15 September 2013: Comments closed on this page. Please add further comments here.
Comments made on the previous Miscellaneous comments page from 31 May 2013 can be found here.
If you have anything you would like to raise, which is likely to be of interest to our site's visitors, which is not addressed by other articles, please add your comments here.
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:36
Russia's ban on importing kangaroo meat applauded: AJP
July 2013
It has been confirmed with the Animal Justice Party by Yury Aleshin, Chief of the Agriculture Ministry at the Russian Embassy, that Russia has again imposed a full ban on the importation of kangaroo meat from Australia on grounds of fraudulent and deceptive conduct.
Following an investigation and seizure of containers containing 1,860kg of meat it was discovered the meat was sourced from unapproved plants via unregistered companies owned by Macro meats. The decision follows two former bans in 2008 and 2009 after major contamination was detected.
This will help bring this grotesquely brutal, rogue industry to an end. A core goal of the Animal Justice Party for the current election campaign is now well on the way to being achieved.
Both Labor and the Coalition have provided significant financial and lobbying support for the kangaroo killing industry to access overseas markets in recent years. This was in return for votes in rural areas. Until now, Russia was the largest importer of kangaroo meat which was enough to keep this brutal, unregulated and heavily subsidised industry operational.
“The kangaroo killing industry is an international disgrace and has been the main contributor to Australia having the unenviable distinction of the highest rate of land-based wildlife slaughter on the planet”, said AJP President Professor Steve Garlick.
“The end of this industry is now in sight thanks to the Russian Government. But there is no thanks to Labor and the Coalition who actively propped up this industry, or to the Greens who have failed to oppose this brutal industry. The Greens have never supported Australia’s iconic fauna emblem.” said Professor Garlick.
Animal Justice Party members played a key role in providing evidence to Russian Government officials in order to help them in their decision to ban these imports from Australia.
A full list of AJP policies, including its policy on kangaroos and wallabies, and its manifesto can be found at: www.animaljusticeparty.org
For further information please email info@animaljusticeparty.org or tweet us @justice4animals.
Media Enquiries: Professor Steve Garlick – AJP President – 0428 880 564
Mark Pearson - lead Senate candidate for NSW – 0417 252 107
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:38
The Business Council of Australia: Ponzi pyramid economics
The Business Council of Australia (BCA) is proposing to reduce the corporate tax rate from 30% to 25%.
To make up for lost revenue, company tax revenue would be replaced by increasing and expanding the GST so all Australians would pay more for our basic essentials such as food, education and health care.
The Grattan Institute estimates this would add another $3000 a year to average household costs.
They're also proposing to slash penalty rates and reduce the minimum wage for workers, meaning you would have less money in your pocket to pay bills and feed your family. This is to create more "prosperity" for Australia, and create a future surplus.
They would increase immigration too.
It's pure Ponzi economics, a way of getting working Australians to participate in the scheme so that more of their hard-earned saving and wages drift into corporate hands - those at its peak!
Only dodgy and questionable organisations rely on population growth for their revenues. It's about accumulating consumers, as business resources, to boost business profits and opportunities. There's no guarantee of jobs for the migrants they would like to import.
And homebuyers would be invited to pay even more, by introducing a new land tax on home owner-occupiers.
Mitigating an ageing population by adding would mean a further ageing deficit for the next generation. It's Ponzi demographics and is intellectually dishonest.
Financial and corporations, and collectives such as this business "council", make demands and create reports that suit their vested interests.
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:42
Over-density of koalas - causing their own demise!
Thousands of koalas have taken refuge in the vast timber plantations that have emerged across the region, which are increasingly maturing for harvest. In plantations that are used for wood pulp, hundreds of koalas are being killed and suffering from horrific injuries and left to slowly die. A plantation harvesting operation is so mechanised and cost-efficient, it has no time to look for and avoid koalas in trees.
According to the Victorian government's Department of Environment and Primary Industries, "there are significant numbers of koalas across suitable habitat in the South west. The high population densities have resulted in many koalas moving into the blue gum plantations in the region. This is a significant issue for the timber plantation industry that they haven'??t had to address in such magnitude before".
In other words, the koalas are being shredded in Blue Gum plantations because of their own population growth. It's their own fault for over-breeding!
"DEPI is working with the Blue Gum Plantation industry in the south west to make sure it responds humanely and effectively to the influx of koalas onto its plantation estate". It's more like stress on their habitats, fragmentation and lack of it that they are going into the plantations, only to suffer callous carnage during logging.
There are a lot of motherhood statements about caring, and guidelines, and policies for koala management.
"DEPI, in partnership with Wildlife Carers, is developing a training program for operational forestry field staff focusing on koala awareness, signs of distress and handling techniques for those operating in koala environments. This new training will begin in August".
The Victorian government should buy the plantations, at any costs, to save our wildlife. Why would foreign plantation owners care about koalas, any more than palm-oil plantation owners care about orangatans or other native animals.
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:44
Mining at Tarkine approved, despite Tasmanian Devils
Environment Minister Mark Butler announced that he approved the mine in Tasmania's Tarkine, which was halted two weeks ago by a Federal Court decision that found his predecessor, Tony Burke, had failed to properly consider official departmental advice about its impact on the Tasmanian devil. The mine’s development was halted by a federal court ruling in May, which found the mine to be unlawful due to its potential impact on Tasmanian devils.
"Environment" Minister Mark Butler is quite comfortable about going down in history as the "Minister for extinction"
There are currently 58 exploration licences granted over the Tarkine. Exploration activities such as drilling, geophysical surveys and pit tests have a substantial impact on the Tarkine through clearing, roading and introduction of contaminants.
The Tarkine is the last stronghold of disease-free Tasmanian Devils. Economic benefits are not to be thwarted by the small problem of protected and threatened Tasmanian Devils! They are disposable, natural assets!
Australian Greens leader Senator Christine Milne said the future of the Tasmanian devil and the tourism potential of the Tarkine were being trashed by Labor for short-term political gain. Also trashed is any legal guarantees and policies that protect even threatened native species.
The conditions of the new approval stipulate that Shree Minerals Limited make contributions to organisations that protect flora and fauna in the area, including a donation of $350,000 to maintain an insurance population of devils in response to the deadly facial tumour disease epidemic. This is pure and futile tokenism considering their mining trucks and heavy equipment will access the area and trample on any flora and fauna inhibiting their access.
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:46
Wildlife forgotten in the election grab-bag
The political parties vying for votes are offering a selection of goodies for those who vote for them. However, there's is more at stake than ourselves, and our own concerns and the economy.
National laws require the Australian Government to develop recovery plans for all 112 birds listed as threatened … but there is no dedicated fund to implement them.
This is not a big commitment. Birdlife Australia estimate it would only cost an average of $380,000 for each species. And we know funded recovery plans work – they save birds.
Save the Birds - Birdlife Australia
They are urging both major parties to fund the implementation of national recovery plans for threatened birds. They need your help to ensure threatened birds have a voice in this election campaign.
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:48
Fukushima nuclear fallout hero dies of cancer
Masao Yoshida, the man in charge of Japan's stricken Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant in the wake of the catastrophic 2011 earthquake and tsunami, has died at 58 from oesophageal cancer. Yoshida was called a "hero" for his actions during the disaster that helped curtail the spread of nuclear fallout. Yoshida-one of the "Fukushima 50"- risked his life to do so, even disobeying orders by Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), to stop pumping cooling seawater into the overheating reactors. The "Fukushima 50" were the 50 engineers and workers who stayed on at the plant, braving potentially lethal amounts of radiation, in an attempt to restore the damaged cooling system.
At first reprimanded by the company for his disobedience, Yoshida's decision helped to lessen the damage of the meltdown, and later they praised Yoshida for his resolve. In fact, Japan's Prime Minister, Naoto Kan tweeted about Yoshida saying, "I bow in respect for his leadership and decision making." Yoshida stayed at the disabled nuclear facility for nearly nine months, heading up the disaster response. In a December, 2011 statement after Yoshida stepped down from his post as plant head of Fukushima due to illness, Tepco President Naomi Hirose said, "We deeply appreciate his contribution and the way he handled the accident."
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:50
World Vasectomy Day October 18th 2013
For release: 10am Monday July 8, 2013, Adelaide, Australia
Australia hosts the world?s-first vasectomy-athon asking men to take a very
personal action to save the planet, protect their families and do right by
On October 18, 2013 men all over the world, who are ready to exit the gene pool, will dedicate their vasectomy to Planet Earth.
1,000 men in 25 countries will take the ultimate snip to show they care about the growing strain that population is placing on the planet?s resources, their families and themselves.
The world?s most prolific vasectomist, Dr Doug Stein will perform live
vasectomies in front of an audience in Adelaide at the Royal Institution of
Australia (RiAus) to launch the inaugural World Vasectomy Day event
streamed live online. Renowned thinkers, academics and activists will
surround the operating room as they debate the future of our planet.
World Vasectomy Day (WVD) is the creation of Oscar-nominated and Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Jonathan Stack, who while setting out to tell his own story about getting a vasectomy, met legendary Florida-based vasectomist Dr Doug Stein and together, ended up making a film about population on the planet – THE VASECTOMIST. But it didn?t stop there. The journey inspired them to create a movement to raise global awareness of: the dangers an ever-increasing population has on the planet?s finite resources; and vasectomy as a viable solution to prevent
unintended pregnancies.
“We?re asking men who do not want more children to shoulder the burden of family planning, to fight for their family, their community, their country and our planet,” says Stack. “To be like Frodo in ?The Lord of the Rings?! By throwing our fertility into the fire, we?re protecting our women, our families and future generations.”
Australia has one of the highest uptake rates of vasectomy in the world and this trailblazing spirit led the producers to launch WVD in Australia to set the stage for the global conversation. Director of RiAus Paul Willis welcomed the partnership as a prime opportunity to host a world-class knowledge-sharing forum addressing critical science related issues within the context of a highly innovative and ambitious multiplatform public event:
“This event will take vasectomy out of the medical suite and into the homes of people who may never have considered vasectomy. It will be an important way of encouraging people to think about how their ecological footprint leaves its mark on the planet,” says Willis.
The live-streamed vasectomy-athon will feature Dr Stein performing vasectomies while fielding questions from both the live Adelaide audience and an international online audience. Simultaneously, a gathering of diverse thought leaders including population expert and author of The Population Bomb Professor Paul Ehrlich will weigh in on the social, political, cultural and ethical issues raised by the event and Dr Stein?s mission to save the planet, one vasectomy at a time...
“Can vasectomies really make a difference? Mine made a big difference in my life, and to this day I consider it the single most important contribution I have personally made to the wellbeing of future generations, “ says Ehrlich.
World Vasectomy Day is coproduced by Jonathan Stack?s New York-based Gabriel Films and Sydney-based Smith&Nasht – a media production company focused on social issue storytelling founded by Simon Nasht and Dick Smith.
For all media enquiries and interviews contact
Ruth Cross - Producer
ruthecross&nbdp;[ AT ] gmail.com
+61 435 556 339
RiAUS - Bringing science to people and people to science
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2013-08-13 23:53
Lab grown Meat - a success
Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University in the Netherlands publicly unveiled his lab-grown burger at a high-profile London taste-testing event. Some people think they have to eat real meat, despite tasty soy and gluten convincing alternatives. Post made his by placing stem cells taken from cows into a culture dish and feeding the cells with fetal calf serum to make them grow. He says that one sample of muscle cells taken from a live cow during a biopsy could create up to 20,000 tons of cultured beef.
It uses stem cell technology to produce up to 10 kilos of beef. No harm is done to the cows. PETA is offering $1 million for the production of in vitro chicken meat to the market.
Animal rights group PETA supports this development. Besides eliminating the need to slaughter billions of animals every year, growing meat in a laboratory would end clear-cutting of forests for livestock production, conserve vast amounts of water and energy, and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions for meat production by 78 to 96 percent.
For those who insist on eating animal flesh, this lab-produced meat is an ideal alternative, environmentally and for a more humane society.
Tue, 2013-08-13 10:25
Fury over news that annual electricity bills will average $2000
PERTH residents have vented outrage that their power bills will increase to an average of $2000 within three years.
State Budget papers reveal yearly "approved increases" of 7 per cent for electricity prices from 2014 through to at least 2016-17. They have already gone up 4 per cent this year.
This will take the average annual family power bill from $963 to $1998 under Mr Barnett's reign, despite his promise during the March state election campaign to keep electricity prices "at or around the rate of inflation" which is now 2.5 per cent.
Herald Sun: Fury over news that annual electricity bills will average $2000 by 2016
Perth has "enjoyed" solid and sustained population growth. Last year alone, 75,000 people moved to the city – and the people transport network catered for an extra five million boardings. Almost one in three renters in the marginal seat of Canning south of Perth, currently held by the Liberals’ Don Randall, are suffering rental stress, and almost 3000 households in Pearce, northeast of Perth are in mortgage stress.
“We have 500 community organisations saying (housing affordability) has reached crisis point, so it’s a national issue,” said Roland Manderson, Deputy Director of Anglicare. Not for profit organisations and charities should not be overwhelmed by demands, from the fallout of government mismanagement of population growth. They are becoming a fixture of our society, of "growth" that displaces people from the economy.
As for electricity, the main cost is the poles and the wires, and they need to be maintained and expanded for a swelling population - blowing out the electricity prices. Having power, water and gas are accepted amenities as a first world country, but now they are biting into hip pockets.
Thu, 2013-08-15 09:15
ABC's Vote Compass - limited
Fri, 2013-08-16 10:50
CALD - facing higher unemployment rates
Geoffrey Taylor
Fri, 2013-08-16 15:28
Dismissal of charges against Bob Carnegie
For more information, See Bob Carnegie Defence Campaign.
The ABC reported at 1.20PM today, followed by Brisbane's Courier Mail and The Australian that "Contempt of Court" charges against Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) organiser Bob Carnegie were dismissed by Federal Court Magistrate in Brisbane.
The charges arose as a result of Bob Carnegie attempting to enforce a picket line at the Children's Hospital then under construction in Brisbane against an attempt by the anti-union employer AbiGroup to deny union rights to workers working there.
This is a monumental win for Australian trade unions whose rights have been eroded since former Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser criminalised much trade union activity with his Sections 45D and 45E of the Trade Practises Act. Under the legislation, it became a criminal offence for workers to take industrial action against an employer other than their own. So, action by workers in one workplace in solidarity with another work place was forbidden.
(Incidentally, Malcolm Fraser, in recent years, has made great efforts to have himself depicted in the media as a "bleeding heart" friend of refugees, particularly refugees, who opposed trade unions, particularly the Australian Postal and Telegraphic Union (APTU) in Melbourne, and voted for politicians like himself as did many of the Vietnamese refugees who came to Australia in the late 1970's.)
The 'Labor' Governments of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating, which ruled Australia from 1983 until 1996 and began the transformation of Australia into a neoliberal "free market" economy, failed to repeal these laws. As a result, Liberal Prime Minister John Howard attempted to break the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) in 1998 having little fear that other unions would give effective support to the MUA.
Fortunately, a determined campaign by the Australian community, including the families of seafarers and wharfies, defeated Howard's attempt to break the union. It was also helped by a the New Zealand Seafarers' Union refusing to work on on a ship which had been loaded by scab labour.
Sadly, as recorded in The Latham Diaries (2005) collaboration by unconscionable Labor politicians, including the current Australian foreign Minister Bob Carr, enabled John Howard to rort his way back into office in 1998, 2001 an 2004.
Following his 2004 election, John Howard made another attempt to break the trade unions when he introduced his "Work Choices" legislation, for which he had obtained no electoral mandate into Federal Parliament. He then spent $124 million of taxpayers' money on propaganda campaign to promote "Work Choices". (Described in Mark Latham's political gift to John Howard of 20 Nov 2007. Sadly, Latham acted no better in 2007 than those of which he was rightly critical in The Latham Diaries. He actually opposed the Trade Union movement's "Your Rights at Work" campaign against "Work Choices" and called on Australians to vote for Howard.)
Vivienne Ortega
Sun, 2013-08-18 08:46
Queensland drought - linked to land clearing
Vivienne Ortega
Mon, 2013-08-19 10:37
Australian Wildlife Protection Council AGM 25th August
Thu, 2013-08-22 07:28
Syria: Only Rebels Benefit from Recent Chemical Attack - grtv
From Global Research TV (grtv). See also: The Syrian Chemical Weapons Use Canard of 21 August 2013 by Stephen Lendman, Information Minister: Syria has evidence on chemical weapons use by terrorists (SANA) of 21 August 2013, Moscow: allegations on chemical weapons use by Syrian government an act of deception of 21 August 2013.
Wildly varying reports have emerged of recent chemical weapons use in Syria, with hundreds allegedly killed in the latest attack.
This comes on the same day that the UN inspectors arrive in Damascus to investigate allegations of use of toxic arms.
Initially, Al-Arabiya posted news of 280 victims on Twitter. Later, the news outlet upgraded the figure up to 1,188 victims quoting the Free Syrian Army.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights had a much lower figure, claiming dozens of people were killed, including children.
News agencies such as Reuters and AP mostly put the numbers of victims at hundreds, but say that reports can't be independently verified.
For more, RT talks to reporter and international affairs analyst Patrick Henningsen.Wildly varying reports have emerged of recent chemical weapons use in Syria, with hundreds allegedly killed in the latest attack.
This comes on the same day that the UN inspectors arrive in Damascus to investigate allegations of use of toxic arms.
Initially, Al-Arabiya posted news of 280 victims on Twitter. Later, the news outlet upgraded the figure up to 1,188 victims quoting the Free Syrian Army.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights had a much lower figure, claiming dozens of people were killed, including children.
News agencies such as Reuters and AP mostly put the numbers of victims at hundreds, but say that reports can't be independently verified.
For more, RT talks to reporter and international affairs analyst Patrick Henningsen.Wildly varying reports have emerged of recent chemical weapons use in Syria, with hundreds allegedly killed in the latest attack.
This comes on the same day that the UN inspectors arrive in Damascus to investigate allegations of use of toxic arms.
Initially, Al-Arabiya posted news of 280 victims on Twitter. Later, the news outlet upgraded the figure up to 1,188 victims quoting the Free Syrian Army.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights had a much lower figure, claiming dozens of people were killed, including children.
News agencies such as Reuters and AP mostly put the numbers of victims at hundreds, but say that reports can't be independently verified.
For more, RT talks to reporter and international affairs analyst Patrick Henningsen.
See also: Feigned indignation over Syrian chemical deaths a cover for invasion plans of 23 Aug 2013.
Anonymous (not verified)
Wed, 2013-08-28 14:43
Melbourne voted the world's most liveable city!
James Sinnamon
Fri, 2013-08-30 00:55
Where is the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE)?
Roughly 14 years ago, Professor William Mitchell of the University of Newcastle devised a far-sighted scheme to provide a full-time job to every Australian who needed one.[1]. All the jobs identified would have provided useful services to other Australians or have produced useful artifacts or building. The scheme was fully costed so that it could easily have been run for, at most, a modest additional outlay in Government finances.
William Mitchell published his ideas in a large book and was able to attract a great deal of interest in, and support for, them. As a result, sufficient resources were obtained to enable him to set up what became known as the Center of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE) at the University of Newcastle.
The program promoted by CofFEE was a program that any political party, which genuinely intended to advance the welfare of its constituents, would have grasped with both hands. Any party, with sufficient profile, would have had no trouble winning support for it, thereby increasing its own electoral support base.
However, all the political parties in Australia, with a profile sufficiently high as to be able to gain support for the CofFEE program from the electorate -- Labor, the Liberals, the Nationals and the Greens -- have clearly been co-opted into supporting vested interests. So none of those parties took it up.
That need not have been the end of the CoFEE program. Eventually a political movement, which was truly interested in making Australia a better place, would have emerged. Such an organisation would have recognised the merit of CofFEE program and would have adopted it as part of its electoral platform.
However, it seems that those running the CofFEE centre have themselves become co-opted by vested interests. Rather than being an outgoing organisation, seeking to promote its program, for example in the current Federal election campaign, it has allowed its profile to drop to the point where it is barely visible.
Any who do learn of CofFEE, will not find it easy to participate should they want to. The CofFEE book itself, which I am sure could once be freely obtainable, seems only to be available through a UK bookseller and costs an extortionate £76.50 (not even $A?) as the cheaper "on-line price" or £85.00, otherwise.
1. I don't remember clearly when I first heard of CofFEE, I think, on a radio program. I suspect this is because of the diffuse axonal brain damage I suffered in a road accident in 2010, however, a page on the web-site the web-site implies that the CofEE, which is about to have its 14th National conference, started that long ago.
Fri, 2013-08-30 10:38
Birdlife Australia - Election ignoring native species
Mon, 2013-09-02 10:56
Overseas opportunities to become migration agents
Wed, 2013-09-04 17:27
No Macca Flash Mob YouTube
No Maccas in Tecoma. >
Last weekend the Tecoma community did a singing "flashmob" of a McDonald's store at food court in Melbourne. It was cheeky, entertaining and pretty fun -- but most importantly it shows McDonald's we are not going down without a fight. See also www.burgeroff.org .
Vivienne Ortega
Sun, 2013-09-08 08:09
2013 Eureka Prize for Dingo Research
Mon, 2013-09-09 11:44
Melbourne Software Freedom Day 2013 : ... for a Free Society
Linux Users of Victoria and Free Software Melbourne present ...
Software Freedom Day 2013 : Free Software for a Free Society
Software Freedom Day is an international event celebrating of Free Software. Starting in 2004 in now hosts over a thousand events in over forty countries.
The Melbourne event will be held on Saturday, September 21st, 9.30 to 17.00 at 110 Grey Street East Melbourne (Melbourne Unitarian Church hall)
It's about 5 minutes from Jolimont Station , or a brisk 10 minute walk from Parliament station or West Richmond. There's plenty of parking at the site as well!
9.30 Introduction: Video Welcome from Dr. Richard Stallman
10.00 Andrew Pam, Content Creation with Free Software Tools
11.00 Pat Sunter, Free and Open Source In Public Decision-Making
12.00 Adam Bolte, Protecting Yourself Online
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Ben McGuiness, Pirate Party's Policy on Copyright and Patents
15.00 Kathy Reid, The Orgnisation of Free Software Communities
16.00 Lev Lafayette, Beyond Software - Steps Towards A Free Society
Plus plenty of t-shirts, software and other paraphrenalia giveaways, videos and a free lunch (with open sauce).
Against Slavery (not verified)
Tue, 2013-09-10 18:01
Petition for Kelvin Thomson as ALP Leader
Wed, 2013-09-11 11:53
Gillard takes Adelaide university post
Against Slavery (not verified)
Wed, 2013-09-11 17:19
Oz schools and universities on commercial downhill race
Geoffrey Taylor
Fri, 2013-09-13 00:59
Alex Jones, Paul Craig Roberts on humiliation of world bully
The plans by serial liars Barack Obama and John Kerry to use fabricated claims of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Government as a pretext to start a war against Syria has been thwarted by international and domestic opposition and the skilful manoevres by Russian President Vlladimir Putin. Infowars presenter Alex Jones discusses this with Paul Craig Roberts.
Fri, 2013-09-13 10:50
NT graziers welcome Indonesian plan to buy 1 million ha of land
Sat, 2013-09-14 08:25
Population growth increases climate fear