International Women's Day will once again be celebrated in all its darkness and its lightness at the Women's House at 3 Lyons Street Rye, on 8 March 2011. As usual there will be debates with women at the microphone. This time a feature will be women and Sharia Law. Known as "That Purple Place," the Women's Resource Centre was founded in 1982 by Elida Radig, a local and international tower of strength and force for good in Australia. Elida is also known for her creation of the Women's House program, where different female voices present "Freewaves" on 3RPP, Thursdays, 3-4pm. Rye Victoria's Women's Resource Centre is one of very few totally independent forces for women. It receives no government funding but is self-supporting, mostly through sales at its second hand store, which is one of the best loved in Victoria. There is also a cafe on the premises. The centre also provides hands-on support for women and their children in crisis.

Celebrate International Women's Day, Tuesday March 8th, 2011 at the Women's Resource Centre in Rye, Victoria
3 Lyons Street, Rye
Tel: 59855955
(That's a Victorian number so preface with 03 if you are dialing interstate and with 613 if you are dialing internationally.)
Program for 2011 International Women's Day at Rye
Events go from 10am to 6pm with the microphone open to all women all day.
10.00 am *At Rye Pier: Memorial Ceremony of Water & Flowers for women who have died, including victims of war.
10.30 am * Back at the Women’s Centre for scones & cream.
10.45 am * Welcoming & acknowledgment of the Sisterhood of all women on planet Earth.
11.00 am * MORNING OPEN FORUM- Your opinion is important
Issues: What do we want?
Platform for Action
This is a consciousness-raising forum
Barbecue, salads and cakes under the shade of the Hibiscus tree
Carol Jamieson, her guitar and friends.
Singers/ Comedians/Jokes.
Belly Dancing with Clara & dancers.
3.00pm * AFTERNOON OPEN FORUM – Your opinion is important.
Issues: Sharia law in Australia?
The stoning of women.
This is a political forum
Self-serve yummy left overs.
In sisterhood is our strength
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