From: Michael S.
Date: 1 October 2013 11:28
Subject: Vote Compass Fraud
To: [email protected]
Please prove that there is impartiality at the ABC................
The ABC stands accused of undemocratic conduct on a grand scale over the last 5+ years.
Is the ACMA an ineffective stooge? Is the ABC the propaganda machine of the Australian pro-growth dictatorship?
What are you going to do about it?
Will you pre-emptively face the music or will you cling to the hope that you will continue the style of gross misconduct seen during both the 2010 and 2013 election campaigns? Remember the Carbon Tax? Allegedly dropping (fossil fuel based) emissions by 60 million tonnes pa by 2020 while population growth increases it by over 90 million tonnes? And the target is 5% below 2000 levels by 2020, which means a drop of 28% per capita by 2020 despite continued chaotic expansion of the carbon-based economy? This is driven by developing-world population growth rates which the ABC relentlessly conceals from public discourse by characterising the whole issue as being limited to asylum seekers and immigration; rather than sustainable population.
But hang on, is it those plantation forests that were planted between 1990 and 2010 that are actually reducing (fossil fuel based) carbon emissions? So we are just doing what we've always done and pretending that something has changed?
There are two aspects of emissions growth:
(1) What creates it
(2) What reduces it
What creates it is going gangbusters as always; but has the ABC ever, in over 5 years of endless carbon tax debate, sought to lay these cards on the table? Is it showing support-by-omission for extreme population growth?
This issue is ENORMOUS compared to anything you have ever addressed on Mediawatch.
Please provide a response. Are you prepared to address this?
Michael S.
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