(See also RFK Junior Twitter posts (4/5/23) and US Action 4 Assange) In stark contrast to the Australian government and all but a handful of MPs and Senators, Robert F Kennedy Junior, son of Senator Robert F Kennedy (3/1/1925 - 6/6/1988), has, since he announced, on 19 April 2023, that he was seeking the nomination to be the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States, repeatedly condemned both current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump for their efforts to illegally extradite Julian Assange from London to the United States. In the US, Assange will almost certainly be made to face 175 years in prison in solitary confinement. This penalty is for Assange's supposed breach of the US 1917 Espionage Act when he is not even a US citizen!
James Sinnamon
Mon, 2023-05-08 01:44
His views on COVID-19 vaccination reason to oppose RFK junior?
I posted the comment further below in response to:
The above was posted beneath Australian prime minister feigns concern for Assange but defends “national security” secrecy (/5/5/23) | wsws by Oscar Grenfell, in response to an earlier comment in which I agreed with what was written in that article. My response to the above comment follows:
If RFK junior's views on COVID-19 and vaccination are so bad, that would surely be made evident in the televised debate that RFK Junior wants to be held between all who are contesting the Democratic Party pre-selection to be that party's presidential candidate.
However, the Democratic Party National Committee (DNC) has refused to allow this debate. Even if we disagreed with RFK Junior's views on COVID-19 and vaccination, should we not support a candidate who wants to end the shipment of billions of dollars worth of US weapons to the Zilenskyy regime in Kiev and close down all foreign US bases as well as free Assange?
Perhaps the editors of this World Socialist Web Site should ask someone to write an article here about the 2024 US Presidential elections. To article could explain whether or not any of the candidates for pre-selection in either the Democratic or Republican parties deserve support or, indeed, whether or not workers in the US and the rest of the world have any stake in the outcome of these elections.
James Sinnamon
Wed, 2023-05-17 16:57
Biden cancels Australia visit out of fear of Assange supporters?
The following was posted to Faceboook in response to the article VIDEO: Quad meeting called off after Joe Biden cancels visit(17/5/2023) | ABC News:
Joe is too afraid of Australians and so he should be!!! We want our man back HOME and NOW!!! QUAD maybe CANCELLED but we will still be in SYDNEY FOR EVENT ON 24TH MAY AT 10AM HYDE PARK SYDNEY!
Thu, 2023-06-08 01:11
Ilhan Omar can best help free Assange by supporting RFK junior
I posted the following to a the US Action 4 Assange Facebook page:
It seems to me that the best way that Ilhan Omar and other US supporters of Julian Assange can help win his freedom is to support RFK Junior's campaign to be the Democratic Party's candidate in the November 2024 Presidential elections. To find out how outspoken RFK Junior has been, please see his and related Twitter Pages https://twitter.com/rfk4potus https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr https://twitter.com/hashtag/Kennedy24?src=hashtag_click - and long Video Discussions with RFK Junior, for example, "Live Discussion Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Elon Musk: Presidential Candidate" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db9tSsFIfuA "Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat | Robert F. Kennedy Jr." at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1h5AhrDajI , etc., etc.
RFK Junior faces the same crooked Democratic National Committee which suppressed (bizarrely, with Sanders' own collusion) the 2016 grassroots campaign to make Bernie Sanders the Democrat Presidential campaign, but with RFK Junior's leadership and with a sufficiently large grass-roots campaign, he could succeed.
Whilst January 2025 when, hopefully, President Robert Francis Kennedy junior will be inaugurated, seems too long to wait for Assange to be freed, RFK junior's campaign should still greatly help to lift the profile of the Assange campaign, including here, in Australia[1] and quite possibly make the difference necessary to free him.
[1] Here, In Australia, Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has, so far, since he assumed the office of PM in May 2022, failed to use the power vested in him as the leader of a sovereign state to end the illegal imprisonment of Julina Assange Assange
Mon, 2023-07-10 13:06
US Assange supporters should support RFK Junior, not a Green!
The following is in response to a US Action for Assange Facebook post:
Robert F. Kennedy Junior is far more capable or acting to free Assange than could Cornel West be by standing as a Greens candidate. How, given the idiocy of US 'instant runoff' voting, could Cornel West facilitating Donald Trump's victory over Joe Biden (or vice versa) possibly help free Julian Assange?
To be better informed, please visit RFK Junior's Twitter page at https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr . See also Help America put another Kennedy in the White House to free Julian Assange (5 May 23 - artcle above).
When RFK Junior becomes the Democrat Party nominee, I sure hope that Cornel West has the good sense to step aside and throw his support support behind RFK Junior.
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