Continuing the updates on the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Station in Japan from...
The original article - Late March 2011
The original article in French - Late March 2011
ROLLING UPDATE 1 - Late March 2011
ROLLING UPDATE 2 - Late March to early April 2011
ROLLING UPDATE 3 - April 8 to August 19, 2011
ROLLING UPDATE 4 - August 20 to September 30, 2011
ROLLING UPDATE 5 - October 1 to 27, 2011
Latest updates on top.
#n02">November 2
#n03">November 3
#n06">November 6
#n07">November 7
#n13">November 13
#n29">November 29
#d01">December 1
#d03">December 3
#d10">December 10
Sites worth taking a look at every day: EX-SKF GREEN ACTION's Fukushima Update Radiation Safety Philippines |
Woops! I think humanity might have been better off not playing around with the atom...
Continuing from Rolling Update 5 (October 1-27)
It's a cold (low -1C) but fine December 10 morning where I live in northern Ibaraki, Japan, about 120 km north of Tokyo. I'd just like to tell you a bit about what's in my mailbox this morning... Not everything, just the "important" items...
Marco Kaltofen Presentation to APHA If you've been reading any of Chris Busby's stuff you will not find anything to surprise you here, but it needs endless repetition since the governments are trying very hard (consciously) to deceive everyone into believing that low levels of radiation will not harm people. They will. But not "immediately." However this story is used to justify the use of nuclear power NOW for the energy boost it gives to economies NOW while it ruins countries and populations in the FUTURE.
Is The Amount of Energy Put Into Mining, Processing, and Shipping Uranium, Plant Construction, Operation, and Decommissioning GREATER than the Energy a Nuclear Plant Can Produce In Its Lifetime? - The answer appears to be, if you count everything including final disposal of the nuclear waste, "Yes, of course it is!" Ah, so why are "we" doing it? Why is nuclear power pushed as a solution to "global warming/climate change (and of course COP17 is happening in Durban South Africa right now, so what are those people playing at)?
Washington also recommends that we all read the PDF version of Nuclear Roulette available at this link.
On the global warming/climate change issue, here's some interesting reading from China: Chinese 2,485 year tree ring study shows natural cycles control climate, temps may cool til 2068 - So, the globe is in the middle of a warming cycle, but another cycle imposed over the longer term cycle shows that we are currently just in a cooling phase that may last another half century or so. Apparently there is not a huge contribution by anthropogenic CO2. Have a nice day, all you folks down there is Durban, SA. If you try hard enough you can find a link to download the PDF of the academic paper that is the subject of this page linked here.
You may have to wait a few moments for the video to show on the page... EcoReview - the Impact of the Fukushima Radiation on the Ocean
If you have the time to read it, this will probably ruin your weekend just as much as anything else will... Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?
Lots and lots of REAL and down-to-earth explanations of what's happening financially/economically in Europe and the whole world - read this and ask yourself if you're going to be OK this Christmas - yes, this one, not the one coming up in just over a year's time... December 5 2011: Look Back, Look Forward and Look Down. Way Down.
And a bit more on that... Ann Barnhardt: The Entire Futures/Options Market Has Been Destroyed by the MF Global Collapse - and here's the Transcript for Ann Barnhardt Interview
Personally, I feel just totally overwhelmed. I think I'll go and dig the garden. I'll probably need to increase my family's food self-sufficiency next year, if we ever get there...
Drinking the Radioactive Kool-Aid: Countries Switching From Coal to Nuclear - Please read this and then read the comments below! Clearly, sane people think this is the end of the planet!!!
The fools want to run the planet on nuclear power, but can't keep it under control, just as they cannot keep the finances under control, so read this please...
The New Authoritarianism: From Decaying Democracies to Technocratic Dictatorships and Beyond - Just a little bit of a problem... and of course other things we won't be able to control...
70% of World's Raw Chocolate Soon To Be Genetically Modified - Even the chocolate will be genetically engineered!
Such a lot of good things to look forward to!
I was going to start a new update page each month, but November's turned out to be not so long, so I'm letting it run into December. Maybe I'll start a new one in the new year.
Can you please do me a favour and go to the site linked below, read the appeal and then click the "approve" button below (if you approve). This is in several languages - please ask your friends to look too. Thank you!
#10;">Chernobyl: A Million Casualties - Recorded six days before the 3/11 Fukushima #1 disaster.
Fukushima chief was one of the criminals - Well, this is one of the ways in which disasters happen isn't it? The people in charge just never seem to believe that anything can go wrong.
Nearly 9 months later and TEPCO is still on the way to admitting that there was a meltthrough...
When you have 90 minutes to spare, please see the movie
The Future of Food - Just as with nuclear power, see how the corporations are killing us with gene pollution. The video was linked at this article: Farmers and Seed Sellers sue Monsanto to protect themselves from patents on genetically modified seed
I've been busy for a couple of weeks and so have not updated - also I do not like repeating myself too much and there did not seem to be anything really new to say... However, there are a few things I'd like to show you today.
Chris Busby under attack:
Firstly, the following reports have appeared in the Guardian:
Post-Fukushima 'anti-radiation' pills condemned by scientists
Christopher Busby's wild claims hurt green movement and Green party (George Monbiot)
I'm sure you'll find them 'interesting' reading, but you should also read (see) Chris Busby's rebuttal:
You'll see a link at Low Level Radiation Campaign to George Monbiot's attacks in The Guardian, November 2011.
Chris also talks about these attacks at Dr Chris Busby turns on his attackers
There is a very serious "debate" going on - it's been going on for the last few decades or more, about the health impacts of low-level radiation. I say debate, but the pro-nuclear side plays quite dirty and it is by no means a fair debate in terms of honesty, professional integrity, ability to influence power-holders, or in terms of resources, such as money, information, libraries, and so on. If you need to be convinced of this, the best thing I think you can do is read Chris Busby's book Wolves of Water. I have just finished reading it carefully, cover-to-cover, and it is a truly disturbing document. Seen in the light of the contents of this book and the above rebuttals to the Guardian articles, it should be clear to most people who and what the articles are trying to protect. So how do we get out of this mess? There's one good way. All people who believe nuclear power and nuclear weapons should be totally and irrevocably abolished should stand up and say so and join with others till the job is done!
My friend in Kyushu said, "Thought you'd like a butchers at this article. Damn shame."
No-go zone a wasteland frozen in time - Namie a ghost town, dead livestock, decay at its doorstep
As if that's not enough to brighten up your day...
Masao Yoshida, Head Of Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant, To Resign
TEPCO stated that Mr. Yoshida's health problems and subsequent departure are unrelated to radiation exposure.
Yes, and I suppose fairy cakes grow on trees...
VIDEO 28 mins 33 secs - Life in the deathzone (german, english subs)
SLOW DEATH - TEPCO managers, politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen, researchers, academics: YOU are responsible for this! YOU and your children and your grandchildren will also suffer for this!
This is just brilliant, isn't it?...
Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara To Tokyo Residents Who Protest Against Radioactive Disaster Debris From Iwate: ‘SHUT UP’ - According to Shintarou Ishihara, outspoken nuclear proponent (because he believes Japan should have nuclear weapons) has said that the answer to people who have complained about the shipment to Tokyo metropolitan area of radioactive debris (resulting from the earthquake/tsunami disaster and subsequent nuclear disaster in Fukushima on March 11 onwards this year) from Iwate Prefecture is to tell them to "shut up" ("damare" in Japanese).
Is Ishihara admitting by this that there are no rational grounds for the shipment of this debris from Iwate Prefecture with which to persuade people of the necessity for this policy? Well, we should remember that he has been told by the central government (Minister of the Environment Goshi Hosono and Minister of Economy Trade and Industry Yukio Edano) to do it, but I get the idea that he didn't have to be pushed very hard to go ahead with it. Nevertheless, is this the way public officials behave in a supposedly democratic state? Sometime, since 3/11, it feels like we're very quickly returning to something like the pre-war Japanese police state. I think this is primarily part of the fight over nuclear power; those who want it for their reasons, and those who say it is too dangerous for human health to be playing around with radioactive nuclear materials in this way. Here's a perspective on that from Dr Chris Busby:
Dr Chris Busby talks to Edgar about nuclear scientists and those who love the atom
So, Chris Busby sees the scientific circles that support nuclear power in terms of people who are somehow afraid of the "chaos of nature" and like to hide from that behind rational/verbal/mathematical screens that help them feel more comfortable with the world. It also helps to make at least some of these people a lot of money. Money also helps people to hide from the realities of living with the 'real' world - of facing the chaos of nature as it is. Much better, they apparently think, to live in a penthouse in a large city, eat high quality food without ever a thought about where it came from or who produced it, and who can flit from antiseptic airport to antiseptic airport and stay in thoroughly clean 5-star hotels and take it easy on spotless beaches - all except for the radiation, that is, but then these people will not be holidaying on Japan's east coast or anywhere near Sellafield, will they? And that brings us onto the next graphic.
This graphic shows quite clearly that things have changed since around 1980. Up until that time, (this graphic seems to refer to the USA only) the "rich" 1% were reasonably content to get richer at roughly the same pace as everyone else's income grew (in absolute terms, they go a lot more actual money though). Since that time, they have not been satisfied to do so, and thus we have "the 99% occupy" Wall Street or whatever they can find to occupy near them. Quite right too. So here we have the rich 1% hiding behind the walls their money provides for them being very interested in maintaining nuclear power because this is one of the great energy sources that powers the machine that keeps them rich. With no nuclear and with declining fossil resources, the rich just might end up in the same renewable energy boat with the tourist class, and that would not be nice, would it? Thus, it is necessary for the people who benefit from the current system, despite the fact that to some extent it will also (along with the "poor" rest of us) be themselves and their descendants who will suffer the genetic consequences of their monstrous folly, to deny that there is any problem with radiation, and perhaps many of them are also in denial as well, though it is clear that some are simply lying through their teeth in order to maintain their social standings (income and so on).
However, they should perhaps see this little item: THIS IS OUR REALITY............FUKUSHIMA
For a further explanation for how this amoral system has come into being, please see my recent article - The Realization of Human Happiness - I would be very happy if you would read it and comment on it sometime. Thank you......
Dr Chris Busby has shown that the Xenon escaping from F#1 reactor 2 indicates a prompt criticality. Please see...
The significance of Xenon isotope ratios in the Fukushima catastrophe
There is on-going fission occurring at the site
Possible recriticality at F#1 reactor 2... Reactor 2 CV Gas Analysis on November 2: Slight Increase in Xe-131m, Xe-135, 100-Fold Increase in Krypton-85 from November 1 - This and many other articles at EX-SKF
Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles
Marco Kaltofen PPT Presentation to APHA
Fallout forensics hike radiation toll
Fukushima OKs petition to decommission reactors
The Big Lies Fly High - Fukushima and the Nuclear Establishment - by KARL GROSSMAN
Glow Boys and Gamma Sponges - Fukushima’s Suicide Squads - by RUSSELL D. HOFFMAN
Riding roughshod over public opinion... Genkai nuclear reactor restarts after 1 month hiatus - Kyushu EPCO now has approval to start reactor 4 at its Genkai Nuclear Power Station and plan to go ahead in the next few days. However protests are already starting locally. For financial reasons, the local town mayor approves the restart, but very few ordinary people in the country do. There could be a very nasty political battle looming over this one... NHK TV reported at about 5pm that reactor 4 had already begun to produce electricity. They didn't waste any time doing it, did they? And as you have read in the article linked above, the reactor must be stopped again in December for regular maintenance - so this whole farce is just a little bit of playacting to show the Japanese people that, whatever they think, if the power companies want to restart the downed reactors then they will!! It is a HUGE insult to public opinion and to democracy, since to do this the politicians and the bureaucracy must be in the pockets of the power companies. I think every Japanese person with a brain tonight knows just how much the power companies are thumbing their collective noses at them and are determined to take them for a ride to their demise down atomic alley...
#10;">Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has backed down from his position for Japan to seek to rely less on nuclear power. - If you looked at the top article, it's already obvious what's going on here... Domestic nuclear reactor restarts and a push for Japan's nuclear exports. Mr Noda seems to be a completely 'reformed character' from the one who came to power only two short months ago!! Wonder what happened to him??
The Fourth Reactor and the Destiny of Japan - No, not at Genkai Nuclear Power Station but at F#1! Quite right. We will never feel safe until this mess is properly and 100% cleared up! However, the people in Tokyo (politicians and bureaucrats, wakey, wakey!) seem to think there's no problem! "Let them eat cake!"
The Need for Independent Assessment of the Fourth Reactor - Assessment, fine! How about some action on it??!!
Cabinet official drinks glass of ground water from Fukushima plant to prove safety - What a circus! Can this be real. Also note that this article is talking about units 5 & 6 at F#1. There are rumors going around that everything is not so hunky-dory at these reactors as TEPCO and the govt would like to have people think.
Areva finds 12,300 tonnes of uranium in Jordan: report - World in microcosm? Use limited natural resources to cause the population to overshoot and then use the limited resources to create more of what should be a sustainable resource (if there weren't too many people around)... At some point we have to step lightly off the treadmill, or can we? And if we can't, then what?
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