Australian SBS News 'reports' that East Ukraine self-defence forces shot down MH17
This article includes links to evidence which proves that claims made by Tony Abott, Petro Poroshenko and SBS that East Ukrainian rebels killed the 298 crew and passengers aboard MH17, including 38 Australians, were untrue.

On the SBS news service of 11 December 2014 it was reported uncritically that visiting Ukrainian President President Petro Poroshenko and his host Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott had urged Russia to withdraw the troops they claim had invaded Ukraine. SBS also urged that those guilty of murdering 38 Australians amongst the 298 who were aboard flight MH17 be brought to justice. They said that pro-Russian rebels had fired the alleged surface-to-air missile that had allegedly shot down Flight MH17. ABC Australia has recently apologised for similar prejudiced reporting, admitting it had no evidence, see: ABC Australia apologises for bias against Russia in reporting MH17 crash. Neither Poroshenko, Abbott, or the SBS 'reporter' however, acknowledge that no evidence has been produced to confirm this claim. Furthermore, there is much forensic and eyewitness testimony that strongly indicates that flight MH17 was shot down by a pair of Ukraine Air Force Sukhoi 25 fighters.
Claims that Russian soldiers have invaded Ukraine have been parroted by the Western newsmedia, including SBS news, for months, but evidence of this has never been produced.
The implicit assumption is that the East Ukrainians self-defence forces could not have defeated the Ukrainian army without help from armed forces from elsewhere.
The alternative explanation which is consistent with the evidence is that the Ukraine army has been defeated because
(1) the self-defence forces have a more intimate knowledge of the land which they are defending and (2) they enjoy the support of the local people. This has never been considered on SBS news.
Biased SBS reports about this development in the Ukraine conflict include:
- PM talks uranium sales to Ukraine (11 Dec 14)
- Aust looks to sell uranium to Ukraine (11 Dec 14)
- MH17 on agenda for Ukraine president visit (10 Dec 14)
- Ukraine's Poroshenko to visit Australia (3 Dec 14)
In the aforementioned "ABC Australia apologises for bias against Russia in reporting MH17 crash", the ABC 7.30 report wrote this in response to a complaint:
"7.30 has acknowledged your concern and agrees it was inaccurate for the program to state as fact that flight MH17 was shot down by “Pro-Russian militia” and “Russian backed rebels”. The program understands the cause of that incident remains unresolved and is the subject of ongoing investigation."
Appendix: Factually wrong 'reporting' from the above stories.
From MH17 on agenda for Ukraine president visit
The passenger jet was shot down over eastern Ukraine in July by pro-Russian rebels who are waging a war against government forces.
Mr Abbott has pointed the finger at Russia, accusing it of providing the missile and military support to the rebels, threatening Ukraine's territorial integrity.
#MH17Evidence">Editorial comment. A growing mountain of evidence shows that the most plausible explanation is that MH17 was downed by Ukraine Air Force Sukhoi 25 fighter aircraft. Articles which describe this and attempts to prevent a proper investigation include:
Netherlands rejects MH17 relatives' request for UN investigation – RT News (9/12/14), Ukraine, A "Suspect in Crime" involved in the MH17 Criminal Investigation – Global Research (3/12/14), Families of MH17 victims 'demand UN takes over Dutch investigation' – RT News (5/12/14), Malaysia excluded from MH17 probe – for 'not pointing fingers at Russia'? – RT News (28/11/14), MH17: Malaysia's Barring from Investigation Reeks of Cover-up – Land Destroyer (28/11/14), MH17 Witnesses Tell BBC They Saw Ukrainian Jet. BBC Deletes Video. – Global Research (30/11/14), Mother of German MH17 crash victim sues Ukraine in EU court – RT News (30/11/14), The Downing of Flight MH17: Why is Malaysia Not Part of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT)? – Global Research (24/11/14), Camouflage and Coverup: The Dutch Commission Report on the Malaysian MH17 Crash is "Not Worth the Paper it's Written On" – Global Research (11/9/14) and Revelations of German Pilot: Shocking Analysis of the "Shooting Down" of Malaysian MH17. "Aircraft Was Not Hit by a Missile – Global Research (29/9/14) by Peter Hasienko, MH17: Nations Conspire To Keep Investigations Classified – Leaked Document Reveals – International Business Times (27/8/14), The MH-17 Satellite Photos – Who Can Be Trusted? – Global Research (18/11/14),Dutch government refuses to reveal 'secret deal' into MH17 crash probe – RT News (20/11/14), MH-17 ‘Investigation': Secret August 8th Agreement Seeps Out – RINF Alternative News (24/8/14), Why Does the West Allow the Ukrainian Government to Write the Official Report on the Shoot-Down of MH-17? – Global Research (21/11/14).
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