Story by Catherine Case:
With the Community Cabinet due to take place in the city of Launceston where I live, I thought what better opportunity to ask a question of the Prime Minister about the government's obsessive focus on economic growth and their apparent blindness to the realities of ecological limits? I also wanted to try and ascertain whether they had any long term plan whatsoever to deal with projected population growth in Australia. Would they even acknowledge it as an issue? No one in the mainstream media ever asks these questions, the paradigm of "perpetual growth" goes unchallenged. It seems so blindingly obvious to me that endless growth is an impossibility. Why isn't someone - anyone - in the government facing up to reality?
Launceston community cabinet
On Wednesday 5 November 2008, I attended the community cabinet at Launceston, where I got to ask a question I had prepared in front of 400 people. Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, looked at me with total disdain and completely avoided (and in the most patronizing way) answering my question, which was:
Relentless focus on growth
"For me one of the most disappointing aspects of the Labor government has been the relentless focus and almost obsession with "growing the economy". It's as if every member has sworn to repeat this mantra as often and as loudly as possible on every occasion, as we've already heard here tonight.
Isn't about time that we stopped pretending that mindlessly chasing unending economic growth is even remotely compatible with sustainability?
Population numbers
Because underlying this whole issue is the unspeakable and forbidden P word - POPULATION
The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently projected that Australia's population could increase to 42 million people in a little over 40 years with Melbourne and Sydney both reaching nearly 7 million people each.
Is that sensible, desirable or sustainable?
Australia is in bad shape already
Aren't we as a country already seriously struggling with water supply, energy independence, food production, depleted fisheries, overloaded infrastructure and severe environmental degradation?
When will the government show real leadership on this issue and start to address the elephant in the living room that is population?
When will the government take the brave step of articulating a national population policy - one that recognizes REALITY and dispenses with the cozy fantasy that is the economic mirage of never-ending population growth?
Will this government have the courage to articulate a policy that, as recommended in a recent CSIRO publication, aims to stabilize the population of Australia to 25-27 million people by 2050?
And if not, why not?"
Prime minister Rudd responds obliquely
First off Rudd said that he and his government wouldn't apologize for wanting every "able bodied" person to have employment… the importance of strong economy, jobs etc.
Then he rattled off something about buying back water entitlements. Some more guff about signing the Kyoto Protocol. Some other far-fetched rhetoric about "sustainable development".
He said how important it is for Australians to address climate change and how the government is doing just that.
The only thing that even got close to addressing the question was something about immigration rates and how the government adjusted those in accordance with economic conditions. And Rudd cursorily mentioned "natural" population increase as if the government had no hand in promoting and encouraging it and was powerless to do anything about it.
And even though I'd addressed the question to him and the Minister for the Environment, Peter Garrett, Rudd quickly pointed at the next person in the audience with their hand up and didn't pass the mike on to Peter Garrett, even though he did with all the other questions to various ministers.
He struck me as a shifty, slippery piece of work. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But I would have liked to heard Garrett's response, and I hope to follow up on this.
General problems with conduct of the Community Forum
As well as the frustration of having the Prime Minister fudge my question, I found the way the community forum was conducted disappointing. At the beginning of the forum, which was already running about 20 minutes behind, after numerous welcomes and thank you's, everyone had to listen to Rudd for about another 15 minutes telling us about all the wonderful election promises that he has kept - in some detail mind you - and all the wonderful things still to come.
Yet the Prime Minister and his entourage were supposed to be there to listen to US! It was like an election speech, anyone would think the guy is still trying to get elected. Even his ministers were looking uncomfortable and bored. I let one of his advisors know in no uncertain terms that I thought it was rude and inappropriate that he went on so much. It was pretty obvious the whole thing is a PR exercise pure and simple.
By the way, I did get quite a bit of applause after my question, so lots of people were in agreement.
Follow-up with Peter Garrett
Peter Garrett just happened to be making an announcement right next to where I work yesterday. I was able to bail him up after he'd finished his official stuff and after he had spent some time placating pulp mill protesters with his reassuring words of how diligently he would be assessing the project against the extremely narrow commonwealth guidelines and how after all, It was Malcolm Turnbull who had approved it - not him! I had heard this before. At least he made the effort to go and talk to them which I have to give him credit for....
It was quite funny because the protesters have taken well known songs and changed the words to become pulp mill protest songs and halfway through Garrett's speech they started singing them very
loudly, practically drowning him out.
Anyway, I got round to saying to Garrett that I was the person who had asked the question the night before about population and that I had been disappointed that he didn't get a chance to answer it.
"Well," he said, "I'm in complete agreement with the Prime Minister."
Population was not a problem!! It was more important to address issues like environmental impacts and other things.
"But" I said, "Surely you have to take population into account, it's a major factor?" Did he really think that Australia having 42 million people was a good idea given the already existing environmental problems?
My recollection is that he said that he was not going to "talk numbers", that it was "not about the numbers". He reminded me that he had been President of the ACF for a number of years, arguing that this had acquainted him well about population as an issue, but it's not "the problem".
He disagreed with my "opinion" about population.
I said, "Well it's not just my 'opinion'; what about the CSIRO? They're recommending that this be addressed."
My impression was that he totally dismissed this point, and that he walked away from me, still pronouncing what sounded to me like platitudes about consumption, sustainable industries, etc etc.
Oh well....
My next thing is to fill in the form that they gave out at the forum and send it to him with some more specific questions. I want to see what he says when he has to put something in writing.
Vivienne (not verified)
Mon, 2008-11-17 17:48
The environment and population implications are too abstract!
Like smoking, only the "good" side is evident at the time, and the "bad" effects too far off to worry about! This is the same as immigration and environmental threats. The "good" side is commercial as more people prop up the demand for goods and services. The long term implications are too "far off" and abstract for our politicians to ponder! They will be well and truly superannuated off by the time our food shortages hit us, and climate change makes survival more difficult and the cost of compensating for it too expensive! It is easier to understand the financial figures of economic growth! Long term planning and livability is not on their agenda - only short-term gains and a "happy" electorate that will return them in the next election!
Catherine (not verified)
Tue, 2008-11-18 08:41
Deep in denial
Andrew Stretton (not verified)
Tue, 2008-11-18 20:21
The Amygdala
Hi Catherine,
Sensational Post! Unfortunately, Mr Rudd and his predecessors are all too familiar with the psychology behind 'the amygdala', that part of the human brain that still dominates the masses behavior, primarily from the perspectives of 'fear and greed'. I know, he said those words recently in relation to the so called 'financial crisis', but I wrote the original article entitled 'Fear and Greed', for Margo Kingston's Web Diary, back in 2002. If you'd like me to post a copy to 'Can Do Better', let me know.
Anyhow, we can only hope that one day the masses will reach the point where they can engage their frontal cortex in order to 'think' with a degree of consciousness, about these issues. Humankind has unfortunately, only managed this level of awareness three (3) times in its entire history. None of those occasions were driven by people who desired the 'scientific management' of the people. Those occasions were educed by philosophers!
Alas, I fear my time may well end before I see the Renaissance!
Kindest Regards
Greg (not verified)
Sun, 2008-11-23 15:26
Re: Vivienne's observation,
James Sinnamon
Sun, 2008-11-23 16:39
No choice but to engage with 'complex and remote' institutions
I largely agree with Greg's comment.
However, the danger is the implication contained within it that it may be altogether impossible for grass-roots activists to stop our society heading towards the cliff as it appears to be because of the scale of our political structures which are the consequence of overpopulation. As Greg put it:
It may prove to be correct that we simply won't be able to 'successfully manage complex socio-political conditions', but we don't yet know that for certain and unless we do we stand no chance of being able to pull our society back from the brink.
So, it is imperative that all of us engage together with other like-minded people with whatever political institutions we can until we have taken control of those institutions out of the hands of our global wealthy elites before it is too late.
Ideally it should happen in local communities where the scale of political institutions are (or were before the enforced council amalgamations of 2007 in Queensland). However, this is not possible for many. Often the local communities themselves have become corrupted and grass-roots activists find themselves in the minorities and often ostracised at that. Even when this is not the case, local Governments can still be over-ruled by their state and federal governments who tend to be more firmly in the pockets of corporations.
So, one way or another, we have no choice but to engage with these 'complex and remote' institutions such as state governments, federal governments and even such international governance bodies as the United Nations.
Copyright notice: Reproduction of this material is encouraged as long as the source is acknowledged.
Greg (not verified)
Sun, 2008-11-23 17:54
The practical implication of social scale and consciousness
anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2008-11-23 21:40
In a word, Relocalise
Andrew Stretton (not verified)
Mon, 2008-11-24 13:24
The Amygdala
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