"Victorians, are in shock that the destructive act of channel deepening in Port Phillip Bay has been approved so easily by the Federal Minister for the Environment, Peter Garrett after the considered, prolonged and justified opposition to this project over the past 3+ years by environmentalists" said the President of Sustainable Population Australia's Victorian branch (S.P.A. Vic.) Ms.Jill Quirk on Monday December 31st. "What a sad prospect for Bay swimmers and divers this summer if work starts as planned on the first of February 2007!"
"The risks to marine life, the underwater environment and the health of the body of water which is Melbourne's main recreation and environmental asset are huge and for no return at all as far as quality of life is concerned for Melbourne's citizens." Ms. Quirk said.
"SPA Vic. supports Ms. Jenny Warfe of the Blue Wedges coalition in asking Peter Garrett for the reasons for his approval of the Channel Deepening Project. S.P.A. Vic. also thanks the Blue Wedges for their responsible action in taking this case to the Federal Court. The position of SPA Vic is that this action is in the best interests of Melbourne's future and that of our beautiful Port Phillip Bay which is being placed in jeopardy by our elected and paid leaders."
"Peter Garrett should not have been so quick to please the Victorian Government and the Port of Melbourne Corporation. This approval was precipitate to say the least given the pending Federal Court case regarding this issue." Ms. Quirk said.
Contact: Jill Quirk 0409 7429 27
What You can do
Join the vigil to save Port Phillip Bay on 8 January. See www.bayvigil.org/how-you-can-get-involved.
Contact Blue Wedges.
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