Jenny Fitzgibbon, Greens candidate for Glass House
Standing for Green Jobs, renewable energy technologies, preventative health, sustainable livelihood and culture. Check out the Queensland Greens Green Jobs, Energy and Sustainable Water Policies here.
When YOU choose to vote Greens 1 (and then make your informed choice between the other two parties) you get.
- to send a message to the old parties - make your policies lean
toward Social equity, financial justice and show real leadership on
Climate Change NOW - The knowledge that you are sustaining Glass House into your childrens future.
- A strong, passionate, caring voice with no attachment to
lobbyists or those interested in private gain at the expense of the
public good.
In Glass House I am committed to
- Improving public transport, having a More affordable Go!Card to reward use of public transport. I will work with the government to bring about a strategy of free public transport for under 21s and seniors to encourage our young people out of car dependent habits.
- No matter who is in 'power' I will stand tall for a complete halt to good farmland being drowned, concreted or mined. Local food is low carbon, healthy, fresh and provides local jobs.
- Stopping the Traveston Dam to preserve Mary Valley farmland and the river's unique ecology.
- Encouraging and supporting local food markets and market gardens, ensuring fairer prices for farmers.
- Providing solar panels to the aged, to schools and to nursing homes, combining care for the most vulnerable with reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also creates green jobs.
- Greatly increasing funding and staffing levels in schools and healthcare facilities, focusing on preventative initiatives.
- Involving indigenous Elders to resolve the issue of stolen wages so that reconciliation can proceed and working to bring Aboriginal health in line with that enjoyed by all.
- Supporting the residents of Glasshouse Mountains in their opposition to low flying aircraft and I deplore the state government initiatives to establish a new airport and helicopter training school close to residential areas.
- Implementing an affordable housing strategy and looking at creative ways of housing our young people without costing the earth.
- Being available to the electorate to listen to your concerns by holding regular 'mobile office' days around the electorate. I have a website and will be readily contactable by phone or email to [ AT ]
And about me personally:
I am an industrial design engineer (designing phones, security sensors, an ammonia printer and shower components in my time), trained at the National College of Art & Design in Dublin. I emigrated from Ireland 20 years ago to pursue my career in Sydney. I have also worked as office manager and fundraising coordinator for Oxfam and as an aged carer here on the Sunshine Coast.
With Oxfam I learned of the connections between poverty in developing countries, over-consumption in the West and global environmental degradation.
Since moving to Maleny 10 years ago I have been an administrator in my partners bush revegetation and seed business and a professional musician. I love camping, reading and painting.
In my 45 years I have been involved in many environmental education projects and campaigns, including one of the first Greenhouse Education campaigns to tour the NT.
Development, jobs and growth need not cost us our environment. There is neither economy nor comfort without a sound environment. Political will is the missing ingredient.
My commitment is to a healthy environment for the future, social equity, community building and peace. In the Qld Parliament I will work constructively with the elected government AND YOU to meet these goals on your behalf.
Original statement on Queensland greens web site. See also:
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