The absurdity of Australian Media and Government

One Minute to the ABC

Watch this first: The absurd irony of Australia is its extreme rate of population growth in the context of years of controversy over Carbon Tax. We have seen the collective unscientific intellects of the ABC and politicians incapable of understanding the obvious, despite repeated clarification of the facts in complaints. By that I mean the preoccupation with "what the scientists are telling us about global warming" as if this means we must have an Economically induced Carbon Tax, while at the same time "what the scientists are telling us about population growth" is being completely ignored. In 2012 Australia's population growth was roughly 4 times the OECD country average at 1.8% per annum. At this rate its doubling time is less than 40 years. Between 2005 and 2010 the rates of population growth in Melbourne, Queensland and Western Australia, at well over 2%, were generally only exceeded by the most under-developed dictatorships in Africa, where GDP per capita is, on average, roughly 4% that of Australia's. So we have the unscientific ABC lecturing to us ad nauseum about the scientific wisdom of a Carbon Tax while they ignore the rest of the scientific facts. Science 101 teaches that you can't ignore one part of the Scientific whole to engineer a Scientific solution. That would be Unscientific! Bear in mind that Economists have, for the last 100 years, been advising governments of the wisdom of population-growth-induced Economic growth which is directly correlated with Emissions growth. Now we have a new cohort of Australian Economic Cogniscienti preaching an Economic solution that will wean us off fossil fuels and allow us to continue population-growth-induced Economic growth..........forever. But what about the greenhouse gas emissions from 64 gazillion farting humans? Won't that be enough to create global warming even if they are all solar powered? Go ask the ABC......................