An example of pro-Population Growth and pro-Carbon Tax bias prior to Carbon Tax legislation in 2011

160 million tonnes of Carbon Tax fantasy from the ABC

See this video extract from QANDA, 11 July 2011 for a classic example: The reign of Mark Scott (ABC MD) and Alan Sunderland (ABC Head of Editorial Policy) over the ABC Carbon Tax Debate of the last 6+ years has been a wonder to behold. It is not clear whether the bias was due to incompetence or deliberate intent, but there is no doubt about its existence. Can there be any doubt about the misconduct of the ACMA and Commonwealth Ombudsman in their rejection of complaints about this bias? Not once (??) was the relevance of Australia's extreme, unsustainable population growth to emissions growth mentioned during the interminable discourse of the ABC-branded Carbon Tax Debate. The result was undemocratic propaganda combined with a misinformed public and misinformed politicians in the lead up to passing of the Carbon Tax legislation; and beyond. The government's addiction to covert mass migration and extreme population growth continues, despite the silent majority of people concerned about the issue, but unable to hear it mentioned in open public policy debate. Do we live in a pro-growth dictatorship backed by the unlawful support of Government media and its associated Agencies?