Beattie to consult Queenslanders on dams, building projects, population growth?

The following letter, sent by myself, was printed in the Courier Mail Newspaper of Saturday 18 August. The story to which it refers is included below.

Printed letter:

Dear Editor,

Premier Peter Beattie's suggestion that people be given "a vote on issues that
really matter" (, 17 Aug) is an excellent one.

With any luck, Queenslanders can soon expect to be consulted not only about council amalgamations, but also about the Traveston Dam, the ongoing deluge of construction projects that are destroying communities and the natural environment of Queensland, and population growth, the symptoms of which which these projects are supposed to alleviate.

James Sinnamon

Original letter:

Dear Editor,

Premier Peter Beattie's suggestion that people be given "a vote on issues that really matter, on issues where he really can make a difference" (, 17 Aug) is an excellent one.

With any luck, Queenslanders can soon expect to be consulted not only about council amalgamations, but also about the Traveston Dam, the ongoing deluge of construction projects that are destroying communities and the natural environment of Queensland, and population growth, the symptoms of which which these projects are supposed to alleviate.

It's a shame that neither the nor Peter Beattie's own privatisation of Suncorp, contrary to a previous election promise, were not also put to referenda.

James Sinnamon

PETER Beattie has moved to turn the tables on John Howard's green light for council merger referendums by saying he may hold polls on federal policies.
Prime Minister John Howard yesterday unveiled new legislation to strike down laws which gave the State Government power to sack or fine councillors who
polled their ratepayers on the issue.

Federal Labor leader Kevin Rudd quickly backed Mr Howard's plan, ensuring the legislation would soon become law - widening the division between federal and state Labor.

Queensland will be the battleground state in the upcoming federal election and strategists on both sides believe anger over mergers could shift votes in key regional seats.

But Mr Beattie said late yesterday:

"If the Prime Minister really wants to give people a vote, let's give them a vote on issues that really matter, on issues where he really can make a difference."

He proposed several referendum options, including polls on upgrading the Bruce Highway in Townsville and a nuclear power plant on Bribie Island.

Mr Beattie also said Mr Howard offered false hope, but the Prime Minister said:

"My message to the Premier of Queensland is let your people speak. "It is outrageous for the State Government to punish people for wanting to express a view."


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