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A link to the video, embedded below, was posted to a FaceBook discussion started by Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the United Nations with the comment, "Sorry Miss Ambassador but I don't see in this recent video taken on February 2014 that people are rejecting Assad".
After March 2011, when the insurgency against the Syrian Government began, the mainstream media and much of the supposed alternate newsmedia have attempted to depict the government of President Bashar al-Assad as a corrupt and brutal regime hated by the people of Syria.
If the Syrian government was as hated by the Syrian people as Samantha Power and the newsmedia have been claiming for most of the last three years, how could it have held on to power for more than a few months? This alone shows the mainstream media foreign 'reporters' to have been lying about Syria as they lied about Libya and, before that, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Since March 2011, there have frequently been public demonstrations by large numbers of Syrians, showing their support for their Government and calling on the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their allies to stop supplying weapons to the foreign insurgents. On such demonstration occurred only 2 days ago. It is shown in the embedded Youtube video below.
At the moment the Syrian Army is winning the war, but they have won at the terrible cost of 130,000 lives lost so far in almost three years. There can be no guarantee that even a people as resilient as the Syrians have shown themselves to be, can continue to fight and sacrifice themselves indefinitely against the hordes of foreign mercenaries and jihadist terrorists being sent to Syria.
Furthermore, if the US-instigated regime change succeeds in Ukraine, Syria's ally Russia will be weakened and less able to support her.
Unlike Australia and Greece, #SyriaDefiesImf">Syria refused to bow to the dictates of the IMF
The only guarantee of victory for Syria in the longer term, is for the people of the Western nations, from which the terrorists are being supplied, to hold those governments to account through the Internet, the mass media and public protests and ultimately to throw them from office. A story on PressTV story Greek workers hold anti-austerity demo in Athens (25/2/2014) gives much cause for hope.
One reason for the hostility of the Western Military Alliance is that the Syrian Government, unlike the Greek Government, refused to be dictated to by the likes of Christine Lagarde, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF which dictated these economically ruinous austerity policies to the Greek Government. (Iceland also defied the dictates of the IMF in September 2013 and found it was able to overcome its economic difficulties far better than other other countries which had accepted IMF loans and the attached conditions.)
One reason for the hostility of the Western Military Alliance is that the Syrian Government, unlike the Greek Government, refused to be dictated to by the likes of Christine Lagarde, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund which dictated these austerity policies to the Greek Government. Christine Lagarde appeared on ABC Television's Q & A program on Tuesday 18 February in order to defend her policies before a studio and domestic audience. The IMF is still dictated by the arcane Friedmanite dogma that by sacking public servants and slashing government services, the supposedly more efficient private sector will fill the gap left and provide the services far more cost-effectively, thereby increasing prosperity for all.
Christine Lagarde's case fared badly against some well-worded questions from members of the audience. Had the discussion been allowed to proceed to its conclusion in more time than the one hour allowed by Q & A, Lagarde would have been completely demolished.
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