China's growing animal activism
Volunteer opportunity in Beijing China to administer China Small Animals Protection Agency. This animal organization, the first of its kind in China, is run by Professor Lu Di who is in her 80's and still working some 10 to 15 hours daily to take care of those animals. The group just took in 520 dogs in an amazing rescue mission where Chinese police were persuaded to help retrieve stolen pets from the restaurant trade. Video-link inside with incredible and heartwarming footage!
Chinese citizens are stopping the trucks full of cats and dogs
Trucks full of dogs and cats destined for restaurant cooking pots and other unfortunate destinations are a common sight in China. AND it has been so for as long as anyone can remember. However, thanks to so many compassionate Chinese citizens that are coming together and making sacrifices to help save and protect the most vulnerable member of their society, the animals, changes for the better are happening in China. Groups mushrooming everywhere are coming together fast enough to bring our hopes up that one day all this will belong in a museum of horrors. The site names just a few of such groups and the incredible number of animals they've rescued in a short period of time.
The latest of such rescues is on this link - just one of the few these last 3 years.
Wonderful Professor Lu Di leads China's animal protection vanguard
In the above link, you may read the story of how CSAPA (China Small Animals Protection Agency) which already has several hundreds of cats and dogs, took in 520 more dogs to rescue them from cooking pots. This animal organization, the first of its kind in China, is run by Professor Lu Di who is in her 80's and still working some 10 to 15 hours daily to take care of those animals. You'll want to see the video on this amazing woman:
Click on link for a wonderful video about Prof Lu Di and her work
Volunteer Opportunity in Beijing working to co-ordinate, administer animal shelters
"This message is on behalf of Professor Lu. Since CSAPA took all those dogs, she is in urgent need of experienced administrators to help her handle various issues (acquire fund already donated, shelter management, coordination with animal hospital/clinics, volunteers, various agencies, etc. If you want to consider it, please contact professor Lu directly at (10)88553597"
If you wish to make a donation, go to this site:
Help make history for animals in China!
Be a part of this amazing group of compassionate people and help make history for animals in China! Remember one thing: Your experience on handling cats and dogs in shelters and related issues, will be an asset more valuable than you can imagine. Chinese animal groups are facing incredible challenges in rescuing animals since this is all new to most. Your help is immensely appreciated.
NOTE: If you would like to keep up-to-date on Chinese animal groups in China, join Yahoo at :
Please also consider helping the outreach program of People for Chinese Animals
Come to the Anti Fur Society conference June 25-26th this year (2011). Chinese animals will be on the program.
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