Comments made on the previous Miscellaneous comments page from 1 May 2013 can be found here.
If you have anything you would like to raise, which is likely to be of interest to our site's visitors, which is not addressed by other articles, please add your comments here.
This comment page is now read only. Please add comments here 14 Aug 2013 - Ed.
Geoffrey Taylor
Thu, 2013-05-30 21:59
Cellphones, wireless Internet & computer devices a health hazard
This was first published earlier today on YouTube by PravdaTV on 30 May 2013 as Wireless Internet dangerous healthwise.
In recent years, a greater and greater proportion of computer devices -- network routers, network switches, even, keyboards, mice, earphones and microphones -- have been manufactured in wireless versions rather than in the old-fashioned cabled versions. I have personally always bought and used cabled devices rather than wireless devices, often going to considerable trouble to do so. I did this because I had intuitively feared that the digital radio signals that would inevitably have to pass through my body as a result of my using such devices could only have been detrimental to the cells of my flesh and body organs.
For practical reasons, I have seen no choice but to continue to use a mobile mobile phones, but I would have chosen not if I had been given alternatives such as, for example, larger numbers of public phones.
The video below, appears to confirm that my intuitive fear of radio controlled devices was correct.
Sat, 2013-06-01 13:00
policies and sources on wireless, mob phones, computers ...
This film seems to be about room-fulls of wireless computers, running all day, rather than one or two computers as we have at home. The experiment with the plant seeds is totally inconclusive unless it is reproduced many times. I mean, the seeds could have failed to shoot for all kinds of reasons.
These arguments I am making are not to say there is not a possibility that this claim is true, but that the report is unconvincing - albeit that a room full of wireless machines and small children does seem pretty counter- intuitive to anyone with common sense. Geoffrey is right, of course, fundamentally, to suggest that new sources of any kind of wave have to have some kind of effect. As to what that effect is ... well, we don't know.
France did some studies of mobile phone waves and came to more rigorous conclusions than anglophone countries i.e. that there is a good chance they are doing damage to living cells. and a need for a precautionary approach.
See this Wikipedia article at
Vivienne Ortega
Fri, 2013-05-31 09:35
Greenpeace plea to save our Great Barrier Reef
Geoffrey Taylor
Fri, 2013-05-31 14:05
Barrier Reef destruction must also become Federal election issue
Fri, 2013-05-31 22:25
New web-site:
Stop Population Growth Now
Sat, 2013-06-01 18:27
Gillard offers $15m to help Ford workers
Wed, 2013-06-05 12:57
"Make it Possible" bags not possible in Coles
Thu, 2013-06-06 11:17
ACF promote eating kangaroo meat!
Sun, 2013-06-09 16:42
US-Mexican border now being destroyed to suit globalists' agenda
The broadcast, from Alex Jones', shows how the Mexican government, which previoulsy acted to impoverish Mexican farmers by stealing their land, is now working with the US Government to destroy rthe US/Mexicon border in order to make Canada, the US and Mexico into a single country.
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2013-06-10 11:05
Generic and global citizenship - destroys traditional values
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2013-06-17 10:51
ASUS keyboards unusable - spread the word
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2013-06-17 10:58
Agree - ASUS keyboards are rubbish
Mon, 2013-06-17 11:43
Public hip pockets being gouged for economic growth
Mon, 2013-06-17 22:07
Albury-Wodonga Border Mail reports the truth about Syria
On 11 June 2013, the Albury-Wodonga Border Mail (See your ad here) published by local journalist David MacIlwaine.
Unlike most Australian media coverage, MacIlwaine accurately reports the conflict in Syria as another attempt at "regime change" (by the same parties guilty of murdering 3.3 million Iraqis since 1990 with bombing, invasion, death squads, disease and starvation caused by sanctions).
Unlike the tragic cases of Libya and Iraq, the Syrian people and the government of President al-Assad have kept the upper hand against the West's terrorist glove puppets:
David Macilwaine concludes:
I heard the rally in Sydney reported only once briefly ABC NewsRadio at 9:30AM on Saturday 15 June 2013. It was also reported that the protestors rejected John Kerry's lying claim that President al-Assad had used poison gas against this own people. A longer and well illustrated report of the large rally has since appeared on 16 June on the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2013-06-20 10:22
Syria is an example of global threat of military intervention
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned against any attempt at foreign military intervention in Syria, stressing that the move would only make the situation worse. The Russian president also defended his country’s decision to deliver advanced S-300 air defense missile systems to the Syrian government, saying it complies with the international law and will help to tilt the balance of power in the region. He, however, said that Russia has not yet fulfilled the contract, which was signed a few years ago.
11,000 deaths of women and children has been documented thus far in the conflict, some 7,500 have died as a result of regime aerial bombardment and shelling of their towns and neighbourhoods.
Editorial comment: Even some who rightly oppose NATO's terrorist war against Syria will sometimes unwittingly use language of anti-Syrian-government propagandists, for example, 'regime'. All the evidence as even NATO has acknowledged, shows that the Syrian government is overwhelmingly supported by the Syrian people. As the anti-government terrorists often hide in apartment blocks and use the residents as human shields, the Syrian government often faces no choice but to bombard the apartment blocks.
Humanitarian concerns are usually put forward as a key justification for intervention in other nations, but the real reasons why the US decides to act usually involves broader considerations, such as maintaining regional stability or upholding the cohesion of Nato and other Western-led military alliances.
The US also used secret arms supplies to rebels and no-fly zones as key policy instruments even if these ran contrary to international law restrictions.
US President Barack Obama had authorized lethal aid to the rebels for the first time, after Washington said it had conclusive evidence that the regime of Bashar al-Assad had used chemical weapons. Syria and Russia have accused Obama of fabricating the evidence.
Russia is standing in stark opposition to any sort of resolution so far put forth by other nations present, especially the United States. Iran's President-Elect, Hassan Rowhani, warned against foreign intervention in Syria, insisting that the strife-torn country's crisis should be resolved by its own people. There might be some visionary advantages of globalisation, but not any nation's globalisation of conflict and wars and military intervention.
Thu, 2013-06-20 09:16
Meters wide plumes of methane gas from Arctic permafrost
Fri, 2013-06-21 00:57
Michael Hastings, ‘Rolling Stone’ writer, killed in car accident
From Global Research of 9 June 2013:
Michael Hastings, ‘Rolling Stone’ Contributor, Dead at 33
The bold journalist died in a car accident in Los Angeles
Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles, Rolling Stone has learned. He was 33.
Hastings' unvarnished 2010 profile of McChrystal in the pages of Rolling Stone, "The Runaway General," captured the then-supreme commander of the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan openly mocking his civilian commanders in the White House. The maelstrom sparked by its publication concluded with President Obama recalling McChrystal to Washington and the general resigning his post. "The conduct represented in the recently published article does not meet the standard that should be met by – set by a commanding general," Obama said, announcing McChrystal’s departure. "It undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system."...
Thu, 2013-06-27 13:52
Fires causing smoke and pollution in South East Asia
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2013-07-02 23:31
Japan's whaling - they are not answerable to anyone!
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2013-07-04 11:48
Asylum Seekers from Iran "economic migrants"
Iranians become the leading group of asylum seeker arrivals and the massive numbers of Sri Lankan seen last year shrink dramatically. Government records show 1079 Iranians have made the trip to Australia by boat in 2013, taking top place from Sri Lanka, from where 6428 people arrived in 2012.
Iranians gain relatively painless entry to Indonesia, with the Middle Eastern country on the list of those whose nationals are able to acquire a visa on arrival. That has meant that Iranians ultimately seeking to arrive in Australia by boat are able to conduct the stretch of the journey as far as Indonesia without legal difficulty.
Early indications are that many of the Iranians arrivals are middle-class residents of big cities such as Tehran who have been able to summon up the tens of thousands of dollars to pay a people smuggler for a chance at entry to Australia. As essentially economic refugees, they face little chance of their claim being accepted.
Iranian numbers swelling on asylum seeker list of 11 Jan 2012 on crikey,
Senator Carr says there have "been some boats where 100 per cent of them have been people who are fleeing countries where... their motivation is altogether economic". According to the UNHCR, Iran currently recognises almost a million Afghan refugees. In 2008, Iran said it intended to expel 1.5 million Afghans it considered to be illegally in the country.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees regional head Richard Towle attacked Bob Carr's claims the majority of Iranian asylum-seekers were seeking improved economic circumstances. The problem is due to sheer numbers and costs, causing a need to refine what "asylum seekers" really are. Bob Carr is quite right that economics could play a part in the displacement of nationals from their homelands.
Human population numbers are set to continue to swell by 2 billion more by 2050, and as a result there will be conflicts over finite resources, causing wars and revolutions. Along with climate change and failing food supplies, migrations of entire nations will soon take place as people begin to flee their homelands to seek asylum elsewhere.
GREG BARNES from the Australian Lawyers Alliance says that one of the other things that Mr Carr seems to be confusing is the fact that economic oppression can amount to persecution. "Economic oppression" could include billions of potential refugees who are denied jobs
Asylum seeker lawyer says more compensation is inevitable for detainees! ... on ABC Radio National's The World Today of 2 July 2013.
The latest figures from the Immigration Department show that in the past year the Government has paid out almost a million dollars in compensation to detainees who allege they've been wrongfully held or injured in detention.
There is a deep concern in the community that Labor is allowing migration intake to run out of control. We now have over 200,00 new skilled and family-reunion migrants a year net, along with uncapped temporary migrants, in Australia.
There is a need to have an orderly refugee process, and we certainly have credentials as a compassionate nation. However, we have to protect our borders from unsustainable surging asylum seeker numbers at a time when our cities are already under considerable population pressure.
We need a tough, strong border protection policy, and a redefinition of who qualifies as needing asylum, but there needs to be some rational debate on priorities. Permanent economic migrants arriving at airports each day are shielded because a relatively small number of asylum seekers hijack the "immigration" debate.
Fairfax Media understands that Australia is speaking to Iran and the UN refugee agency, the UNHCR, about how failed asylum-seekers can be returned to that country.
Read more: Rudd plan to return failed refugees to Iran in the Canberra Times of 2 July 2103.
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 2013-07-05 13:45
Rudd visits Indonesia to talk about live exports
Mr Rudd is meeting with the Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Jakarta today, and the beef trade is expected to be high on the agenda.
Rudd talks beef with Indonesia of 5 July 2013 on ABC News
It's assumed that by securing supply chains from Australia, our beef can help "feed the world". There are rising protein levels required in Indonesia, and Kevin Rudd is believes the live export industry represent a "huge opportunity" for us, despite Indonesia recently considering being more self sufficient in food.
What's really chilling is that Rudd said that "I think the first thing he needs to say is apologise to the people to the government and to the Indonesians for what the Australian Government did when they stopped the trade without talking to them". Cattle were routinely smashing their heads on concrete plinths, having their eyes gouged, tails broken, and throats brutally hacked at in Indonesian abattoirs.
If we apologise for ending their stabbing, torture and atrocities to the animals we sent there is an insult to sanity and any humane standards of animal welfare. An ‘apology’ will also send a damaging message to importing countries that trade relations are more important than stopping animal abuse.
Australian Livestock Exporters' Council chief executive, Alison Penfold, says halting exports would be premature and damaging to Australia's relationship with Vietnam. There's not mention of the lack of transparency and mismanagement of the industry that allowed the shameful atrocities to being in the first place!
Australia can't provide "food security" for the world. Cattle are starving now because of drought, and we are they driest country with a rapidly rising population.
According to Animals Australia, live export represents just 0.3% of Australia's total exports. The chilled meat trade is worth nearly 6 times more to the economy. The vast majority of jobs currently supported by the live trade would still exist if livestock were being sent to local markets. Ending live export would in fact create jobs in Australia through increased domestic processing.
PostGrowthEra (not verified)
Fri, 2013-07-12 18:02
Kevin Rudd's Press Club speech: full transcript
The Federal election campaign lacks substance, is full of vague policies, heavy reliance on personalities rather than programs, clashes with the Opposition, and vague praise for our great economy!
Kevin Rudd said in his Press Club speech that "Our population should continue to be supported by a strong migration policy designed to mitigate the effects of our ageing population..."
Read more: Kevin Rudd's Press Club speech: full transcript of 1 July 2013 in the Sydney Morning Herald at .
Thanks to a unique history, our economic growth and our nation's foundation was forged through immigration - as an immigration nation. It's naively assumed that what we gained from it can continue to be propagated at our present times, contrary to empirical evidence that we are far from benefiting from our ongoing population growth.
That someone presumably as educated, and intelligent, as Kevin Rudd can actually believe that ongoing immigration can dilute our ageing population shows lack of strategic thinking, the ability to adjust his thinking from the past, and naively project it into the future. It's pure Ponzi Demographic- and growth now will mean lower wages, higher unemployment, a further blowout of homelessness and housing costs, and further demands on natural resources which will mean loosening our environmental protection policies even further. Comment: To attribute Kevin Rudd's actions to naïveté is being too kind to him in my opinion. See also Julia Gillard's attempt to enable effective scrutiny of candidates threatened vested interests of 28 June,- Ed
Joseph Chamie, the former head of the United Nations population division, has been quoted as saying: "Like all Ponzi schemes, Ponzi demography is unsustainable. Among its primary tactics, it exploits the fear of population decline and ageing. Without a young and growing population we are warned of becoming a nation facing financial ruin and a loss of national power". The irrational fear of ageing is being exploited, and ignores the fact that it's not only baby-boomers who are ageing, but migrants too!
The next generation will have an even bigger ageing population, and if the same logic is applied, are they then also to have even a bigger immigration program to compensate for it? It's a dangerous, lethal the idiotic human pyramid - one that will collapse under the weight of our own biomass!
Wed, 2013-07-17 13:46
Plea to protect whales from "scientific research" whaling : HSI
Thu, 2013-07-18 16:11
Jump in kangaroo collisions in Canberra
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 2013-07-22 10:19
Immigration Department audits reveal large-scale fraud of visas
Tue, 2013-07-23 09:41
Koalas face carnage as loggers harvest timber plantations
Vivienne Ortega
Wed, 2013-07-24 17:18
Koalas being killed in foreign owned plantations
Sheila Cross (not verified)
Fri, 2013-07-26 09:41
Open Letter on the Indefensible
Mon, 2013-07-29 08:30
Petition: McDonald's abandon plans for McDonald's in Tecoma
Tue, 2013-07-30 13:30
Orang-utans evolving to come down from trees
Wed, 2013-07-31 18:17
Russia's ban on importing kangaroo meat applauded: AJP
July 2013
It has been confirmed with the Animal Justice Party by Yury Aleshin, Chief of the Agriculture Ministry at the Russian Embassy, that Russia has again imposed a full ban on the importation of kangaroo meat from Australia on grounds of fraudulent and deceptive conduct.
Following an investigation and seizure of containers containing 1,860kg of meat it was discovered the meat was sourced from unapproved plants via unregistered companies owned by Macro meats. The decision follows two former bans in 2008 and 2009 after major contamination was detected.
This will help bring this grotesquely brutal, rogue industry to an end. A core goal of the Animal Justice Party for the current election campaign is now well on the way to being achieved.
Both Labor and the Coalition have provided significant financial and lobbying support for the kangaroo killing industry to access overseas markets in recent years. This was in return for votes in rural areas. Until now, Russia was the largest importer of kangaroo meat which was enough to keep this brutal, unregulated and heavily subsidised industry operational.
“The kangaroo killing industry is an international disgrace and has been the main contributor to Australia having the unenviable distinction of the highest rate of land-based wildlife slaughter on the planet”, said AJP President Professor Steve Garlick.
“The end of this industry is now in sight thanks to the Russian Government. But there is no thanks to Labor and the Coalition who actively propped up this industry, or to the Greens who have failed to oppose this brutal industry. The Greens have never supported Australia’s iconic fauna emblem.” said Professor Garlick.
Animal Justice Party members played a key role in providing evidence to Russian Government officials in order to help them in their decision to ban these imports from Australia.
A full list of AJP policies, including its policy on kangaroos and wallabies, and its manifesto can be found at:
For further information please email or tweet us @justice4animals.
Media Enquiries: Professor Steve Garlick – AJP President – 0428 880 564
Mark Pearson - lead Senate candidate for NSW – 0417 252 107
Wed, 2013-07-31 18:48
The Business Council of Australia: Ponzi pyramid economics
The Business Council of Australia (BCA) is proposing to reduce the corporate tax rate from 30% to 25%.
To make up for lost revenue, company tax revenue would be replaced by increasing and expanding the GST so all Australians would pay more for our basic essentials such as food, education and health care.
The Grattan Institute estimates this would add another $3000 a year to average household costs.
They're also proposing to slash penalty rates and reduce the minimum wage for workers, meaning you would have less money in your pocket to pay bills and feed your family. This is to create more "prosperity" for Australia, and create a future surplus.
They would increase immigration too.
It's pure Ponzi economics, a way of getting working Australians to participate in the scheme so that more of their hard-earned saving and wages drift into corporate hands - those at its peak!
Only dodgy and questionable organisations rely on population growth for their revenues. It's about accumulating consumers, as business resources, to boost business profits and opportunities. There's no guarantee of jobs for the migrants they would like to import.
And homebuyers would be invited to pay even more, by introducing a new land tax on home owner-occupiers.
Mitigating an ageing population by adding would mean a further ageing deficit for the next generation. It's Ponzi demographics and is intellectually dishonest.
Financial and corporations, and collectives such as this business "council", make demands and create reports that suit their vested interests.
Fri, 2013-08-02 09:14
Over-density of koalas - causing their own demise!
Sat, 2013-08-03 11:13
Mining at Tarkine approved, despite Tasmanian Devils
Thu, 2013-08-08 09:19
Wildlife forgotten in the election grab-bag
Fri, 2013-08-09 14:13
Sat, 2013-08-10 10:36
World Vasectomy Day October 18th 2013
Mon, 2013-08-12 10:08
Lab grown Meat - a success
Sheila Newman
Mon, 2013-08-12 13:08
lab grown meat creepy way to grow human pop even more
Tue, 2013-08-13 10:25
Fury over news that annual electricity bills will average $2000