Governments fail to see the value of old growth forests other than for "management"
Tasmania's forest industry has rejected a Greens plan to ban logging in high conservation value forests. The Greens says 300 jobs would be lost but more than 700 created through the strategy. Even job creation is not enough to move the die-hard destructive mentality. Both Labor and Liberals support Gunns pulp mill and neither is proposing any new forest reserves.
Trees up to hundreds of years old cannot be replaced overnight, despite how "sustainable" the logging is supposed to be!
Governments fail to see the value of forests when they can't see the trees as anything but resources to plunder, or "manage", for economic benefits and jobs.
Tasmania's forest industry has rejected a Greens plan to ban logging in high conservation value forests. The Greens says 300 jobs would be lost but more than 700 created through the strategy. Even job creation is not enough to move the die-hard destructive mentality. Both Labor and Liberals support Gunns pulp mill and neither is proposing any new forest reserves.
Mr Bartlett signalled that on the hot topic of forestry, Labor wanted to ensure the logging of old-growth forests would continue in the long-term. I believe old-growth will always be part of Tasmania's (forestry) mix.
The manufacture and sale of high value products from special timbers provides employment for more than 2,000 Tasmanians and generates about $70 million for the state each year. The vast majority of wood from these forests (approximately 80%) goes into short lived products such as paper and cardboard which decompose and release carbon very quickly. So, carbon storage in wood products can never make up for the loss of carbon storage in old growth forests.
An alliance of forestry companies in Tasmania has launched an advertising campaign warning of the risks to the economy if all old growth logging is stopped. Forests remain silent inside the consciousness of people who are environmentally illiterate!
Governments fail to see the value of forests when they can't see the trees as anything but resources to plunder, or "manage", for economic benefits and jobs.
Who will publicise the risks to our heritage, our air, water, homeless native wildlife, and additional greenhouse gas emissions when old-growth forests are destroyed? By their very nature, these trees take hundreds of years to replace themselves, yet we, the public, are supposed to be so myopic that the ephemeral financial returns from logging old growth forests should over-ride the value of these ancient sentinels, guarding the wealth of natural ecosystems?
It may appear as if nothing is changing in forests, but countless natural cycles are silently at work every day and night. Old growth forests have a high level of biodiversity, and logging causes disturbances and destruction.
Conserving the nation's forests and woodlands is one the easiest, cheapest and fastest ways that we can start to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve carbon storage.
Many of the RFA old growth forests protected in Tasmania consist of trees of little use to the timber industry. Despite repeated requests for solid evidence supporting such ‘statistics’ as “90% of the Upper Florentine Valley is reserved from logging,” data and maps supporting such claims have failed to materialise. We do know, however, that most of the ‘protected’ country in the Upper Florentine consists of buttongrass, scrub and high-altitude moorlands, with very few tall-eucalypt forests reserved. Only 22% of Tasmania’s original tall-eucalypt forests have been reserved.
Tasmania is the largest exporter of woodchips in Australia, exporting more than all the other states combined.
This year, ironically, is the UN Year of Biodiversity, and next year is the Year of Forests.
As our population swells, more natural resources such as forests will be considered as assets to plunder for economic benefits! Our natural heritage, and ecosystems, are continually under threat from industry and developments.
We are already world-leaders in wildlife extermination, and Tasmania is famous for the genocide of its indigenous people, destroying Lake Pedder, exterminating the Tasmanian Tiger and for the current threats to the Tasmanian Devil. Logging native forests destroys homes, creates stress and robs wildlife of habitat. We humans are not part of their ecosystems, and removing trees increases fire risks.
Unless we declare all our old-growth forests and remaining native vegetation as part of our national park system, the logging mafia will continue to threaten, bully and dominate our State governments.
(Photo: devastation at the Styx old growth forests - Wikipedia commons)
A recent poll shows the Labor government of Premier David Bartlett is in trouble, with the Greens polling well. Unless there is a late surge in support for David Bartlett's Labor or Will Hodgman's Liberals, one or other of them will be governing in minority after March 20, ending 12 years of ALP majority rule.
People can relocate, retrain and be resourced in other industries. Trees up to hundreds of years old cannot be replaced overnight, despite how "sustainable" the logging is supposed to be!
(photo: Styx logging sign)
Our old-growth forests do not owe us, non-indigenous people of Australia, a livelihood. We owe it to next generations a nation with its natural wealth intact and viable through preservation, and honouring our heritage and non-human species.
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