The corporate takeover of Ukrainian land from about 2011 up to and during the Ukraine war is extremely immoral, corrupt, cruel and disenfranchising. I understand it as a process of privatisation, corporatisation and debt, which means ultimately that Ukraine is no longer governed by its people, but by corporates and oligarchs. The war is a boon to these heartless criminals, whose friends control the propaganda, which largely suppresses criticism of the Ukrainian government, which aids and abets land-theft and war. This is well-documented and I have written about this in more detail and with references, here: . This article is shorter and highlights specific issues.
Privatization and Corporatisation:
After the fall of the Soviet Union, massive changes overtook the Ukraine economy, which included privatization. However, corrupt profiteers took advantage of social beakdown, leading to the concentration of wealth and land in the hands of a few oligarchs. This process became entrenched, the 2020 land reform legislation that opened up land sales to foreign entities.
The corporatization of land, especially fertile agricultural land, has led to the control of large swathes by big agribusinesses and investment funds, both domestic and international. This has enormously damaged food sovereignty, local farmers' rights, and the overall governance of land use.
Role of Debt:
Ukraine's economic situation, disastrously worsened by conflicts and the need for international aid, has tied the country to various conditions set by creditors like the IMF, EU, and others, which often include further so-called economic liberalization and privatization. This debt has been used as economic leverage to push corporate, banking, and foreign entity interests, and to suppress the voices and interests of the general Ukrainian populace. Ironically this land-appropriation and economic interference are usually called 'reforms,' by the perpetrators and their media.
The heavy debt burden has led to a situation where policy decisions, including those on land use, are influenced more by the demands of creditors than by national interest, effectively reducing Ukraine's autonomy in governance.
Governance and Influence:
The influence of oligarchs in Ukrainian politics is well-documented, with figures like Rinat Akhmetov, Ihor Kolomoisky, and others having dominating economic and political decisions. The involvement of foreign corporations and investment funds further complicates governance, potentially prioritizing profit over public good.
From 2011 onwards, foreign entities interference and involvement in Ukraine's agricultural sector ballooned, especially with the 2020 land reform. Ukraine has lost national control over its vital resources, with companies like Monsanto, Vanguard, BlackRock, Cargill, DuPont, various financial institutions and other shadowy players gaining power in Ukraine's economy.
Corruption and its harms:
The corruption of these 'processes' is evident. Ukraine is like Russia before Putin: at the mercy of powerful criminals stealing its assets and running its government, starting war and using it as cover for their crimes, which, as well as changing laws to give themselves control over politics, justice, and land-tenure, and over and above money-laundering and war-mongering itself, include human trafficking, organ trafficking, torture, murder, war-propaganda, blackmail, and embezzlement. Millions of Ukrainians fled early in the war to Russia or Europe, and they still try, although the government has locked up the borders. Men, and some women, who stay risk being conscripted by force onto the front lines in a war Ukraine cannot win, but which suits those making money out of it.
Potential 'reconstruction' of Ukraine infrastructure at some future point:
Grotesquely adding insult to injury, reconstruction efforts are potentially being influenced by these corporate and oligarchic interests, under the guise of economic recovery. The role of the United States and the European Union has been shamefully helpful to creating this environment. They tried the same in Russia, but did not succeed after Putin took power. Unfortunately, no such competent politician currently has a chance in Ukraine. Zelensky suspended elections some time ago and the war-state and its masters maintain severe censorship over all media there. They have kill-lists for journalists who report on Ukraine in a manner that contradicts Ukraine war propaganda. See the website at
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