Democratic Party
Help America put another Kennedy in the White House to free Julian Assange
(See also RFK Junior Twitter posts (4/5/23) and US Action 4 Assange) In stark contrast to the Australian government and all but a handful of MPs and Senators, Robert F Kennedy Junior, son of Senator Robert F Kennedy (3/1/1925 - 6/6/1988), has, since he announced, on 19 April 2023, that he was seeking the nomination to be the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States, repeatedly condemned both current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump for their efforts to illegally extradite Julian Assange from London to the United States. In the US, Assange will almost certainly be made to face 175 years in prison in solitary confinement. This penalty is for Assange's supposed breach of the US 1917 Espionage Act when he is not even a US citizen!
RFK Junior for President Twitter posts
Video: Tucker Carlson opposes United States' war against Iran, high immigration, ...
Except for his unfortunate argument over abortion with Sonia Ossorio (pictured right), President of the New York City Chapter of the National Organisation for Women (NOW), I found myself in almost complete agreement with Tucker Carlson in his 24 July episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight (38 minutes in length). This episode includes debate and discussion of a number of important developments and issues in United States politics - border control, abortion and the ongoing attempts by the establishment, supported by the Democrats, 'leftists' and even much of the Republican Party, to oust President Trump. Carlson interviewed and debated Jeff Weaver a spokesperson for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a socialist in the Democratic Party. Also, early in this episode, Tucker Carlson (pictured left) argued strongly and in great detail why he was opposed to war against Iran.
Sonia and the NOW support the right of women to control their own fertility, including the right to abortion. Unfortunately, Tucker Carlson is emotively opposed to the "killing of unborn children" and argued quite fiercely against Sonia Ossorio. In spite of his shouting over her and even cutting her off at the end, it seemed to me that Sonia Ossorio won the short debate.
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