Apologies: This article previously erroneously stated or implied that all rallies were to occur on the same day. In fact, on Sunday 17 June there will be one rally in Sydney, whilst on Tuesday 19 June, there will be other rallies in Melbourne Brisbane, Perth and, hopefully elsewhere.
The following has been adapted from Global protests to demand freedom for Julian Assange (2/6/18) | Class Consciousness.
In the coming weeks, including on 19 June, rallies have be organised for Julian Assange have been organised across Australia and across the world.

Demand that the Australian government act to abide by its duty of care to any Australian citizen and send to London a contingent of Federal Police to escort Julian Assange back to Australia.
Upcoming Rallies and protests in Australia
Sunday, June 17th 1-3 PM, Socialist Equality Party Rally, Sydney Town Hall Square : Speakers include John Pilger and James Cogan SEP National Secretary. Endorsed by Julian Burnside QC and Terry Hicks (Father of David Hicks), Chris Hedges (Pullitzer Prizing winner Journalist), Professor Stuart Rees Facebook event and website
Tuesday June 19th 9AM – 1PM British Consulate Gateway Building, 1 Macquarie Place, Sydney
Vigil outside British Consulate, – Tuesday 19th .: Vigil will be attended by Julian's father, John Shipton and other young member of Julian's family will be in attendance. Julian is totally isolated from his friends and family whilst trapped in the Ecuadorean Embassy.
Speakers include :
Shirley Shackleton:whose journalist husband Greg was murdered by Indonesian force in Balibo on the eve of the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. Shirley fought for decades for the East Timorese and against the Australian government's cover up of her (and four other journalists).
James Cogan: National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP):The Socialist Equality are playing a leading role in the campaign to defend Julian Assange and fight internet censorship. They have also called protests in Sydney, Tamil Nadu and Columbo and are publishing many articles on the campaign on the World Socialist Website.
Class-conscious website and Facebook event
Solidarity Light Vigil, Melbourne CBD – Tuesday 19th 6-8 PM Bring candles and loved ones to show support. Disarm Facebook Event
Vigil 4-6PM – June 19th, Ann Street Shrine of Remembrance, Ann Street, Brisbane City Centre (opposite Central Station) Facebook event
June 19th 12PM-2PM Forrest Chase : Facebook Event Page
Other Cities
If you are planning to host or know of any other cities who wish to participate in the June 19th actions for Julian, they are being coordinated through the Free Julian Assange at U.K and U.S. Embassies Worldwide Facebook page or send a message direct to the Class-conscious website via our Contact page. Like wise if you have additional details of speakers etc about already listed events, please pass that on too.
Sun, 2018-06-10 12:30
Julian Assange helped thwart US plans for war against Syria, ...
James Sinnamon
Mon, 2018-06-11 03:11
Australian “foreign interference” bills to criminalise dissent?
From Australian "foreign interference" bills seek to protect "US secrets" (9/6/18) | WSWS
In a radio interview yesterday, Andrew Hastie, who chairs the Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, pointed to the real driving forces behind a new bipartisan push for the rapid passage of proposed "foreign interference" laws.
Hastie, a member of the Liberal-National Coalition government and former SAS officer, said Australia's role in the US-led Five Eyes intelligence alliance made the country a "soft underbelly" for authoritarian regimes "seeking to get secrets from the United States."
The Five Eyes network links Australia’s spy and electronic surveillance agencies to the US National Security Agency and its counterparts in Britain, Canada and New Zealand.
Hastie told Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio: "We should consider ourselves a target and it's really important we build resilience into our political system … It's really important we have these laws passed, enacted and operational."
On Thursday, Hastie's committee handed down a report, with the unanimous support of its opposition Labor Party members, strongly endorsing the Espionage and Foreign Interference (EFI) Bill, a key part of the legislative package. The report suggested 59 amendments, essentially designed to reinforce the bill's focus on criminalising alleged "Chinese influence" and many forms of political dissent, especially anti-war opposition.
James Sinnamon
Sat, 2018-06-16 10:51
Assange rallies correction: 17 June Sydney, 19 June elsewhere
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