Poem: Christmas time for koalas

said Blinky Bill to Heather
And share a branch of Christmas leaves.
No matter what the weather
Each spring I feel a tinge of grief when magnolia buds appear.
For I never see the glorious display I yearn for every year.
I might see a hint of pink withstanding every storm
But the elaborate blooms I see next door on my tree are still- born.
I know who is responsible, a possum small and shy,
I feed him in the vain hope that he will my tree pass by,
Although my ploy has never worked I keep it up from habit
And I never In my wildest dreams would take my knife and stab it!
I met him one night on the fence; he froze upon his feet
What right had I to stand right there when he was passing on his beat?
In all the years I've felt the need to leave him something yummy,
He never speaks and never looks, just puts it in his tummy.
From today at start of spring my blooms may have a chance,
I saw some fur upon the lawn and from my window looked askance,
Oh what awful savagery has happened in my tame garden?
I must go outside and know the truth, my feelings I must harden!
Yes, torn and ripped my possum lies all spread out on the grass
His stomach, full is tossed aside, no use to he who broke his fast
Looking up, a butcher bird with innocent expression
Too small is he to do this deed but will not say no to its digestion!
Minutes on I saw a large black crow alighting on the scene
Pulling apart from near the heart the meat that had once been
Little ring tail quiet and shy, no personality to speak of
But meant the world to his family who now can only think of.........
I thought I'd write you all a letter,
I don't think things are any better
Today, all day is New Year's day
So I'll reflect and have my say.
Has my lot improved in this past year?
Let's look at things, perhaps shed a tear.
My shares are down, there's no more growth
(a thing of which we've often spoke, )
Although I'm rich I'm getting poorer
Could I end up the sewer?
I saw a man down at the shops
with a cardboard cup, one of his props.
He arranged himself right by the door
Begging for coins outside the store
This man was young and tall and strong
Or so he seemed as I came along
To a woman I heard him say
(as she asked if he'd seen better days )
"the government just will not listen
as I approach them they seem more distant
My plight is clear for all to see
My needs persist and nothing's free."
This kind of scene is commonplace
we come across it face to face
Unknown in Melbourne in 84,
Poverty should be against the law
The day is bathed in warm sunlight
It's quiet, peaceful as though at night,
No breeze disturbs the tepid air
A distant bird sings his song with flair
In many ways its like back then
If I pretend the man was not there when
I went to Coles to do my shopping
Hoping I would not be stopping
To concern my self with someone else
Never seen before, not like myself
And there we'll go but for God' s grace
if we can't make this a better place.
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