What does it take to achieve justice in the Australian extreme population growth Dictatorship?

Population Growth is "the enemy within". Support APOGEE (Australian POpulation Growth Extremism Endgame)

"The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend." Marcus Tullius Cicero (Commenting on ABC misconduct?) Cicero was a Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, political theorist, consul and constitutionalist. “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” Winston S. Churchill (Where did he get this from?) I would have thought the legions of left leaning, middle class, Art/History graduate, population growth deniers at the ABC would have been able to recognise this truth. Have they not read Cicero? But perhaps it is innumeracy that obscures the relevance of Cicero's words of wisdom from Australia's pro population growth extremists? Is not Australia a perfect modern analogy of the fall of the Roman Empire? Has not the ABC played its Carbon Tax fiddle while Australia, and everywhere else, is being "burnt" by pro population growth extremism? 2014-15: Migration program set at 190,000 places including skilled migration, while both skilled and unskilled unemployment escalate; humanitarian intake 13,750 places. SOURCES: Department of Immigration; Australian Bureau of Statistics. 20,000 children die each day in the developing world while Australia reduces foreign aid by billions of dollars each year as it watches its own economy deteriorate. If pro population growth extremism is not the root cause of these outcomes; what is?