You are invited to this informative seminar hosted by Proudly Frankston, which is supported by various community groups who are active in planning and environmental issues – most notably the recent campaign to ‘Stop the Great Wall of Frankston’.
This is a free ticketed event. Click here to book your seats.
Local Frankston campaigners say the community vision of Frankston as the Lifestyle Capital of Victoria is not a Great Wall on the waterfront. Planning should deliver the community vision. At present, the majority of Frankston City Council does not align itself with those who want to protect our foreshore, or Frankston’s magnificent beach, Kananook creek, the amenity of the waterfront or adjacent city centre.
Frankston has been designated as one of 9 Metropolitan Activity Centres, earmarked for more intensive development and higher high rise, by the Victorian government- but it’s the only one with a coastline to Port Phillip Bay, and we argue it should be treated differently to the other MACs.
The Planning scheme amendment (c160fran) which would allow high rise along Kananook creek, adjacent to the foreshore will be considered by a Planning Panel, due to start on 1st July.
Many see it as the last chance to stop the takeover of our precious coastal areas by developers and their high rise dreams.
We hope this Proudly Frankston initiative will engage a wider interest in the Future of Frankston to be determined by the July Planning Panel. Whatever the Panel recommends, and depending on the Minister’s recommendation, it will be implemented by the incoming Frankston City Council to be elected later this year.
We look forward to seeing you at this important free event.
Booking details on attached flier.
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