Hawthorn Arts Centre,
360 Burwood Rd Hawthorn,
Chandelier Room (Melways 45 D10)
Public forum with Kelvin Thomson, William Burke, Sheila Newman, Clifford Hayes and numerous community groups. Sustainable Population Australia & Victoria First are hosting a panel discussion and open mike on Melbourne's population future. The event will be filmed to use as a document to show how Melbourne people feel about overpopulation. "Melbourne's population growth is treated by the media, by governments and by planners as though it is inevitable, giving the impression that the fate of Melbourne is to be a city of 7 to 8 million by mid-century. What the public seldom hears is that Melbourne's huge growth rate is not inevitable, nor that growth of the population does not magically stop at mid-century unless changes to existing trends are made. If present growth rates continued, Melbourne would be a city of about 20 million by the end of the century. The truth is that Melbourne's future could be largely in our own hands. This meeting is a chance for the people of Melbourne to question the ideology that "Melbourne must keep growing"" (Jill Quirk, President SPA Vic & Tas). "Melbourne has been growing by 200 people a day, 1,500 a week and 75,000 each year for some time now. The latest projections are that this rapid growth will escalate still further. But Melbournians are not asked whether this is what we really want for our city." (Kelvin Thomson, President, Victoria First)
Federal MP and President of Victoria First, Hon. Kelvin Thomson;
Clifford Hayes, former Bayside Mayor
Planning activist, Sheila Newman, population author and editor of candobetter.net
William Bourke, President of Sustainable Population Party.
Please come and have your say!
Contact: Jill Quirk, President, Sustainable Population Australia,VicTas branch
vic [ AT ] population.org.au ph. 0409742927 or Julianne Bell, Secretary, Victoria
First jbell5 [ AT ] bigpond.com ph. 0408022408
Matthew Mitchell
Mon, 2014-05-26 17:02
One way to make our leaders listen?
Here is one approach to democracy. I agree with this person in regard to his statements about corporations and banks, but I don't agree that this is predominately due to one race - as far as I can tell greed and lust for power is equally distributed amongst all races!
If a lot of people started to do this every time they saw a politician then the pollies might start to think about what they want people shouting about them in public. Maybe Abbott and co. think they can hold their heads high? If so, then this shouldn't bother them. If it does bother them, then perhaps they should re-think their actions as that would suggest that their actions are not in accord with their consciences?
Mon, 2014-05-26 17:09
Obesity is a disease-causing condition
Sheila Newman
Thu, 2014-05-29 23:44
Kelvin Thomson vs Robert Doyle debate scheduled October 13
ZPG (not verified)
Fri, 2014-05-30 22:14
GST on real estate sales
Vivienne Ortega
Wed, 2014-06-04 13:52
Media Release: Sustainable Population Australia & Victoria First
Sheila Newman
Fri, 2014-06-13 11:57
More on Must Melbourne keep growing forum
Hans B (not verified)
Fri, 2014-06-13 22:31
Frankston Public Forum on the Green Wedge
Sheila Newman
Fri, 2014-06-13 22:42
Lowy Inst brainwashing on population
Stop the Planes (not verified)
Sat, 2014-06-14 10:06
Confusion of "immigration" created under the Howard Government
DennisK (not verified)
Mon, 2014-06-16 09:23
They are a lobby group
Hans B (not verified)
Sat, 2014-06-14 11:33
Plebiscite to slow down pop growth forecast for meeting today
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