In the two decades since the screening of Oliver Stone's monumental JFK (1991) at cinemas, the mainstream media (msm) has largely succeeded in removing the epic story of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy from the attention of the broader public. Throughout most of the time almost nothing of substance nor anything that reflected well on the late President was said of him. For years at a time, the only mention of Kennedy would be an occasional story about one of a number of alleged sexual indiscretions.
However, as 22 November 2013 approached, the controllers of some of the mainstream media, have evidently judged that their credibility would be harmed if their concealment of President Kennedy continued or if they were not to be seen to speak well of him on the 50th anniversary of his murder.
Phony 'commemoration' staged by the same mass media which made Kennedy vanish
So, some of the msm have construed a 'commemoration' of the assassination, which is ostensibly sympathetic to Kennedy. The material broadcast, for example on SBS, concealed critical facts about his murder, those who conspired to murder him, and the cover-up by the mainstream and phony alternate newsmedia.
The four part biography of Kennedy, of which three have been broadcast so far, is somewhat more informative than the garbage so far broadcast by SBS. However, it falsely depicts President Kennedy as an ineffective leader both domestically and internationally. It makes the demonstrably untrue claim that Kennedy decided to govern domestically, not by doing things, but instead by the use of lofty rhetoric.
It is claimed that Kennedy was humiliated by Nikita Khruschev, when he met him at Vienna. That was news to me!
Quite possibly, President Kennedy may have come off second best during that encounter, but he was a young leader who was learning and, many times, had shown himself capable of taking setbacks in his stride. How the mutual respect subsequently shown for each other by the two leaders and, amongst other things, Kennedy's appeal to mount a joint US/USSR space program, is to be dealt with in episode 4 - if it is at all - will be most interesting.
For its part, the ABC have used the occasion to more openly promote the discredited Warren Commission narrative of the assassination of the late President. Late on 21 November, the ABC published Fact file: 10 unusual facts about JFK's assassination. These 'unusual facts' are little different from what is to be found in the time-worn the Warren Commission narrative.
Kennedy's support for Arab anti-colonialism, opposition to Israel
In recent years, since the first Gulf War of 1990-1991, independent Arab and the Central Asian nations have suffered bloody invasions, death-squad terror, destruction, starvation and disease, through sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies. Many tens of thousands of lives have been lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and possibly as many as 3.3 million lives were lost in Iraq. If Kennedy's support for Arab nationalism from the early 1950's were more widely understood, there would be even less tolerance by international public opinion for the aggression by the government of President Barack Obama. However, even many who speak truthfully about Kennedy's legacy seem unaware of this.#fnSubj_2" id="txtSubj_2">2
Ted Sorrenson's (1928-2010) biography Kennedy tells of how American journalists visiting Algeria amidst the war of independence in 1960 were surprised when Algerian FLN guerrilla fighters enquired about the 1960 Presidential elections and told them that they hoped that Kennedy would win. Prior to his election to the office of President, Senator Kennedy had succeeded in changing the stance of the United States Government from one of support of the French colonists to one of neutrality. After he became President, United States policy was changed to support for the Algerian freedom fighters against the French.
Kennedy's support for Algeria is also described3 by francophile English historian, Alistair Horne :
"Through 1957 and 1958, official American policy began to change ...
"At home, policy had been influenced by the vigorous campaign of the FLN at the United Nations. Here, the FLN were fortunate in the exceptionally good choice they had made by sending in 1956 their two best-fitted talents to New York, Abdelkader Chanderli and M'hamed Yazid. ...
"[Chanderli] became friendly with the up-and-coming young Democratic Senator, John F. Kennedy. ...
"Support from Senator John F. Kennedy
The FLN had registered its first success at the United Nations by getting the Algerian issue tabled, thereby administering a first rude shock to the French. ..."... in July, Chanderli's influential friend ... Senator John F. Kennedy, rose to make an important pronouncement in the United States Senate. He challenged Eisenhower and Dulles to 'place the efforts of the United States behind efforts ... to achieve a solution which will recognise the independent personality of Algeria ...' ... No speech on foreign affairs by Senator Kennedy attracted more attention, both at home and abroad, and under such pressure, United States Official policy on Algeria now began to shift. Henceforth, instead of backing France at the United Nations, the United States would abstain. It was a serious blow for the French, and a triumph for Chanderli, Yazid and the FLN. Finally, at the end of December, another success was registered by Algerians when, at a new Afro-Asian conference, hosted by Nasser in Cairo, they were accepted on an equal footing amongst the sovereign powers."#fnSubj_4" id="txtSubj_4">4
"[In November 1960] young Senator Kennedy launched his campaign [for the Presidency of the United States] with some pointed remarks about the necessity of France to withdraw from Algeria."#fnSubj_5" id="txtSubj_5">5
"... everything now seemed to be going for the FLN. Both at home and abroad, the pressures had been mounting on de Gaulle to make peace. In the United states John F. Kennedy, the avowed friend of Algerian Independence, had become president and was soon leaning heavily on de Galle to make peace. If the pressure needed an adumbration, in 1961 United States military aid to France was to be reduced to a tiny fraction of its 1953 total. ..."#fnSubj_6" id="txtSubj_6">6
Appendix 1: Informative material about President Kennedy
- Tavis Smiley interviews Oliver Stone of 13 Nov 2013 on PBS
- Confession: Jury verdict prove CIA killed JFK
- Kennedy, the Lobby and the Bomb of ;May 2013 on Voltair Net.
- The JFK Assassination Marked the End of the American Republic. of Nov 2013 on
- The JFK Assassination Marked the End of the American Republic — Interview with Martin Broeckers, author of JFK: Coup d'Etat in America of 20 Aug 2013 on
Appendix 2 Lies about President Kennedy
- Conspiracists and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy - Chicago Tribune of Nov 2013 – it is now necessary to 'log in' to read this article – Ed (4/7/2017) – in Featured articles of the Chicago Tribune.
- Kennedy, the Elusive President of 22 Oct 2013 in the New York Times. — Claims "The historical consensus seems to have settled on Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin ..."
- Obama hails JFK's 'daring' legacy on SBS of Nov 2013. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laid a wreath on Kennedy's grave. Clinton oversaw the destructive war against Libya in 2011 by the US and its NATO allies. She also helped start the current proxy terrorist war against Syria which may have cost 120,000 Syrian lives so far. Given Kennedy's outspoken support for Algerian patriots fighting the French colonists as an elected Senator from the early 1950's and his efforts to accomplish world peace, it is hard to believe that Clinton's gesture was sincere.
1.Hunt, E. Howard, American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate and Beyond, Wiley, 2007. ISBN 0-471-78982-8 "Hunt Blames Jfk Hit On Lbj," NY Post, 11/4/2007. The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt, Hedegaard, Erik, Rolling Stone 4/5/2007.
2. An exception is Thierry Meyssan, author of the article Kennedy, the lobby and the bomb, republished from Voltaire Net.
3. A savage war of peace — Algeria 1954-1962 (1977, 1987) by Alistair Horne.
4.Op. cit. pp244-247.
5. Op. cit. p417.
6. Op. cit. p463.
8. 9 May 2023 Previously, this sentence read "Amongst his many achievements, was the prevention of nuclear war on no less than three occasions". 26 Feb 2023. I have since realised that I am unable to substantiate all three occasions in which I stated that JFK had prevented the outbreak of nuclear war. On 19 October 1962, during the Bay of Pigs Crisis, JFK over-ruled the Joint Chiefs of Staff who wanted to launch a first-strike nuclear war against the Soviet Union. The second occasion was his refusal to bow to the wishes of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to greatly expand the United States' nuclear arsenal. However, as significant as the latter is, it does not quite count as the prevention of the imminent outbreak of nuclear war. I can't work out, right now, what the third occasion was. So, as far as can ascertain right now, there was only one instance, and not three where JFK prevented the imminent outbreak of nuclear war. My apologies. Nevertheless the fact remains, had JFK not over-ruled the Jint Chiefs of Staff nuclear war would have broken out in October 1962.
Sun, 2014-01-26 12:21
Establishment historians, msm desperate to bury JFK's memory
As I meant to write earlier, if time doesn't allow you to consider my arguments, then, by all means please just tell me and just focus on your essential work in solidarity with the Syrian people.
However, IF YOU CAN FIND THE TIME to consider my arguments more thoughtfully, I believe it will strengthen the case for Syria even more. JFK is an example of what is possible when a highly motivated and capable person gets to high office. I think this also applies to Bashar al-Assad and a number of the leaders of countries allied with Syria.
Sadly, many supposed progressives and socialists have, whether or not they realise it, taken on board the Trotskyist[1] paradigm whereby, anyone who achieves high office, particularly head of state, and IS NOT A DISCIPLINED MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY PARTY[2] must be corrupt and a servant of the international capitalist class. I can see how this has been erroneously applied since at least the least the 1930s to a number of highly motivated and capable political leaders: President FDR, Henry Wallace, who was FDR's vice-President, and who should have succeeded FDR instead of Harry Truman, the now-forgotten British left Labor MP Konni Zilliacus (1894-1967http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/TUzilliacus.htm), Bobby Kennedy and now President al-Assad.
On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 Tim wrote:
So why do you think the Warren Commission, in its 10 months of deliberations (29 Nov 1963 - 24 Sep 1964) failed to investigate the murder properly?
The only conceivable reason, other than gross and unprecedented incompetence, is a cover-up.
He wasn't. He was a patsy as he tried to warn us.
That is the hypothesis of my largely unread tome "Legacy of Secrecy" (2008) by Lamar Waldron (http://www.ctka.net/reviews/waldron_updated.html – now https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/waldron-lamar-with-thom-hartmann-legacy-of-secrecy - Ed, 4/7/2017)
If it truly was the Mafia alone, without the help of the military-industrial complex, then why could the Warren Commission not have produced a less shambolic report without obvious holes and misreporting of testimony that would have shown that conclusively?
As I have said, the situation JFK faced was complex. Whilst he did not make mistakes, he was clearly one of history's (If not the) most capable leader(s). Most of today's political 'leaders' don't even measure up to JFK's ankles.
There can be no excuse in the light of JFK's example for the miserable performance we have received from nearly all of the world's political leaders since then. That is why the MSM and establishment historians are desperate to bury JFK's memory.
best regards,
[1] Leon Trotsky, who commanded the Bolshevik insurrection in 1917 (whilst Lenin, was forced to hide because there was a warrant for his arrest), made profound and monumental contributions to world history, although it seems to me that his intellect started to unravel late in his life not long before he was murdered in August 1940. An example was that he mistakenly applied the paradigm of the First World War to the Second World War. Unlike the case of the First World War, humanity truly had a stake in supporting one side against the other. For all the faults of many who led the Allied nations, had the Allies lost and the Nazis and Japanese colonialist triumphed, humanity would have descended into new era of savagery and barbarism. Although records of this are hard to find, during the Second World War, Trotskyists in the Allied countries, including Australia, opposed their own capitalist government's war effort, whilst claiming to still defend the Soviet Union led by the dictator Stalin.
[2] This is somewhat a parody.
James Sinnamon
Tue, 2017-07-04 13:58
JFK likened to Trump, Obama, Clinton, the Bushes, Nixon & LBJ!?
The following comment wasposted in response to PUSH THE BUTTON: The Curious Case of Donald Trump’s Expanding Wars (3/7/2017) | 21st Century Wire. The article is highly informative and takes the right side on the most critical geopolitical conflicts of today – Yemen, Somalia, North Korea, Afghanistan and, most of all, Syria. However, it suffers by:
21st Century Wire wrote: "[the anti-war movement] disgracefully refused to confront wars launched by liberal politicians from JFK to Obama."
Is it right to liken John F. Kennedy, murdered by the deep state on 22 November 1963, to the warmongers Johnson, Nixon, etc. (even if only in passing)?
(Spoiler warning: Reading the quote below undermine the dramatic impact of "General Giap Knew" (30/8/2013) by Mani Kang at https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/general-giap-knew)
In fact, as attested to in 2011 by Vo Hong Nam, youngest son of Vietnamese General Vo Nguyen Giap (1911-2013), the victor of the 1954 battle of Dien Bien Phu against the French colonialists:
"President Kennedy was withdrawing from Vietnam in late 1963. President Kennedy was finally changing his foreign policy in regards to Vietnam in 1963. ... President Kennedy was withdrawing from Vietnam in late 1963."
The commander in chief of the Vietnamese National Liberation Front (NLF) knew that President John F, Kennedy intended, upon re-election in January 1965, to withdraw all U.S. armed forces from Vietnam. Sadly, JFK's murder on 22 November 1963 prevented that and as a result more than 2 million more Indochinese were to die by 1975.
In the 1950's Senator John F. Kennedy also spoke up against the French Colonial war in Algeria. Senator Kennedy changed the U.S. policy of support for the French colonialists to neutrality. In 1960, as described by Ted Sorrenson in his 1965 biography "Kennedy", Algerian FLN independence fighters told visiting journalists that they were closely watching the U.S. Presidential race in the hope that JFK would win.
In January 1961, after JFK became President, U.S. foreign policy changed to support the Algerian FLN independence fighters.
Were JFK alive today he would undoubtedly oppose the United States' aggression, whether actual or through terrorist proxies, against Syria.
Wed, 2022-01-26 21:18
JFK unjustly blamed for the Bay of Pigs invasion, AGAIN
Of United States' President John F. Kennedy (JFK), in his otherwise informative Why does the US Need Wars and Armed Conflicts? | New Eastern Outlook (12/1/22), Vladimir Danilov lists the Bay of Pigs invasion, which lasted from the 17th until the 20th of April 1961, just three months after President JFK's inauguration, as yet another of many examples of the United States meddling in the affairs of other nations:
In fact, President John F. Kennedy inherited the Bay of Pigs invasion plan from the previous administration of President Eisenhower. Whilst he was clearly well informed about other geo-political conflicts including the struggles for independence in Algeria, Congo and Vietnam, JFK was not so well-informed about Cuba.
To get his approval for the Bay of Pigs invasion to succeed, the CIA convinced JFK that the communist Cuban governemnt of Fidel Castro was deeply unpopular and once the Cuban contras had landed on Cuban soil, the whole population of Cuba would rise up in support of those contras.
That did not happen. Once the invasion commenced, the population of Cuba rallied behind Fidel Castro's government. In bloody fighting, the Cuban armed forces, supported by the national militia, were able to drive the contras back to the beach.
At this point the commanders of the US Air Force and US Navy appealed to President Kennedy to allow them to give military support to the contras to prevent the defeat of the invasion.
When he received this request, President Kennedy realised that they had claimed that Castro's government was unpopular, the CIA had lied to him. He refused to allow the US Navy and the US Air Force to bombard the Cuban armed forces in support of the invading contras. As a consequence, the contras were quickly defeated and the survivors captured.
JFK vowed "to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds" for their deception. Unfortunately, with all of the other challenges he faced as President, he was not able to achieve that. The CIA then succeeded in first finishing off JFK in Dealy Plaza, Houston, Texas on 22 November 1963.
Had Kennedy lived, there is a good chance that he would have been able to fulfill his plans to disband the CIA and thence to dismantle the United States military-industrial complex against which his predecessor President Eisenhower had warned. The Vietnam war would have ended and a long series of bloody wars in the Middle East and Africa as well as a number of bloody CIA-sponsored military coups in Latin America, as well as Indonesia, could have been prevented.
Steps to not only limit nuclear weapons, but to remove them altogether from the world's military arsenals would have commenced.
President John F Kennedy's legacy stands in stark contrast to that of his successors right up until former President Donald Trump and the current President Joe Biden. Were JFK's true legacy to be acknowledged by Vladimir Danilof and other journalists opposed to the United States' empire, then the prospects of overcoming that murderous empire would be so much better.
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