the page linked to above into your browser and then commnce to scoll down. This will eventually cause all comments, including these comments, to be loaded . Direct links to the original comments have not been provided, because we have found that clicking on a direct link to the comment, instead of just to the article itself, will usually cause problems. ]
First Comment
Second Comment
Third Comment (by another contributor)
James Sinnamon
Sun, 2017-11-26 10:33
Stalin a capable leader? Russia Insider censors discussion
Kjeli Hasthi wrote, "Maybe 8 mill was killed (one source stated that). Remaining died in other ways, like lack of hospitals."
ecald12 wrote, "That Soviet losses were extremely high was inevitable as Germany was more industrialized and its human capital and organizational resources significantly greater than the USSR's, at that time."
The Russians produced the T-34 tank, recognised as superior to anything that Germany produced at the time. The MIG-1, Yak-1 fighters, which were first produced in 1940, could hold their own against German fighters and the Katyusha rocket launchers were superior to anything the Germans had.
The 25 million who died between 1941 and 1945, whether through combat, starvation or disease, died as consequence of the Nazi German invasion and Stalin's criminal scheming and misjudgement. This facilitated the Wehrmacht's early success and the terrible cost to the Red Army of driving it back into Germany.
In comparison, the United States, which fought against both Nazi Germany and Japan, lost 407,300 lives, whilst all the countries of the British Commonwealth lost about 500,000 lives.
As terrible as those losses were, they totalled only a fraction of the Soviet Union's losses. They give a better idea what it should have cost the Soviet Union to defeat Hitler had it been led by a more capable leader.
ecald12 wrote "The feeling in the German General Staff was that a war with the USSR was unnecessary and would present a tremendous economic and military drain on German resources."
Had Nazi Germany defeated the Soviet Union, which, it seems to me, would have occurred had Franklin Roosevelt (FDR), one of the two 'peace' candidates of the 1940 Presidential elections, not persuaded America to join the war against Nazi Germany, it would have had access to the vast natural resources of all the republics of the Soviet Union and would have become the dominant global superpower. Eastern Europe and much of Russia would have been depopulated to make lebensraum for the German master race.
escal12 wrote. "Stalin's policy was to delay what he fully recognized would be an inevitable confrontation with Nazi Germany. He was hoping to forestall such a war until 1942. By that time he felt the USSR would be adequately industrialized and modernized. His rearmament and crash industrialization programs enabled the Soviet Union to survive the war with Germany."
Stalin 'prepared' for invasion, by ignoring warnings from the British, Americans and his own spies, that Nazi Germany was going to invade the Soviet Unin in the Summer of 1941. In the meantime, he continued to send to Nazi Germmany the vital raw materials it needed both to continue its war against Btitain and to prepare for its coming invasion eastwards.
One of the spies, who warned Stalin of the invasion was German communist Richard Sorge, who worked in Germany's Tokyo embassy. Sorge was subsequently discovered, arrested and eventually executed by the Japanese, after Stalin refused offers from Japan to have him returned. Clearly Stalin did not want others in the Soviet Union to learn of how he ignored Sorge's warnings. In 1961, Nikita Kruschev subsequently posthumously awarded Sorge the title of a "Hero of the Soviet Union".
Sun, 2017-11-26 12:55
Post critical of Stalin deleted by Russia Insider!?
As of 12:54pm, I have learnt that my post which was 'under moderation' is no longer there. Presumably, it has been deleted!
This begs the question: "What have the editors of Russia Insider to fear from the above post? If I am wrong, then surely they or somebody else can show other readers where I am wrong? If they cannot show where I am wrong, then quite posssibly what I have written is correct. So, how does the stifling of dissenting opinions, which appear to be backed up by evidence and logic, help Russia Insider fight against Washington's plans for global hegemony agenda in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, the Black Sea, Eastern Europe, the Baltic Sea, the Arctic Ocean, Afghanistan, Korea, the South China Sea and elsewhere?
Whilst, as I have said before, Russia Insider is informative on many critical issues - Ukraine, Syria, Crimea, Flight MH17, ... - being seen to be covering up up for one of the worst tyrants in history, whilst, bizarrely, condemning Lenin and the Russian Revolution that Stalin claimed to uphold - The Bolshevik Revolution - a Russian Tragedy, Examining the Rotten Roots of Russian Redstalgia, Famous Syphilitic Psychopath Vladimir Lenin Celebrated at St. Petersburg Conference, Why Didn't the British King Save His Russian Cousin, Nicholas II After the Revolution?, The Real Lenin: Traitor, Parasite, Failure and 'Russians Are Sh*theads!' - Grandpa Lenin in His Own Words - can only undermine the global movement against the lying corporate newsmwdia and war.
James (not verified)
Mon, 2018-01-08 17:59
'Trotskyists' in 2018 vs Trotskyists one hundred years ago
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2018-01-08 18:06
How come the cell concept failed to prevent infiltration
James (not verified)
Fri, 2018-04-27 08:17
Can enduring world peace be achieved in 2018?
James Sinnamon
Sun, 2018-10-14 12:33
Vilified Bolshevik leaders tried to prevent repeat of WW1
I #comment-2570836">posted the comment below beneath the article The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime - Assessing the Grim Legacy of Soviet Communism (1/7/1994) by Mark Weber -even though the article was first published 24 years ago, it now features on the front page of the Unz Review.
Thank you #comment-2569600">Israel Shamir, for speaking up for the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution was humanity's best hope for ending the criminal slaughter of 1914-1918 in which 18 million died and for preventing of the even more terrible Second World War in which, according to Wikipedia, between 70,000,000 and 85,000,000 died. [1]
It seems to have become fashionable on otherwise informative websites such as this website - the Unz Review, Veterans Today, The Duran, Russia Insider and others, to condemn the Russian Revolution and its leaders, [2] whilst omitting mention of the criminal actions by the rulers of Russia and its Western allies - France, The United Kingdom and Australia, that helped start the First World War. [3] Had the Russian Revolution spread to Germany, as it almost did between November 1918 and October 1923, Hitler's seizure of power and all the terrible consequences would have been prevented. See:
"Buried history: How the spread of the Russian Revolution to Germany could have stopped Hitler" (7/11/2017) at /node/5323 (the article above)
… where I will also be posting this comment.
[1] See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#Total_deaths . I had previously thought that the figure was 60,000,000, which is horrific enough.
[2] As examples of the vilification of the Russian Revolution, see https://russia-insider.com/en/bolsheviks-robbed-russia-what-would-have-been-russian-century/ri24416 https://russia-insider.com/en/politics/untold-history-murder-last-tsar-and-his-family-which-media-have-been-hiding-you/ri24181 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/07/18/the-brutal-murder-of-tsar-nicholas-ii-and-his-family https://russia-insider.com/en/history/100-years-ago-jewish-communists-slaughtered-tsar-his-wife-children-relatives-and-servants https://theduran.com/lenin-updated-turn-the-globalist-war-into-a-race-war/ . I could have included more, but I feared that the comment management software might prevent this.
[3] See "The Darkest Days - the Truth behind Britain's Rush to War, 1914" (2014) "Hell-Bent - Australia's leap into the Great War" (2014) both by Douglas Newton.
James Sinnamon
Mon, 2018-10-15 00:57
A socialist Germany worse than what occurred in 1933?
This was also #comment-2571663">posted to the article mentioned above:
#comment-2570985">Wizard of Oz,
Firstly, Thank you for having shown some interest in the Australian author Douglas Newton. I understand that, in spite the quality of the two books I have referred to Douglas Newton, unlike me, does not see the 1917 Russian Revolution as having been beneficial for humankind
You wrote: "However the substantial problem is in the idea that the “Russian Revolution was humanity’s best hope of ending the criminal slaughter of 1914-1918″. It just doesn’t make sense. America was in the war, guaranteeing German defeat. So, if Russia had struggled on after the November 1917 revolution it would have made Germany’s March offensive on the Western Front impossible or at least much weaker and it would have meant Russia ended up much less weakened than it was by the Brest-Litovsk Treaty." (http://www.unz.com/pub/jhr__the-jewish-role-in-the-bolshevik-revolution-and-russias-early-soviet-regime/#comment-2570985)
Please explain how the German victory in 1918 would have been any less a setback for humanity than the defeat of "Germany's March offensive on the Western Front" and the consequent 1919 Treaty of Versailles?
It seems to me that by holding Germany solely responsible for the outbreak of war and imposing huge reparations on Germany, the victorious Entente made more likely the rise of Hitler and the outbreak of another war.
You continued: "Obviously a Red Revolution in Germany might have stopped Hitler’s rise unless it was itself overthrown by counter revolution which brought Nazis to power earlier or more viciously."
Clearly capitalism failed in Germany in the years prior to 1933. Why are you presuming that the socialist policies of a KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) government in Germany could not have worked?
In fact, history has given one example where socialism has worked: Cuba since 1959. Cuba has Universal free health, education, health care and other government services in spite of the United States' blockade, subversion and invasion threats since 1959. Cuban doctors have also been providing great services elsewhere in to many countries in Africa and South America.
Compare that to the United States where tertiary education requires life-long indebtedness and the medical system is a shambles.
James Sinnamon
Mon, 2018-10-15 13:06
Cubans rejected 'liberation' from 'communist tyranny' in 1961
I The comment below is my #comment-2572393">response to a further #comment-2571723">comment in the debate beneath the article The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime -
Assessing the Grim Legacy of Soviet Communism (1/7/1994) by Mark Weber -even thhough it was first published 24 years ago, it now features on the fronm page of the Unz Review. It is now awaiting moderation.
Colin Wright,
I note you haven't responded to my point about how socialist Cuba's health and education systems compare with the shambles in the supposedly most powerful and richest nation in the world just north of Cuba.
Would you care to cite where you read that "Castro murdered twenty five thousand people or so over the course of his rule"?
Contrary to assurances given to President Kennedy by the CIA, Cubans failed to rise up against the supposed "communist tyranny" when the CIA-sponsored 'liberators' landed at the Bay of Pigs on 17 April 1961. Instead Cubans rallied behind the government and drove the invaders back into the sea.
Colin Wright wrote, "Cuba was also massively subsidized by the Soviet Union." However, even after Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba was able to run without the cheap oil imports. See "The Power of Community How Cuba Survived Peak Oil Documentary" (2010 2:08 hours) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh6H1VgBrpg .
Given the constant threat of invasion from, and the economic blockade by the global United States bully just up north, it seems to me that, even when Cuba was receiving subsidised oil, its socialist economy was performing remarkably well.
Given the United States' constant meddling in the affairs of other countries since 1945 - Chile, Greece, Yugoslavia, Korea, Vietnam, Guatemala, etc,, it seems to me that the United States' rulers are as confident as you are that socialism cannot succeed.
So, if socialism is not a way to prevent more wars like in Irag, Iran, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, etc., what do you see as the solution or do you prefer that human history continues as it has for the last 120 years?
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