white helmets

Twitter posts by Malthusista

This page is a backups of posts to Twitter by from 4 October 2020. Twitter posts by other candobetter authors are linked to from .

() Extradition Hearing mistrial - Chris Hedges interviews former British Ambassador Craig Murray. (embedded in above article) His exhaustive reporting has become one of the few sources of reliable information about the hearing.

() (28/9/20) The Duran as fights extradition over 100 eminent political figures, including 13 past & present heads of state, denounced its illegality.

() Also posted to: Liveblog updates on Assange extradition trial @ wikileaks Whilst I welcome Jeremy Corbyn’s name being on the list, I don’t recall where he ever once said a word about whilst he was Opposition leader.


Twitter posts by Malthusista on Venezuela


9 December 2020: In response to

after propping up that fart Guaido and sending mercenaries on a coup a few months ago is frankly hilarious.

by , Malthusista

Leader of the UK-US funded adjunct group the , Khaled al-Saleh and his family, have arrived in - good luck German people

by , Malthusista

" id="dilyana">Dilyana Gaytandzhieva

Dilyana's site is .

without their consent?

Tweets by Christine Assange

11am +11, 20 Dec 2020 ">This account now has 59,000 followers interested in my son journalist Julian Assange & the " Campaign

Will again wipe 5,000 off again overnight... at a crucial moment in the fight to free him or let it reach 60,000?

12:30pm +11, 20 Dec 2020 by Malthusista: ">If Twitter cannot trust us to use our own best judgement, then perhaps it's time for a government of good intent to set up an alternative. Would Russia or Iran, who produce and than in the West, rise to the challenge? It would surely cost them only a small fraction of what they are now having to spend to defend themselves against the war plans of the U.S., Israel and their allies.